Themed Mixtape Game

I'm using Libreoffice Calc and it's fucking shit, if I become gamemaster again I'm gonna have to pirate Excel
@Krow Thanks for posting that link! Going to listen to it now and update my post.

I wasn't aware you posted the full album that starts with the first track to begin with. I was about to start reviewing it and making a tit out of myself by talking about how much I love the massive doom riffs that are scattered throughout the track. Turns out that song is "Creation", and the song I'm supposed to be reviewing definitely doesn't have those doom riffs.
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@Krow Thanks for posting that link! Going to listen to it now and update my post.

I wasn't aware you posted the full album that starts with the first track to begin with. I was about to start reviewing it and making a tit out of myself by talking about how much I love the massive doom riffs that are scattered throughout the track. Turns out that song is "Creation", and the song I'm supposed to be reviewing definitely doesn't have those doom riffs.

To be honest I didn't know that a bandcamp link provided a playable video. I assumed it would just link to the page and you could have picked the song. Huh.
I just went through all the ratings so far and calculated the current averages. You're not currently projected to win this one Vilden, but who knows what the future holds...

We're at 12 ratings so far. Of the ones that have submitted songs, I still don't have ratings from @no country for old wainds, @EspaDa, @The Butt, @Master_Yoda77, @EternalMetal, @mutantllama and @Serjeant Grumbles.

I wont be available tonight to make my ratings, but ill get them done by tomorrow night.
I listened to the playlist with the intention of rating the songs and checking out a bunch of music I haven't heard and by the end I felt like maybe I don't even like metal. I think I enjoyed 3 songs. Rainbow, Ares Kingdom and Primordial. Oh and Maiden, which I already knew. I don't understand. Some of that shit was so comically bad that I just don't even. I'm pretty much with @Sirjack on this one. I'll possibly partake on a different theme.
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Rainbow - Gates of Babylon 9/10

I've actually never listened to this Rainbow album for whatever reason. This is fucking amazing.

Tyrant - Babylon 8.5/10

Another band I'm not familiar with. This rules.

Nile - Lashed to the Slave Stick 8/10

Classic Nile. One of my favorite jams by them.

Iron Maiden - Powerslave 9/10


Magister Templi - Horus the Avenger 8/10

Big fan of Magister Templi. This track rules. Reminds me that I need to blast them more often.

Arghoslent - The Nubian Archer 7/10

Let's get racist! Great band but not my favorite song of theirs. Still good though.

Zemial - Ή Ταν Ή Επί Τας 8/10

I sort of fell out of touch with Zemial. I still definitely prefer their older stuff the most but I really dig their mix of epic heavy and black metal and stuff. This is great.

Adramelch - Zephirus 6/10

I have never listened to this. For whatever reason I had a hard time getting into them when I first heart of them. Something about it just doesn't do much for me and I don't know why.

Macabre Omen - An Ode to Rhode 8/10

I fucking love this band, but this doesn't capture that absolutely huge and sweeping sound they crafted on their newest album. I'm a sucker for that. This still rules though.

Ares Kingdom - Descent of Man 10/10

Definitely the best on this list. Fucking amazing from the start to the finish.

Meads of Asphodel - My Psychotic Sand Deity 5/10

Pretty poetic with the lyrics here. Not a fan of this one.

Yngwie J. Malmsteen - Dark Ages 8/10

God damn that artwork is amazing. I haven't heard this shit in AGES! Fuck, it's so damn fun.

Manilla Road - Rome 7/10

It's about time these guys get on this game. My first choise was "Tomes of Clay" because It's kind of their best song in years but this one is cool. Not my favorite from the album but its the Road. I would have gone with "The Fall of Iliam" of this album but I can see people hating all 14 minutes of it haha.

Doomsword - Varusschlacht (Varus Battle) 7/10

My other choice. Glad to see them make this list. I fucking love this band but this is definitely their weakest album. I got to meat The Ancient at a Manilla Road show in Kansas. He was really cool.

Slough Feg - Hiberno-Latin Invasion 8/10

Scalzi is God. This is the one Slough Feg album I don't have for whatever reason. Ugh, this is killer.

Primordial - As Rome Burns 8/10

A classic Primordial song. Definitely a good choice for this list. I wish the rest of the album was as good.

Reverend Bizarre - Caesar Forever 9/10

Dat Jurassic Park end. Love it.
Rainbow - Gates of Babylon
Best track on the album.

Tyrant - Babylon
Fairly generic, but not completely forgettable.

Nile - Lashed to the Slave Stick
I enjoy Annihilation of the Wicked, although I feel like I don't need much more than that from the band. This is a solid track, brutal and catchy in almost equal measure, but a little bit more brutal. Whoever picked this song is going to have to find a different song for the BDSM playlist, though.

