Themed Mixtape Game

Nokturnal Mortum - Black Moon Overture

I'm looking forward to the obligatory "is this even metal wtf" comment regarding this. I used to love this intro so much as a teenager. 7/10

Mystifier - The Baphometic Goat of Knights Templar in the 12th Century

I love that the lyrics mix history with ridiculous, blaspheming fantasy. TERRIBLE! EVIL! BAPHOMETIC GOAT! 9/10

Maelstrom - A Futile Crusade

This is some seriously spastic, mentaloid bullshit. Not completely irredeemable, though. 6/10

Whetstone - The Message

Nice spirited trad stuff. I remember seeing some people going crazy about this a little while back. Not entirely sure why, but it's cool. 7.5/10

Thou Art Lord - Towers of the Autumn Moon

Before I'd heard Thou Art Lord, the idea of a collaboration between Rotting Christ and Necromantia was Hellenic metal paradise for me. Eosforos never really lived up to my expectations, but I still like it. No idea what this has to do with the medieval period, and it certainly isn't one of the stronger songs from the album. Odd choice. 7/10

Adramelch - Fearful Visions

About as obvious as submitting Metallica or Slayer for this board. I love it too much to care about that. 10/10

Medieval Steel - Medieval Steel

Of course this had to be here. "Medieval steel cuts you like a knife" - fucking genius shit. Cool anthemic song, anyway. 7/10

Holy Knights - The Promise

no. 3/10

Paradox - Massacre of the Cathars

I had this on vinyl for a few years before selling it recently. Solid thrash that never really stuck with me. 6.5/10

Satyricon - Dark Medieval Times

Bog-standard Norwegian black metal until the acoustics and fucking flutes, and then it gets really bad. I guess it fits the theme well, but I hate it. 3/10

Dark Moor - Quest for the Eternal Flame

Significantly more appealing than the Holy Knights song, but this style is absolutely not for me. 5/10

Sacrilegium - Zagubiona Ciemnosc

I probably made at least 50 posts recommending and talking about this album back in the day, and this was easily my favourite track from it. I used to love that section after around 5:25 so much. Good stuff. 8/10

Conan - Thunderhoof

The novelty of the guitar tone wears off pretty quickly. I can't actually sit through 9 fucking minutes of this, sorry. My least liked thing here by miles. 2/10
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Surprised you dislike Satyricon that much. I find them to be pretty forgettable (I need to revisit The Shadowthrone), but I don't think they're bad or unlistenable. On the other hand, I've owned Dark Medieval Times for years and I've listened to it about 3 times.
Nokturnal Mortum - Black Moon Overture
Sounds fairly medieval. Then the MIDI drums and synths sound extra cheesy. Then it turns into happy SNES video game music. 4/10 because of fond SNES game memories. Non-metal.

Mystifier - The Baphometic Goat of Knights Templar in the 12th Century
A bit of black/thrash/death all mixed up. It's sort of monotone and boring despite all the rhythm changes. 6/10

Maelstrom - A Futile Crusade
This is nice and weird. The singer reminds me of this obscure modern thrash band called Sycamyre. It's overlong but it kept me interested 8/10

Whetstone - The Message
Never heard of this band. Oh they only released demos, and it's actually good. Thanks for submitting this. 8/10

Thou Art Lord - Towers of the Autumn Moon
Energetic black metal, yet as with most in this genre about twice as long as it needs to be. Starts to suck in the 2nd half with repetition and slowness. 5/10

Adramelch - Fearful Visions
Not a fan of the vocals. Lost interest midway through. Tried to listen again and lost interest again. Eh. 5.5/10

Medieval Steel - Medieval Steel
Generic and unexciting, slow vanilla version of iron maiden 5/10

Holy Knights - The Promise
I feel bloated from all that cheese. For this kind of music you need an Yngwie type to even partially save it. 2/10

Paradox - Massacre of the Cathars
Their best album, underrated. Might've chosen a different song from it 9/10

Satyricon - Dark Medieval Times
more of the boring lo-fi monotone black metal stuff we get every game 3/10

Darkmoor - Quest for the Eternal Fame
see Holy Knights but better guitars 4/10

Sacrilegium - Zagubiona ciemność
see Satyricon 3/10

Conan - Thunderhoof
almost 10 minutes of meandering mindless doom. i'm sure for some people that'd be a good thing but not for me. the riffs are unexciting and once again repetitive. nothing special about this at all, at least stoner doom is trippy and makes decent background music. blah. 2/10

This playlist sucked balls, maybe I'm just burnt out on most of the genres of metal right now. I have no patience for trad, doom, black, or much of death even. Oh well.
Surprised you dislike Satyricon that much. I find them to be pretty forgettable (I need to revisit The Shadowthrone), but I don't think they're bad or unlistenable. On the other hand, I've owned Dark Medieval Times for years and I've listened to it about 3 times.

