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The singer reminds me of this obscure modern thrash band called Sycamyre.
Listening to this band now and this seems up my alley, danke.
The singer reminds me of this obscure modern thrash band called Sycamyre.
Lol try Mistigo Varggoth Darkestra.Nokturnal Mortum - Black Moon Overture
Lol. I had very low expectations, but past the first section it was decent as far as total cheese goes. Vintage Warcraft 2 shit around 2:40, sweet. A shame this band doesn’t spend more time on midieval music and less on metal. 6/10.
Heh yeah I slept on what to pick and forgot about it in the morning, then when I Looked the playlist was already posted.
The NM inclusion actually made me put on Goat Horns today, great album (had it as top #1 ever for a long time in my life) but as No Country said, it's so much nostalgia for me as NM is probably one of the bands I've listened to the most in my whole life and it just conjures up memories of spamming "lol jews did wtc" on IRC and watching school life anime rather than medieval sceneries.
I thought you might enjoy the Mystifier actually, because it still sounds somewhat death metallish even though it's definitely a black metal record.
I don't think you needed to savagely downrate "Black Moon Overture" as it will be getting a 0 from HamburgerBoy anyway. Serves as an epic intro to the playlist imo.
I probably like Weltanchauung the most actually, kind of controversial I guess? It just came out at the right time for me. Loving BM and feeling edgy about all the swastikas and whatnot. The Taste of Victory is their best song ever and my most played song since 2004 according to Still their discog is really even and the only thing I'm really sure about is that Nechrist is their worst. All other albums are possible to make a case about.
Is Goat Horns still your favourite NM record? A lot of people seem to say The Voice of Steel is their best these days, but I still fucking love Goat Horns and Lunar Poetry.
I got about half way through the list and had to stop. I'll try to finish it if I get time, but I'm not sure you want my ratings. Should have sat this one out.@Satanstoenail (you're gonna love this one!)