Themed Mixtape Game

Mother Man is constructed better and sounds so much better. I listened to it and then Green again and liked the latter less and took a point lol. For me, just a passing relation to the theme is fine and then I rate based purely on how it pleases my ears or not
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I'm interested to know your opinion on Far Away From the Sun now this playlist inspired you to listen to it. I think it takes a lot of listens to really appreciate all the nuances it has, but as I've stated, it's one of my favourites ever.

Also, EternalMetal reminded me that "Glemselens Elv" would have fit this theme nicely.
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I'm interested to know your opinion on Far Away From the Sun now this playlist inspired you to listen to it. I think it takes a lot of listens to really appreciate all the nuances it has, but as I've stated, it's one of my favourites ever.

I think it's an 8/10 level album after 1 listen. I'll have to listen to it more to be sure, but it didn't seem particularly nuanced for someone that's used to technical music. Solid BM though, up there with Dissection.
Darkthrone - Where Cold Winds Blow
dark and intense and filthy and punishing and demented. i've never been entirely sold on the mix, but every instrument individually sounds fantastic. i need to go back to this album again because it's the one i'm least at home with out of the first five. i'll just about accept that this song fits the theme. 8/10

Sort Vokter - Bak To Lysende Øyne
this is strictly for hardcore BMheads i suppose, but i love this kinda thing, always found it easy to get immersed in the urgent, hypnotic pulse at the centre of it. vocals work great. inhuman, elemental, threatening: suits the theme perfectly. 8/10

Branikald - Rdjandalir
i've listened to this on repeat many times, and i wish it was longer. a depthless ocean of billowy cushiony velvety whispery earkisses into which i would gladly plunge forever. transcends your boring ass arguments about genre; file it next to 'det som en gang var' and 'beyond all horizons' motherfuckers. 10/10

Scald - Night Sky
i reckon this is gonna win by more than an entire point lol. HAMMERHEART wishes it was this good. 9/10

Bloodbath - Outnumber the Day
heavy-handed and flashy gateway DM for kids to dance to. 3/10

Panphage - Storm
well jesus, this is pretty damn great. those melodies in the back end have my heart pounding. might grow on me but i'm rating it conservatively for now. 8/10

Hate Forest - Black Forest
the only hate forest i've heard to this day is BATTLEFIELDS, which... meh. this is fundamentally solid with a surprisingly great opening minute and a half, but doesn't exactly stand out after that. 7/10

Alchemist - Part 1: The Bio Approach
i dig how fluid this is, never has to check its step and it builds well. a band in command of what they're doing, which is honestly unusual for this kinda thing. it's too lacking in an emotional centre for my tastes, but i can appreciate it achieves what it's going for. extra point for standing out without being jarring. 7/10

Ancestors - Mother Animal
i barely have even a cursory knowledge of stoner so ignore me on this but this sounds more proggy to me than anything. i'm fairly indifferent to the first three and a half minutes of this but then.... damn, it turns into this soaring epic that doesn't let up all the way to the conclusion, '70s guitar 'n organ ecstasy over crunching, apocalyptic riffage. congrats on this pick, probably the most unexpected surprise of this whole game so far for me. 9/10

Sacramentum - When Night Surrounds Me
this had to be on the list. it's impossibly elating and entrancing, full of awe and wonder, the musical equivalent of a meteor shower. beyond the obvious literal reasons why this fits the theme, i've always felt that this album captures the feeling of making peace with your mortality, finding beauty in it even, before slipping away into the dark. there ain't nothing more natural than that. 10/10

Atheist - Green
i'm not a massive fan of any atheist, and i'm actually ok with people liking this the best, because it seems like the purest distillation of their weirdest elements (zing) - i can comprehend why people would consider the earlier stuff tamer or more compromised by convention or w/e. that said, i like thrash/death metal more than i like... whatever the fuck this is heading towards. it regularly makes decisions that have no discernible purpose to me, these bass flourishes are particularly annoying. i do think this is pretty fun rather than soulless though, just kinda nonsensical and silly. the riff on the verses is the highlight, particularly when the solo comes in over the top. 6/10

Dead Can Dance - The Arcane
their debut was my favourite of theirs last i checked, even though it's pretty steeped in post-punk tradition and not original enough to justify people so obsessing over it. that said, i'm not particularly enamoured with this one. for starters i'm not fond of brendan perry's vocals, he's exactly as pretentious as jim morrison in the exact same way (but without the great rock swagger to compensate) and dry enough that you can imagine him voicing garfield (actually even the bass sounds sarcastic somehow). second half is quite lovely, but you'd have more points in the bag from me if you'd picked, say, 'ocean'. 6/10

