Themed Mixtape Game

So far, this has been my favorite theme, but I kind of expected that. Here we go...

Darkthrone - Where the Winds Blow - 9/10
Classic Darkthrone. Great album and a great song.

Sort Vokter - Bak To Lysende Øyne - 4/10
Love the album title. I don't think I've ever actually listened to Sort Vokter. This isn't really inspiring me to do so. The production is way too muddled in fuzz. I feel like I could be into this if it had a different production quality.

Branikald - Rdjandalir 8/10
Opening reminds me of Primordial, whom I considered submitting. Digging the vocals. I kept waiting for some crushing black metal to come in. Need to check out more of their stuff.

Scald - Night Sky - 9/10
Rainfall. Here we go. This reminds me I need to listen to Will of Gods more. Love it.

Bloodbath - Outnumbering the Day - 5/10
I remember listening to Breeding Death back in High School and fucking loved it. Hadn't really heard anything with Tagtgren...sounds more melodeath-y than I'd like. Not bad though

Panphage - Storm - 8.5/10
This was a favorite of mine from last year. Good shit. Love the guitar tone and just dirtiness of the sound. Killer.

Hate Forest - Black Forest - 7/10
This was going to be my backup. Glad somebody else submitted it. Admittedly, it's not my favorite Hate Forest track, but still a good listen.

Alchemist - Part 1: The Bio Approach - 7.5/10
Back in high school when I thought I was all cool and shit listening to prog, Alchemist was pretty up there. The comment earlier comparing to Tool is rather apt

Ancestors - Mother Animal - 6.5/10
Solid stoner doom

Sacramentum - When Night Surrounds Me - 8/10
A good pickup after the previous track. I still remember somebody having "Sack of Menthol Far Away From Your Mum" in their sig

Atheist - Green - 4/10
Probably my least favorite Atheist album (although I haven't listened to the new album)

Dead Can Dance - The Arcane - 6/10
Love Dead Can Dance, but this isn't my favorite song of theirs

Arcturus - Icebound Streams and Vapours Grey - 7.5/10
Ah old school Arcturus. Look how young Garm sounds. I much prefer their early work to this new space pirate shit thing they have going on. La Masquerade Infernale and Sham Mirrors were my jam in high school

Drudkh - Forests in Fire and Gold - 10/10
Admittedly, I'm a big Drudkh fanboy. Their first two albums are two of my favorites. I prefer False Dawn off of Forgotten Legends, but this one is still great

Waldgeflüster - Herbst befiel das Land - 7.5/10
Never heard of 'em, but I dig 'em. Production could be a bit more kvlt

Demolition Hammer - Cataclysm - 8.5/10
Old school grooviness to send us on home. Aww yiss.
I'd rate every song on Forgotten Legends 10/10, but again, I admitted it's one of my favorite albums. Regarding Atheist, I don't care for "Green" or Elements in general much. Unquestionable Presence and Piece of Time is tits for me.
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my position is that if people wanna downrate non-metal that's their choice, if people wanna continue to submit non-metal knowing it's gonna get downrated that's also their choice. i plan on sticking to metal myself though.

Same. We need a non-metal version of this game too. I will start it soon, probably after this round is over.
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Darkthrone - Where the Cold Winds Blow - 6.5
- my least favorite track from A Blaze...

Sort Vokter - Bak To Lysende Øyne - 0.5/10
-wow, just wow. this is bad. real bad. im talking cant get any worse bad.

Branikald - Rdyandalir - 0/10
- not metal.

Scald - Night Sky - 8/10
-some epic shit right here

Bloodbath - Outnumbering the Day - 7.5
- definitely one of the betters song in this list so far

Panphage - Storm - 6/10
never heard of these guys. not bad.

Hate Forest - Black Forest 6/10
- again, not bad

Alchemist - Part 1: The Bio Approach - 5/10
- yawn

Ancestors - Mother Animal - 7/10

- would definitely benefit from having a few minutes shaved off, but i like it.

Sacramentum - When Night Surrounds Me - 7.5/10
-While far from being one of the best songs on the album, this is still good. As usual though, it is lacking the balls an aggression of the far superior Dissection.

Atheist - Green - 9.5/10
-Lyrically and musically, this is the best song on the list.

Dead Can Dance - The Arcane 0.5/10
-not metal

Arcturus - Icebound Streams and Vapours Grey 6/10
- enjoyed this a litte more than i thought i would

Drudkh- Forests In Fire and Gold - 5/10
- I think this album is good but i prefer Blood In Our Wells ;)

Waldgeflüster - Herbst befiel das Land - 6/10
- not bad x3

Demolition Hammer - Cataclysm - 9/10
- ... and we have a winner
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I'd honestly have made it already if I could think of a good theme. If someone else wants to take the lead, be my guest.