Nokturnal Mortum - Black Moon Overture
I'm looking forward to the obligatory "is this even metal wtf" comment regarding this. I used to love this intro so much as a teenager. 7/10
Mystifier - The Baphometic Goat of Knights Templar in the 12th Century
I love that the lyrics mix history with ridiculous, blaspheming fantasy. TERRIBLE! EVIL! BAPHOMETIC GOAT! 9/10
Maelstrom - A Futile Crusade
This is some seriously spastic, mentaloid bullshit. Not completely irredeemable, though. 6/10
Whetstone - The Message
Nice spirited trad stuff. I remember seeing some people going crazy about this a little while back. Not entirely sure why, but it's cool. 7.5/10
Thou Art Lord - Towers of the Autumn Moon
Before I'd heard Thou Art Lord, the idea of a collaboration between Rotting Christ and Necromantia was Hellenic metal paradise for me. Eosforos never really lived up to my expectations, but I still like it. No idea what this has to do with the medieval period, and it certainly isn't one of the stronger songs from the album. Odd choice. 7/10
Adramelch - Fearful Visions
About as obvious as submitting Metallica or Slayer for this board. I love it too much to care about that. 10/10
Medieval Steel - Medieval Steel
Of course this had to be here. "Medieval steel cuts you like a knife" - fucking genius shit. Cool anthemic song, anyway. 7/10
Holy Knights - The Promise
no. 3/10
Paradox - Massacre of the Cathars
I had this on vinyl for a few years before selling it recently. Solid thrash that never really stuck with me. 6.5/10
Satyricon - Dark Medieval Times
Bog-standard Norwegian black metal until the acoustics and fucking flutes, and then it gets really bad. I guess it fits the theme well, but I hate it. 3/10
Dark Moor - Quest for the Eternal Flame
Significantly more appealing than the Holy Knights song, but this style is absolutely not for me. 5/10
Sacrilegium - Zagubiona Ciemnosc
I probably made at least 50 posts recommending and talking about this album back in the day, and this was easily my favourite track from it. I used to love that section after around 5:25 so much. Good stuff. 8/10
Conan - Thunderhoof
The novelty of the guitar tone wears off pretty quickly. I can't actually sit through 9 fucking minutes of this, sorry. My least liked thing here by miles. 2/10