The Shadowthrone is great, give it another shot.

I dont care much for Dark Medieval Times anymore, but the proceeding two albums are fucking killer.
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Nokturnal Mortum - Black Moon Overture 7/10

This sounds like something straight out of a NES Castlevania game and I fucking love that. Bloody Tears, nigga. Doesn't mater if it's not metal. Who cares.

Mystifier - The Baphometic Goat of Knights Templar in the 12th Century 7/10

I've never really gotten into this band. This starts off a bit too monotonous for me but does get better when it slows down towards the end. Fucking heavy shit. Great lyrics.

Maelstrom - A Futile Crusade 5/10

This just oozes Aspergers. Super fucking cheesy and all over the fucking place. Not my thing.

Whetstone - The Message 8.5/10

This is some cult ass shit here. I love the tone on this. Super analogue-ey 80s tape sounding.

Thou Art Lord - Towers of the Autumn Moon 7/10

I suppose this is on theme. Regardless, I love those keys. Sounds like Rotting Christ but it just lacks something. The pictures of 9/11 are pretty weird, too.

Adramelch - Fearful Visions 8.5/10

I think Adramelch are one of those bands you just have to be in the mood for. Not too dissimilar to Arch-era Fates Warning and I'll take those albums over this any day. Still, good shit.

Medieval Steel - Medieval Steel 9/10

I guess I just can't get into that prog-metal stuff compared to epic metal anthems like this. Fuck, if that main riff is just nasty. Go do yourself a favor and listen to this version instead.

Holy Knights - The Promise 6/10

I don't hate this. This is like Christ-loving Blind Guardian with even more cheesy parts.

Paradox - Massacre of the Cathars 6.5/10

Yeah, this is thrash metal.

Satyricon - Dark Medieval Times 7.5/10

Often overlooked when you compare them to Mayhem or Burzum, but this is good stuff. I personally love those flutes and stuff. Not the best song from the album, though.

Darkmoor - Quest for the Eternal Fame 3/10

Disagree with Slayed on this one. This fucking sucks.

Sacrilegium - Zagubiona ciemność 8/10

I've never heard this one. Definitely really fucking cool. Not sure if it's on theme.

Conan - Thunderhoof 7.5/10

Yeah, this might be too long, but that's fucking crushing. I'm not super into Conan, but I dig the aesthetic and they have some fucking dinosaur riffs. I just really wish their vocalist was different. That Hatebreed style shouting vocals are so monotonous and boring.
Surprised you dislike Satyricon that much. I find them to be pretty forgettable (I need to revisit The Shadowthrone), but I don't think they're bad or unlistenable. On the other hand, I've owned Dark Medieval Times for years and I've listened to it about 3 times.

I was surprised by how much I disliked it, too. I remember The Shadowthrone being a lot better, but I don't care enough to revisit it any time soon. I'm burnt out on the Norwegian style in general.
holy grail 2.jpg

Nokturnal Mortum - Black Moon Overture 10/10

Awesome, but not metal. Not even rock. Massive faux-pas.
1 point for at least being medieval I suppose and another point for working as an intro to the playlist, no way in Hell this should win the game though.


Mystifier - The Baphometic Goat of Knights Templar in the 12th Century 10/10

GOD-TIER OCCULT METAL. Rrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaarrrggghhh!

It's a dream of mine to own Göetia on cassette.

Maelstrom - A Futile Crusade 10/10

Holy shit are you serious? This rules. Hail demo tapes!
I can't believe it's not professionally recorded etc. :eek:

Whetstone - The Message 10/10

I remember someone posting this in my demo topic and I was blown away, still am!
I fucking ADORE this kind of old school epic metal stuff, reminds me a bit of Brocas Helm.

Fucking shit that's three 10/10's so far.

