The winner is
Vegard Pompey and his
Scald's Night Sky with
1. Scald - 8,375 Vegard Pompey
2. Sacramentum - 8 Phylactery
3. Panphage - 7,53 Slayed Necros
4. Demolition Hammer - 7,5 HamburgerBoy
5. Darkthrone - 7.15 Krow
6. Ancestors - 7,13 Baroque
7. Drudkh - 6,8 unknown
8. Atheist - 6,25 TechnicalBarbarity
9. Arcturus - 6,19 Vilden
10. Branikald - 6,09375 no country for old wainds
11. Dead Can Dance - 6,0625 Yoda
12. Alchemist - 5,9375 EternalMetal
13. Hate Forest - 5,6875 Onder
14. Bloodbath - 5,251875 arg
15. Waldgeflüster - 4,5 Serjeant Grumbles
16. Sort Vokter - 4,25 Omni
Shit so much calculating. Give us a new theme,
@Vegard Pompey.