Darkthrone - Where the Winds Blow 8/10
I don't personally get a nature vibe from this song at all in terms of lyrics or atmosphere, but I might be missing something. That said, it was a brave selection and an underrated effort from Darkthrone's most death metal-tinged black metal album.
Sort Vokter - Bak To Lysende Øyne 8/10
I love this song. The title means "Behind Two Gleaming Eyes" and it captures the essence of being isolated in nature and being stalked by a hunting creature and seeing its eerie glowing eyes in the shadows. The weird shrieks are also super cool.
Branikald - Rdjandalir 8.5/10
@no country for old wainds must have picked this one. This is an absolute epic that totally captures the spirit of the theme. People who need riffs and hard percussion will be disappointed, but I'm not.
Scald - Night Sky 9/10
I thought about picking this, but it once again comes down to picking tracks that will stand out over picking tracks that I think will win. That isn't a knock on this amazing track. Agyl is my hero forever. This really belongs in this mixtape.
Bloodbath - Outnumbering the Day 1/10
I don't consider songs about world-ending catastrophe and the dead rising up to be about nature. The cringe-worthy rhyming scheme of the lyrics sounded like some stupid edgy nu-metal song and the music was basically the same thing interpreted as wannabe old-scool Swedeath. Fuck this shit.
EDIT: I listened to this again and it's still shit.
Panphage - Storm 8/10
I don't get a nature vibe from this and I don't honestly know if it's about nature of not. It seemed more than solid enough, but it failed to reach me in terms of "nature" vibe. The drumming was pretty ferocious, so there's that toi.
EDIT: I listened to this again and I thought it was much better this time. I'm still unsure that this is about nature, but I like the intro and the song is crushing and cool.
Hate Forest - Black Forest 7/10
This is the type of black metal that really makes me think of nature. I really love the guitar sound on this track and the vocals were totally beastly and inhuman. I did notice that the end of the video clips the song, but I'm not going to fault the track for the uploader's mistake. Well done.
Alchemist - Part 1: The Bio Approach 3.5/10
Despite a couple of short sections that seemed promising, this song mostly just annoys me. It also seems that an effort was made to pack in as many different edgy vocal styles as possible. The lyrics are also stupid. Definitely not for me.
EDIT: I listened to this again and I still dislike it a lot.
Ancestors - Mother Animal 4/10
This song seriously overstayed its welcome. It's the only long track on this playlist that I felt that way about. I'm also not into the vocals. I suppose that it could be worse, as it at least had me somewhat interested for a few minutes.
EDIT: I listened to this again and I like it less than before.
Sacramentum - When Night Surrounds Me 9/10
This song captures the cold, unforgiving and solitary majesty of the night. I love everything about this track. It's one of my all-time favorites and a great selection for this mixtape. This was one of my favorites out of this theme.
Atheist - Green 4/10
Despite having all of the right lyrical
elements to fit this theme, I really just don't like this song. It's one of the most annoying and soulless examples of its style. Sorry. I gave it a merciful rating because it isn't overly long.
Dead Can Dance - The Arcane 8.5/10
I don't know whether or not this is about naturfor sure, but it's one of my all-time favorite tracks by one of my all-time favorite bands. I wasn't expecting this to be here. This song is beautiful and absolutely haunting. I love the lyrics too, and they seem nature enough when I think about it.
Arcturus - Icebound Streams and Vapours Grey 6.5/10
I'd much rather have early Ulver than early Arcturus. This song is still decent and themed appropriately. The clean vocals have always amused me. Very spirited effort, just not a song that inspires me much.
EDIT: I listened to this again and I think my original rating was fair.
Drudkh - Forests in Fire and Gold 8.5/10
This one just screams "nature" and is also the perfect audio representation of the feelings that I get when I look at the cover of
Forgotten Legends. I love this song so much. Amazing riffs. This is just one of my all-time favorites.
Waldgeflüster - Herbst befiel das Land 4/10
I just don't like most modern interpretations of atmospheric black metal. The mixing is all wrong and it kills the atmosphere in favor of an in-your-face type of sound. There's nothing about this that stands out for me.
EDIT: I listened to this again and I still think it has no atmosphere at all.
Demolition Hammer - Cataclysm 6.5/10
I wasn't expecting this. At least this world-ending catastrophe seems natural in origin. I like the bass on this track and enjoy the energy, although I find that it runs a bit long for this style of thrash.