Thou Art Lord - Towers of the Autumn Moon 7.5/10

Not a bad sounding drum machine at all, though the consistency turns so much into monotony that it is hard not to notice it. Anyway, this was fucking awesome. Has a real labyrinthine battle scene vibe to it.

Adramelch - Fearful Visions 10/10

Really classy progressive power metal. I've said this before but I really fucking need to buy this album.

Medieval Steel - Medieval Steel 9/10

A personal favourite, I worship this band. This is working out to be probably my favourite playlist so far and there's not much obvious shit in it. :kickass:

"The sword was worth more than goo-ooo-ooold..."

Holy Knights - The Promise 9/10

I like cheese. I really dig synthed-up, saccharine and romantic power metal, when done right.
This album is an album to marathon MMOs to.

Paradox - Massacre of the Cathars 8/10

Fucking awesome thrash! I've only heard the first album until now.

Satyricon - Dark Medieval Times 7.5/10

I've not heard this album too many times, I think The Shadowthrone is superior but this is still quite cool. It's early Satyricon so I'm not expecting to be blown away by a run-of-the-mill Norwegian black metal album, but that evil buzz and the hobgoblin vocals touch on something and it works.

Darkmoor - Quest for the Eternal Fame 7.5/10

I dig Darkmoor, though they're more suitable for certain moods with me, luckily I'm riding high on the quality of this playlist so I'm upbeat enough to appreciate them. I really do love this over-the-top cheesy power metal stuff. The older I get the more I want it.

Sacrilegium - Zagubiona Ciemność 7/10

This is a new one to me, ice cold stuff. I really like that guitar tone. The vocals are pretty creepy too.
I really love the sound of primitive, crashing symbols in metal especially when it seems out of place. Nicely done.

Conan - Thunderhoof 4/10

At least this stoner metal band has unorthodox themes for the genre, otherwise it just reminds me why I think Dopesmoker is synonymous with a lethal injection. Stupid fucking vocals, like a fat drunk dad shouting at his boys' baseball game.
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I don't think you needed to savagely downrate "Black Moon Overture" as it will be getting a 0 from HamburgerBoy anyway. Serves as an epic intro to the playlist imo.
Nokturnal Mortum - Black Moon Overture
i don't really mind a playlist starting with a non-metal intro, same way i don't mind metal albums starting with one. it's probably cheating though. i can't be objective about this at all as i've heard it probably a hundred times, it's pure nostalgia for me now. i guess it's extremely dumb/awkward while retaining a certain charm, but pre-UMBERSUN elend renders it redundant for me nowadays. 6/10

Mystifier - The Baphometic Goat of Knights Templar in the 12th Century

so perfect for this theme, i'm a bit annoyed i didn't think of it myself. A DEMON ON FORM OF GOAT! 8/10

Maelstrom - A Futile Crusade

i was expecting completely unpalatable techwank but this is pretty awesome. if hbb's brains were blown out by shotgun this would be the resulting mess, a very satisfying thought. 8/10

Whetstone - The Message

i've never heard of this either. glorious shit. 9/10

Thou Art Lord - Towers of the Autumn Moon

that spiralling descending melody is fantastic. prime greek shit right here. two marks off as it doesn't really seem thematic? 7/10

Adramelch - Fearful Visions

i'll drop a mark off for obviousness in the interests of being consistent, but obviously they had to be here. 9/10

Medieval Steel - Medieval Steel

i figured this'd be here. there's often a slight arena rock tinge to these mid-paced epic metal anthems that i find offputting, but i can't deny the intensity of this one. those vocals are pure heavy metal passion. i should relisten to this thing, i don't remember it being this good. 9/10

Holy Knights - The Promise

flower metal this cool is near impossible to find, so thanks to whoever submitted this. waffles a bit in the middle, but whatever, great pick for the theme. 9/10

Paradox - Massacre of the Cathars

i'm impressed someone thought of some thrash to squeeze in here. excellent thrash it is too. 8/10

Satyricon - Dark Medieval Times

Dark Moor - Quest for the Eternal Fame

might be the outright cheesiest song on this album, but also one of the best. pure unabashed joy and excess. 9/10

Sacrilegium - Zagubiona ciemność

an old fave. 8/10

Conan - Thunderhoof

THIS WAS THE BEST PLAYLIST YOU RUINED IT. is it even thematic? 2/10
I don't think you needed to savagely downrate "Black Moon Overture" as it will be getting a 0 from HamburgerBoy anyway. Serves as an epic intro to the playlist imo.