Arcturus - Icebound Streams and Vapours Gray
this is better than a lot of arcturus i've heard, it's a little understated and icy and the vocals are consistently good. you can already hear bad habits coming to the fore though. for example, i'm totally behind the first, uh, 30 seconds of this, but then comes a laughably pompous and flowery and above all generic keyboard melody and then some farting keyboard march, and it all sounds totally random as is their wont. the worst parts of this are like z-grade summoning, i've improvised more emotive stuff with one hand while drunk, no exaggeration. a shorter sharper version of this song could theoretically be far better, but i'm not sure arcturus even know the meaning of the word refinement. 5/10

Drudkh - Forests in Fire and Gold
i was always way more into nokturnal mortum as far as ukrainian BM goes, and this does very little for me upon a revisit. why would i want to hear the bridge between burzum and the atmospheric BM+blackgaze crazes when i can just listen to burzum? i need a lil more tension and fury and wonder in my black metal, this is just pleasant. 5/10

Waldgeflüster - Herbst befiel das Land
this is all shallow, surface-level stuff with a few reeeeally misguided moments, but i actually think the production makes it more listenable than it has any right to be. it's just a very fundamentally satisfying guitar sound. there always seems to be one song on each playlist where i can't imagine why someone would've even thought of it, let alone chosen to submit it. this is that song. 4/10

Demolition Hammer - Cataclysm
this is getting an extra point for being creative and standing out, plus it works great as an outro. demolition hammer are a no-bullshit cool ass band anyway. the bassist is the star of the show, he does some unintuitive things here and they pay off. 9/10
I'm too lazy to write biographies here.

Darkthrone - Where Cold Winds Blow 8/10
I love this track

Sort Vokter - Bak to Lysende Oyne 3/10
I could barely hear this. I dont know if it's the YT link or what. But it's hard to discern what's happening. My speakers on my computer isn't the loudest but it was all the way up. All I heard were the cymbals.

Braniklad - Rdyandalir

I love the beginning. Very beautiful. However, I'm 4 minutes in and it's so far hasn't changed. I'm waiting for the progression. Ok, well it stayed relatively the same. That's fine. It's a nice track still, but it's a little too long for what it's doing. 6/10.

Scald - Night Sky 9/10
This is fucking amazing. I need more of this.

Bloodbath - Outnumbering the Day 4/10
I remember I use to listen to this a long while ago on "Black Metal Radio" when I was a teen. I use to like it a lot more then. It's whatever to me now, tbh. Nothing special.

Panphage - Storm 7.5/10
Nice intro. This was fun. I enjoyed this.

Hate Forest - Black Forest 5/10
It has it's moments, but this isn't a good Hate Forest track. It's nothing special and nothing really stands out here.

Alchemist - Evolution 3/10
Ummm? The vocals are annoying. The music isnt bad but I dont get what they're trying to do. Really inconsistent track.

Ancestors - Mother Animal 7/10
Man I'm going to grab dinner while listening to this. Well, I didn't grab dinner because my ADHD kicked in and I started browsing through the forums. This track was awesome. I enjoyed it. Its obviously a little long but I can see myself listening to this a lot.

Sacramentum - When Night Surrounds Me 9/10
Hell yeah. Love this track. So catchy.

Atheist - Green 8/10
I love this track and this album.

Dead Can Dance - Arcane 9/10
Yes. This rules.

Arcturus - Icebound Streams and Vapors Gray 7.5/10

Drudkh - Forest in Fire and Gold 9/10
Awesome. Someone had to pick Drudkh.

Waldgefluster - Hersbt Befiel Das Land 4/10
Idk. Literally no opinion and as soon as the other track came out I forgot how this one sounded. Not memorable.

Demolition Hammer - Cataclysm 7/10
I liked this
^ Agreed. Besides UMF, I've posted on two other metal forums in the past, but I've never really posted on their social section. Except this one. It's the same posters more or less.
Darkthrone - Where Cold Winds Blow
I haven't really gotten into this album, but the atmosphere is pretty decent, and cold, as befitting the title.

Sort Vokter - Bak To Lysende Øyne
Just poor quality overall, and the simplistic power chord riffs do little to redeem it.

Branikald - Rdjandalir
The song started off well, but I was expecting it to transition into heavier material, especially considering the length, but about halfway through it became apparent that this was all it would be. However, from listening to it a second time, having put aside those expectations, it's a nice bleak closer track, but I still would like to know what the band's metal output actually sounds like.

Scald - Night Sky
Classic epic doom metal. I considered submitting this band, but I figured - quite rightly - it would be taken.