Iron Maiden - Powerslave
Hard to go wrong with this.

Magister Templi - Horus the Avenger
This is pretty good. Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty good.

Arghoslent - The Nubian Archer
Decent riffing, but there's nothing too engaging about this.

Zemial - Ή Ταν Ή Επί Τας
Fairly good mix of black metal with traditional metal influences.

Adramelch - Zephirus
This has some interesting chromatic harmonies that really set it apart; I've been meaning to check out this band.

Macabre Omen - An Ode to Rhode
Fairly good, but without any sections that really stood out.

Ares Kingdom - Descent of Man

Well-executed death/thrash which manages to hold its own throughout its 7:20 length.

Meads of Asphodel - My Psychotic Sand Deity
I actually kind of like it, although I can see how its hodgepodge of ideas would be alienating for many people.

Yngwie J Malmsteen - Dark Ages
I've got to question how a song caled "Dark Ages" fits into the theme of Antiquity. Still, I enjoyed the dark choir synth harmonies; they were enough to give the song an extra edge.

Manilla Road - Rome

Not their best by any means; it's not quite enough to hold my interest for its entire duration.

Doomsword - Varusschlacht (Varus Battle)
This is a pretty killer album opener, although the way the segue into the next track is subsumed into this song is a little bit jarring when taken in isolation.

Slough Feg - Hiberno-Latin Invasion
This song goes to show how you can have a decidedly folkish vibe without any folk instruments. It's fairly upbeat, but in a good way.

Primordial - Rome Burns

On a lesser album this would be a standout track, but on one such as To The Nameless Dead, it's actually one of the weaker tracks in my opinion, which is still pretty damn good. The epic build up of "Sing, sing, sing to the slaves" is the crowning achievement of this track.

Reverend Bizarre
Certainly crushing, and I was feeling like it drew on too long at times, but it ultimately left me pretty satisfied once it reached the outro section, like the post-coital feeling after a doomgasm.
Rainbow - Gates of Babylon
restraint? who needs restraint?! such a ridiculously extravagant epic, they don't make 'em like this anymore. probably my favourite rainbow song. you guys who said you haven't heard this album need to hear 'kill the king' too. 9/10

Tyrant - Babylon

glen may is a GOD x2. he has it all, man: the insane adams wail, an almost candlemass-worthy deep falsetto, quorthon's warrior roar. honestly tyrant would be a lot more legendary if they didn't bury him in the guitar maelstrom so much, he tends to sound a little suffocated by the mix and it makes the music seem more lethargic in general. they also stray too close to stadium fodder at times and i can imagine people saying the same about this song, but it's just so expressive and passionate. if i was new to this i'd be sold on that reflective opening 30 seconds alone, it's a really simple but cultured and emotionally charged melody, the stuff of deeply felt myth. there's no better song for arguing that the american tyrant are one of the most worthy descendants of manowar/bathory. check out their masterpiece 'legions of the dead' (as in the song not the album) if you haven't heard it. 8/10

Nile - Lashed to the Slave Stick

this is totally fucking rifftacular and don't let anybody tell you otherwise. i'm also not aware of anything quite like it, and it's frustrating because nile can be kinda samey and generic so much of the time but every so often they show they're capable of much more. it's easy to underrate their best stuff because they're so overrated by the mainstream but i'm 100% behind this one. 8/10

Iron Maiden - Powerslave

one of the greatest choruses of all time. even at the height of my maiden cynicism i could never deny that, and i'm mostly out the other side of that nonsense these days. the bit that links verse and chorus is pretty lame, and i suspect the reason for that is there was no particularly good way of making these verses and this chorus go together, but then the chorus hits and i don't give a shit about any of that stuff anymore so whatever. the loooong instrumental centrepiece is consistently delightful too, flies by. 9/10

Magister Templi - Horus the Avenger

man, this whole list so far is just balls out epicitude. what can i say about this that isn't fucking obvious? the vocals are positively erotic. i need to listen to this album more. 8/10

Arghoslent - The Nubian Archer

yall are offending me with your arghoslent disdain. GALLOPING THROUGH THE BATTLE RUINS is a masterwork you goddarn peasants, they did actually used to write great songs before they went more superficial and riff salady. even in their latter period this band has written some of the most gorgeous, strange, emotionally charged melodies of anybody after the 1980s, and some utterly horns-raising riffs to boot. not to mention some of the most well written solos in the business. history oozes from their whole style, moreso than pretty much any other band i can think of. they're perfect for the list even though this definitely isn't the song i'd have chosen. 'tis a shame they had to replace their vocalist, other guy was better. 7/10

