Themed Mixtape Game

I'm still waiting on re-submissions from a buncha folks whose first picks were already taken. Unless they all reply soon I probably won't release the playlist until tomorrow when I wake up around 10 hours from now.

To anyone submitting during the night; PLEASE include backup picks, a lot of good shit's already taken! I want to post the playlist in the morning and if I don't have a valid pick from you at the time I will probably exclude you.
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I won! It must be the will of the gods. I was afraid I'd lose to Sacramentum or Panphage... Which would've been fine because they were both great fucking songs.

The theme for the next round is ANCIENT HISTORY (bitch you don't get to co-opt my round). For the purposes of this game I'll define that as anything from the emergence of homo sapiens to the fall of the western Roman empire (sometime in the late 5th century AD).

The songs don't have to be about historical events specifically, but they should strongly relate to ancient cultures in some way. Basically, I want to hear songs that will take me back into the distant past. Use your own best judgement. Good luck!

So stuff about dinosaurs or anything pre-mankind is not allowed? Sounds like an interesting theme, ill see what I can find.
Alright, I've gotten a bunch of submissions (some of which are pretty long) so I'm gonna cut it off here. I'm still waiting on a re-pick from @Master_Yoda77 and will continue to do so until 11:00, GMT+1.
Dinosaurs, pre-mankind? What are you talking about? Go listen to Quest for Fire again.

Tbh the first thing that came to mind was Jurassic Shift from Ozric Tentacles, and last time I checked the Jurassic period is quite ancient. I have since found something metal and made a pick. There are so many things I could have picked that all kick ass, I imagine this will be the best theme yet.
I'm actually somewhat relieved I didn't make it in time because I've been fretting all night with indecision over four different aspects of three different ancient cultures amongst like ten bands. All excellent songs. I do not pity the burden of those who may doubt their final choices.
Woah wtf, submissions were open for less than a day on a Monday? I was asleep when the topic was chosen, and just now got off work. Can I get like an hour or two more?
Does Zeph even come here anymore?

Considering how popular these are getting, maybe we should start doing longer playlists (20-25 songs) and then having a longer rating period to let people process that? What do you guys think? It kinda sucks to miss out on a cool theme because you weren't online at the right time of day.
I think it's fine to let people who didn't have a chance to submit this round to get a guaranteed spot next round. But I'm open to whatever the majority agrees on. If it's only Baroque that really wants to play this round then I don't see the harm in having 1 more song.
I'm more in favor of people being able to reserve a spot in the next one if they miss one than I am in padding the list if someone was tardy.