Themed Mixtape Game

Heh yeah I slept on what to pick and forgot about it in the morning, then when I Looked the playlist was already posted. :)

The NM inclusion actually made me put on Goat Horns today, great album (had it as top #1 ever for a long time in my life) but as No Country said, it's so much nostalgia for me as NM is probably one of the bands I've listened to the most in my whole life and it just conjures up memories of spamming "lol jews did wtc" on IRC and watching school life anime rather than medieval sceneries.

Is Goat Horns still your favourite NM record? A lot of people seem to say The Voice of Steel is their best these days, but I still fucking love Goat Horns and Lunar Poetry.
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I thought you might enjoy the Mystifier actually, because it still sounds somewhat death metallish even though it's definitely a black metal record.

You know what man, it wasn't terrible. When I rate , I'm thinking that 5 is middle of the road or average. Didn't care for the vocals, the music was just ok to me. I know its something I won't listen to again, hence my score. But definitely not terrible, I can see why people would dig it.

Is Goat Horns still your favourite NM record? A lot of people seem to say The Voice of Steel is their best these days, but I still fucking love Goat Horns and Lunar Poetry.
I probably like Weltanchauung the most actually, kind of controversial I guess? It just came out at the right time for me. Loving BM and feeling edgy about all the swastikas and whatnot. The Taste of Victory is their best song ever and my most played song since 2004 according to Still their discog is really even and the only thing I'm really sure about is that Nechrist is their worst. All other albums are possible to make a case about.

I think Voice of Steel is really really good too, but it was released a few years too late for me to go all in fanboy on it. Which is abit of a shame sometimes because it deserves more love from me for sure.
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If I don't rate by Friday, continue on without me because I'm going on a short vacation toward the end of the week
Lazy ratings this time sorry.

Nokturnal Mortum - Black Moon Overture 4/10
Mystifier - The Baphometic Goat of Knights Templar in the 12th Century 7/10
Maelstrom - A Futile Crusade
8/10 my tinnitus is spiking
Whetstone - The Message 7/10
Thou Art Lord - Towers of the Autumn Moon 3/10
I love this, but how is it thematic?
Adramelch - Fearful Visions 10/10
Medieval Steel - Medieval Steel
Holy Knights - The Promise 8/10
and I thought Dark Moor would be the cheesiest thing on this playlist
Paradox - Massacre of the Cathars 7/10
Satyricon - Dark Medieval Times
Dark Moor - Quest for the Eternal Fame
Sacrilegium - Zagubiona Ciemność 7/10
Really picked up in the second half
Conan - Thunderhoof 0/10 You realize chariots weren't really in use by the medieval era right? Phylactery, why would you dignify this shit by giving it the position of playlist closer?
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Adramelch - 8.5 - @Vegard Pompey
Maelstrom - 7.875 - @HamburgerBoy
Whetstone - 7.75 - @RadicalThrasher
Medieval Steel - 7.375 - @Master_Yoda77
Paradox - 7.375 - @Baroque
Mystifier - 7 - @Slayed Necros
Dark Moor - 6.6875 - @no country for old wainds
Holy Knights - 5.8125 - @CASSETTEISGOD
Thou Art Lord - 5.3125 - @Krow
Satyricon - 4.875 - @Serjeant Grumbles
Conan - 3.4357 - @Satanstoenail

Nokturnal Mortum - 6.25
Sacrilegium - 5.625
No idea how these got on the list.

My thoughts:

I quite liked this overall, but was hoping for more stuff that was unfamiliar to me. The Maelstrom pick was a good one I've never heard before that nailed the theme. I was excited for the Holy Knights due to the person who submitted it, but no. It instantly repulsed me.

Congrats Pompey! I'm hoping for a cool theme from you.

Btw, HamburgerBoy missed out on winning this round by about 2 minutes. He tried to submit the same song.
Alrighty. I hope I'm not killing this game so soon after its resuscitation by picking a too difficult theme, but there is one I've really wanted to do for a while. I can think of several songs that fit off the top of my head so I think it should be doable. Now, how to phrase this one...

The theme is (philosophical) PESSIMISM. To elaborate, I'm looking for songs that portray this mortal life or this world we inhabit in strongly negative terms. Songs that portray existence as absurd, life as unnecessary, and death as a relief, etc.