Darkthrone - Where the Winds Blow 9,5/10
Best album out of Norway and pretty much the best bm-album ever. Only half a point of because it isn't the best song on the album.
Sort Vokter - Bak To Lysende Øyne 6,5/10
The sound on this one was really bad, in a bad way. Kind of liked it though and will probably have to listen more with better speakers (at work right now).
Branikald - Rdjandalir 8/10
Blazebirth has put out some good music and Branikald is one of their best. I love those types of ambientish when done will (and they can suck if they aren't) but this is good.
Scald - Night Sky 11/10
Will of Gods is a Great Power is probably the best album ever after Hammerheart. Great music, great vocals, great atmosphere, great great. Can't find a single fault.
Bloodbath - Outnumbering the Day 4/10
I guess it isn't bad per se, but totally uninteresting and bland. Death Metal that is too polished and neat. Most things sounds perfect but without a soul.
Panphage - Storm 8/10
One of the newer swedish bands that atleast up here are pretty hyped in the right circles, and it is no wonder why. Newer black metal done the right way.
Hate Forest - Black Forest 6,5/10
I admit that I haven't really bothered to dig too deep into HF. I (like No Country) only have Battlefields of their full lengths and really really love it. Everything else I've heard is just so standard and generic that I've not really felt like checking it out further. This track, while not bad doesn't change that opinion.
Alchemist - Part 1: The Bio Approach 6/10
I don't mind the vocals as alot seams to do, and kind of liked it more than I thought I would. But still, this type of music isn't my thing.
Ancestors - Mother Animal 3/10
I usually can't stand stoner metal, and this isn't really helping. I guess they've incorporated some post-rockish stuff that makes it more than Sweet Leaf-worship but I can't really stand post-rock either so.
Sacramentum - When Night Surrounds Me 8/10
Sacramentum rules, not as big on them as everyone else here but no denying that this is great music. Dissection is still better.
Atheist - Green 3/10
No, this is not my thing, I get zero nature vibe from this.
Dead Can Dance - The Arcane 5/10
Pretty atmospheric,I listened to DCD and Love Spirals Downwards too alot years ago but nowdays they just feel too pretentions to me. I get much more feeling from bands like Lush and MBV than this.
Arcturus - Icebound Streams and Vapours Grey 8/10
This totally works for me, it is cheesy and very awkward at times but it has it's charm and I can't help loving Garms clean vocals.Too bad they turned to total failure later on.
Drudkh - Forests in Fire and Gold 7/10
Drudkh is nice, but IMO Autumn Aurora is where it is. This isn't the best track on the album either. Still a worthy album and it fits the theme for sure.
Waldgeflüster - Herbst befiel das Land 3/10
Wow sorry, this is not my thing. Perfect example how you do this kind of music the wrong way.
Demolition Hammer - Cataclysm 6,5/10
This sounds like early Kreator, but not as good. Still I like early Kreator so I guess it isn't that bad. But I don't get much from this.