Bloodbath - Outnumbering the Day
Pretty good; I'd be lying if I said this sucks.

Panphage - Storm
This has just the right kind of atmosphere and ritualistic mood for me.

Hate Forest - Black Forest
Muddled riffs that just don't take me anywhere, although it does have a certain savagery about it. Just not enough.

Alchemist - Evolution
Fairly good ideas throughout, but the harsh vocals need work.

Ancestors - Mother Animal
I enjoy the main chord progression utilized, and the organ is a good addition. It does drag on a bit, but it does manage to climax towards the end, so that helps it along.

Sacramentum - Which Night Surrounds Me
It's too bad I've only listened to this album off and on on youtube, because a song taken individually, such as this one, really does hold its own, with good atmosphere while being a bit more intricate than is typical for black metal.

Atheist - Green
Not much to say, except that I'd like to get into Atheist more than I am at present.

Dead Can Dance - The Arcane
I haven't listened to the earliest work form DCD, but this is well executed gothic rock, if not as innovative as their later sound.

Arcturus - Icebound Streams and Vapours Grey
It's been a while since I've listened to Arcturus, but it's certainly worth revisiting.

Drudkh - Forests In Fire and Gold
I still maintain that Drudkh's best work is Blood on Our Wells, with Autumn Aurora not too far behind. This is more than adequate beginning, but not as strong as the aforementioned works.

Waldgeflüster - Herbst Befiel Das Land
I enjoyed this song, although I tend to favour German black metal, so I suppose I'm biased. It's somewhat reminiscent of Nagelfar, but not as good.

Demolition Hammer - Cataclysm
Certainly, a thrash song is a good change of pace for this playlist. It's not exceptional, but it has some interesting bass parts.
Darkthrone - Where the Winds Blow 9,5/10
Best album out of Norway and pretty much the best bm-album ever. Only half a point of because it isn't the best song on the album.

Sort Vokter - Bak To Lysende Øyne 6,5/10
The sound on this one was really bad, in a bad way. Kind of liked it though and will probably have to listen more with better speakers (at work right now).

Branikald - Rdjandalir 8/10

Blazebirth has put out some good music and Branikald is one of their best. I love those types of ambientish when done will (and they can suck if they aren't) but this is good.

Scald - Night Sky 11/10
Will of Gods is a Great Power is probably the best album ever after Hammerheart. Great music, great vocals, great atmosphere, great great. Can't find a single fault.

Bloodbath - Outnumbering the Day 4/10
I guess it isn't bad per se, but totally uninteresting and bland. Death Metal that is too polished and neat. Most things sounds perfect but without a soul.

Panphage - Storm 8/10
One of the newer swedish bands that atleast up here are pretty hyped in the right circles, and it is no wonder why. Newer black metal done the right way.

Hate Forest - Black Forest 6,5/10
I admit that I haven't really bothered to dig too deep into HF. I (like No Country) only have Battlefields of their full lengths and really really love it. Everything else I've heard is just so standard and generic that I've not really felt like checking it out further. This track, while not bad doesn't change that opinion.

Alchemist - Part 1: The Bio Approach 6/10
I don't mind the vocals as alot seams to do, and kind of liked it more than I thought I would. But still, this type of music isn't my thing.

Ancestors - Mother Animal 3/10
I usually can't stand stoner metal, and this isn't really helping. I guess they've incorporated some post-rockish stuff that makes it more than Sweet Leaf-worship but I can't really stand post-rock either so. :p

Sacramentum - When Night Surrounds Me 8/10
Sacramentum rules, not as big on them as everyone else here but no denying that this is great music. Dissection is still better. ;)

Atheist - Green 3/10
No, this is not my thing, I get zero nature vibe from this.

Dead Can Dance - The Arcane 5/10
Pretty atmospheric,I listened to DCD and Love Spirals Downwards too alot years ago but nowdays they just feel too pretentions to me. I get much more feeling from bands like Lush and MBV than this.

Arcturus - Icebound Streams and Vapours Grey 8/10
This totally works for me, it is cheesy and very awkward at times but it has it's charm and I can't help loving Garms clean vocals.Too bad they turned to total failure later on.

Drudkh - Forests in Fire and Gold 7/10
Drudkh is nice, but IMO Autumn Aurora is where it is. This isn't the best track on the album either. Still a worthy album and it fits the theme for sure.

Waldgeflüster - Herbst befiel das Land 3/10
Wow sorry, this is not my thing. Perfect example how you do this kind of music the wrong way.

Demolition Hammer - Cataclysm 6,5/10
This sounds like early Kreator, but not as good. Still I like early Kreator so I guess it isn't that bad. But I don't get much from this.