Themed Mixtape Game

Messiah Force - White Night
Not only is this amazing earnest/corny traditional heavy metal I haven't heard before (already an area of interest), but it also fits the theme both literally and metaphorically.

Dissection - In the Cold Winds of Nowhere

Rage - Don't Fear the Winter

Pestilence - Suspended Animation


Obliveon - Frosted Avowals


Thin Lizzy - Cold Sweat

Antidote - 3rd Time in Greenland

Sorcier Des Glaces - North

More transporting than most of the stuff I've heard in this style. Though I'm already in the frozen north so why the fuck would I need to be transported there.

Voivod - Fall
"This introspective, depressive song with literal references to cold weather isn't thematic." - HamburgerBoy

Messiah - Extreme Cold Weather

Having only seen the album cover, I always assumed this was at least a 90s/00s album because it seemed like it was poking fun at black metal's obsession with cold from Mayhem and onward. Actually, this is amazing.

Judas Priest - The entire mediocre stretch of Rocka Rolla submitted as one song because fuck you

"My Sharona" associations have ruined "Cheater" forever.

Immortal - Frozen by Icewinds

If you were gonna go with Pure Holocaust, why not pick the obviously superior The Sun No Longer Rises?
I really like that Messiah Force song as well. I think it drops off towards the end but it's still really cool. Not huge on the vocals but it doesn't really matter.
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Messiah Force - White Night - 7.5/10 This is a cool song. I think the vocals are fine and make it stand out from other bands. It could probably end a bit sooner.
Dissection - In the Cold Winds of Nowhere - 6.5/10 This is good. Not really a style I listen to a lot but the music is great.
Rage - Don't Fear the Winter - 6/10 This is a good song but it doesn't feel very cold to me. I'd rate it a lot better in another theme.
Pestilence - Suspended Animation - 8/10 This is not something that I expected. This is a really creative choice. My kind of death metal for sure.
Oblivion - Frosted Avowals - 7/10 The coolest song title in this round. Cold. I will have to check out this band.
Thin Lizzy - Cold Sweat - 5/10 Not one of their best songs. It feels shoehorned in jusy because of the premise of the title but it isn't cold at all in terms of subject matter.
Antidote - 3rd Time in Greenland - 6/10 I haven't heard of this band. Not bad.
Sorcier des Glaces - North - 5/10 I'm not a fan. I won't deny it being a cold song. Maybe the coldest song here even though I don't like the song.
Voïvod - Fall - 7.5/10 This is a good song. Not an expected choice. Voivod always seems to deliver in any style they choose to play.
Messiah - Extreme Cold Weather - 8/10 This album is actually great even though the album art is goofy. The guitar sound is great. Definitely good for this theme.
Judas Priest - Winter/Deep Freeze/Winter Retreat/Cheater - 7/10 This isn't the coldest song in the playlist and it's a bit longer than it should be. "Cheater" is part of the track and it's loosely on theme. Very unique for Priest anyway.
Immortal - Frozen by Icewinds - 6/10 This almost seems like an obligatory band. The song is pretty good but I don't think that much thought was put into the choice.
Voivod - Fall
"This introspective, depressive song with literal references to cold weather isn't thematic." - HamburgerBoy

What do introspection or depression have to do with coldness? Stop listening to black metal you fuck, it's tainting your sense of aesthetics.

First off, it describes the change from summer to fall, not the middle of winter or something, so the weather thing is relative at most. The use of "cold" does not even explicitly refer to the weather, but even if it did, you may as well submit Where Eagles Dare along those lines. From the "Marching on frozen dreams/On thin ice of self esteem/My heart is cold, I cannot feel/Fall is here, death is near" verse I'll admit it has one section that strongly refers to coldness in a figurative sense, but it's not the bulk of the song. You could just as easily shoehorn the song into a darkness theme with the "Here comes darkness, sooner everyday/And the sky gets confused/the time has come to stay inside/With your monsters in your room" verse. Musically it doesn't feel cold at all to me. I'm not saying it was a horrible pick or anything, I can see its merits, but there are more fitting songs in Voivod's own discography to pick from, and this one could have been put into another playlist much more easily.
Krows a fucking sour puss - you alter your reviews to win the game? make your fucking mind up without seeing others scores you cock
what's that about?

lol good catch, I hadn't been keeping track of his ratings. iirc he's someone that has said before that he tries to play strategically.
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He lowered his score for Pestilence I think. Can't see much different about his other scores.

Probably because it's a really well known album. I don't downrate things like that but I can see why people do.
He lowered his score for Pestilence I think. Can't see much different about his other scores.

Probably because it's a really well known album. I don't downrate things like that but I can see why people do.

I did change it because I thought on it and Pestilence is a pretty "safe" and super obvious choice, which always seems to win these games. Me downrating well known shit isnt exactly something new. I'm annoyed when I play this game and already know half the songs posted.

I'm not sure how it matters anyway, when arg has come in right at the deadline and completely submarined everything but his choice.

I've also been slightly editing the post just for fun since I saw the complaining.