Sure, epicly not metal, though.

i don't really mind a playlist starting with a non-metal intro, same way i don't mind metal albums starting with one.

Until it wins, then it's like...
To avoid people wasting a submission on non-metal, I think we should alter the rules to allow the person running each round to submit their own instrumental playlist intro, to set the stage for the theme they chose.

Any thoughts?
Conan - Thunderhoof
almost 10 minutes of meandering mindless doom. i'm sure for some people that'd be a good thing but not for me. the riffs are unexciting and once again repetitive. nothing special about this at all, at least stoner doom is trippy and makes decent background music. blah. 2/10

That was stoner doom. :lol:
To avoid people wasting a submission on non-metal, I think we should alter the rules to allow the person running each round to submit their own instrumental playlist intro, to set the stage for the theme they chose.

Any thoughts?

Haha, I didn't want to say until the round was over (because some people might skip it now), but it is my pick! So the scores for it don't matter anyway. I thought it was a fitting intro to this list.

I'm quite happy with this playlist, but it's missing stuff like Abigor ("Unleashed Axe Age" is like perfect for this theme). I also prefer Old Wainds' back up Hirilorn pick to the song he went with.
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Nokturnal Mortum - Black Moon Overture

Lol. I had very low expectations, but past the first section it was decent as far as total cheese goes. Vintage Warcraft 2 shit around 2:40, sweet. A shame this band doesn’t spend more time on midieval music and less on metal. 6/10.

Mystifier - The Baphometic Goat of Knights Templar in the 12th Century

The intro was very promising, love that warm guitar tone and has some pretty evocative riffing, but the verse sections were hit and miss. The vocalist himself would be tolerable if the music didn’t suddenly become bland with him. The doomy part near the end was poor. 5/10.

Maelstrom - A Futile Crusade

Objective masterpiece. If you love Adramelch but not this you’re a poser. 10/10.

Whetstone - The Message

Obvious Running Wild clone but a very good one, honestly might prefer this to most of the classic RW material. Doesn’t seem that medieval to me though other than containing the words “kingdom” and “royal” so I have to knock a few points off, 4/10.

Thou Art Lord - Towers of the Autumn Moon

Wake up sheeple, Varg did 9/11, never forget. 1/10.

Adramelch - Fearful Visions

Objective masterpiece. 10/10.

Medieval Steel - Medieval Steel
I don’t think I’ll ever fully get into these guys unfortunately. The singer sounds too much like Geddy Lee for a USPM band and while there are some epic vibes, the instrumentation is kind of boring and just gallops forever. I think I like some of their other songs more but eh, 5/10.

Holy Knights - The Promise

Decent Euro power. Started to get sick of it about 3 minutes in, maybe not so decent. 4/10.

Paradox - Massacre of the Cathars

This album has grown on me, but I still consider this to be among the weaker songs. Kinda typical Metallica-esque thrash metal, strong picking hand but weak melodic ideas. Would have picked one of the more melodic songs if I went with them. 5/10.

Satyricon - Dark Medieval Times

Had a few good ideas but a total mess as a song. I prefer the acoustic and flute bits to the metal stuff tbh. Well, until it kept going on and on. 3/10.

Darkmoor - Quest for the Eternal Fame

I think I heard a little bit of their stuff before and the intro made me expect more typical Euro power, but holy shit, this has a pure childlike feminine beauty that I hardly knew could be expressed in metal. This is honestly more like an 8.5/10 for me on first impression but because it’s new and because I cannot possibly downrate Adramelch for obviousness when I had attempted to submit them immediately, I’ll give this a 10/10.

Sacrilegium - Zagubiona ciemność

Pretty lame and according to Google Translate, not topical. Those “Woah-oh-ohs” sound like some guy in his bedroom, made me chuckle. 1/10.

Conan – Thunderhoof

Expected to hate this but it’s pretty cool. It’s a little repetitious but the drummer is busy enough and plays off the riffing to keep it interesting. Well OK the last few minutes were too much. 6/10.

Nice playlist, the obscurity factor and genre balance was just about right on for this one.
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