Zemial - Ή Ταν Ή Επί Τας

more totally rousing shit right here. this is a really coherent playlist in that regard, you could work out to it if you were some kind of dull gym-going buffoon. this song is so full of attitude and bloodlust, amazingly vivid. i need to listen to zemial more, teh kiwi is never wrong. 9/10

Adramelch - Zephirus

i do sometimes wish the production was more immersive despite the unique and otherworldly vibe it brings, and ya they can be a little awkward in places, but when you're making music on a completely different plane from other bands - the stuff of dreams and other worlds, overflowing with desperate emotion - you can get away with that. vocalist is an angel so shut it - i'd understand being annoyed by john arch more than ballerio actually, but they have similar strengths. the solo at 4 minutes gives my eardrums a pair of erections, and the ending makes them jizz wax across the room. this is also inextricably linked to the black company books for me, which ain't a bad thing. 10/10

Macabre Omen - An Ode to Rhode

david and i have been hyping up this album forever, it's great that they're suddenly getting their due after the new one landed. this was the first band i thought of when i saw the theme. 8/10

Ares Kingdom - Descent of Man

only problem with ares kingdom is i'd like them to be a bit more economical. i'm certain a fully honed five minute version of this song would sound more epic to me, and i've always felt this was a great album trapped inside a good one in general. solos are a bit flashy here too methinks. good band though; huge sound, evocative riffs, contagious energy, vocalist has great presence. 7/10

Meads of Asphodel - My Psychotic Sand Deity

great song title, great cover art. shame about the song. i don't mind metal with elements borrowed from a diverse range of genres, as long as they're actually integrated into something that has focus, unity. this.... is not that. some ok individual sections, i.e. the cathartic power pop bit at 5:15ish, are the only reason i'm not marking it even lower. actually those pink floyd noodlings are really cringeworthy maybe i will anyway. this is basically an even more spazzy opeth. also lmao i just realised that awful cheeseball melody in the BM sections (i.e. 6:28) sounds like the UBOS theme. 3/10

Yngwie J. Malmsteen - Dark Ages

literally had no idea malmsteen did stuff like this wtf. this is possibly the closest i've ever heard metal sound to what random old school bargain-bucket fantasy novels feel like to read. total fucking nerdcore. simplistic, amateurish, nothing subtle about it, but it's soooo authentic somehow, a fucking wizard made this in some castle many centuries ago. and that bassline is a PEACH, not sure i've ever heard a bassline in that style in this context before but it totally works. is there more like this? 8/10

Manilla Road - Rome

GATES OF FIRE is an album experience that doesn't really benefit from sampling; you need to let it gradually soak in. that said, eleven minutes is long enough to be mesmerised by its slow burn at least a little. love the leads in this, and that section around the seven or eight minute mark. 8/10

Doomsword - Varusschlacht (Varus Battle)

ahhh i knew this was gonna be a perfect segue - doomsword have taken on quite a bit of manilla road influence just lately, and they kick our playlist up a notch while retaining that patient, searing, hypnotic quality of the previous song. i think this album may be the definitive 'epic metal' record of this decade so far, not the ironsword one. pretty much exactly what i want out of the so-called sub-genre here. 8/10

Slough Feg - Hiberno-Latin Invasion

may be the most gorgeous and graceful slough feg song. 9/10

Primordial - As Rome Burns

it's aight, but not enough layering or restraint for my tastes, just very on the nose and in your face, a little like latter era immortal. guitar tone is too watery also, and the middle section drags. 5/10

Reverend Bizarre - Caesar Forever

if you love doom, you love this. if you love this, you love doom. simple. perfect outro btw, idk if that was intentional. 9/10

lol i liked over half the playlist more than my own pick, that's kind of depressing and kind of awesome. i was making a conscious effort to rate more discriminatingly here btw, believe it or not.

Yngwie J. Malmsteen - Dark Ages

literally had no idea malmsteen did stuff like this wtf. this is possibly the closest i've ever heard metal sound to what random old school bargain-bucket fantasy novels feel like to read. total fucking nerdcore. simplistic, amateurish, nothing subtle about it, but it's soooo authentic somehow, a fucking wizard made this in some castle many centuries ago. and that bassline is a PEACH, not sure i've ever heard a bassline in that style in this context before but it totally works. is there more like this? 8/10

Yeah check out that whole album Trilogy. His best imo, Mark Boals is a killer singer and Yngwie tones it back a bit to let him shine on this album. A lot of people recommend Rising Force first, but I heard that first and disliked it. Then later I started with Trilogy and worked forwards and backwards from there, and I now I'm a Yngwie fan. Magnum Opus is a good 2nd album to go for. Rising Force 3rd probably.