Themed Mixtape Game

My apologies to @Vegard Pompey for so many decimal points but I think there's a strong chance of a tie so I'm helping avoid that problem.

Rainbow - Gates of Babylon


Tyrant - Babylon

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! -Head explodes repeatedly- God damn, it's like Orange Goblin and a band less stoneriffic had a terrible savage baby in a land of savages. And then that baby drove it's motorcycle/chariot directly into a wall and punched another baby on its way into a sand-swept hell.

Nile - Lashed to the Slave Stick

AH? A-hah! One of them Nile tracks I actually really fucking like. Really could have gone with most of their discography for this theme, but this was perhaps the very best choice. Very fitting, very brutal, very enslaving.

Iron Maiden - Powerslave

FUCK YOU DUDE. UNFAIR. Would someone please tell whoever posted this song to stop being a powerslave? You don't have to always fucking win, crowd pleaser.

Magister Templi - Horus the Avenger

Dude, I want to sing this song loudly. I'm also rating this playlist aloud with my dude and his incessant mocking of the vocals and accusations that they're ripping off Slayer are getting SHOT FUCKING DOWN. No babe, he's not saying Walrus the Avenger, shut the fuck up and paint your models. Ancient cultures. Horus is ancient as shit. Walruses aren't. Also though this song is nerdy as fucking shit.

Arghoslent - The Nubian Archer

Points for the creativity, don't think anyone else is taking that path. It was overall pretty forgettable for me though. Plus I'm pretty sure they're gay because it's terrible. The 3 minute mark caught my interest for a moment, then lost it as I realized that's forgettable too. The outro had the same effect.

ZEMIAL - Ή ΤανΉ Επί Τας

Intro was toight, reminded me of something else I can't place. I have no idea what these crazy bastards call their band or the track title, or what this song's about, but I dug it. It is in English, it's just done in such a way that it seems very foreign and war-heavy. It's obviously about a war. Cool stuff.

Adramelch - Zephirus

Really thin, wet sound, made me think of a basilisk. The tiny lizard that runs across water, not the epic fucking beast of yore. It was too surface, too one-dimensional. It's a shame because the vocals were actually really interesting and it's a good concept.

Macabre Omen - An Ode to Rhode

I fucking hate the vocals. It's an ode to something alright: excitement wrought with disappointment. Instrumentation and production were absolutely lovely though and seemed like the main focus, so it's forgivable. The pretty parts suited the title well.

Ares Kingdom - Descent of Man

I have been bit by the motherfucking serpent indeed. Thank fucking god because this band is trying too hard and should have brought the vocals further back in the mix. If the vocalist were a demon reveling in the descent of man, I'd be the part of mankind laughing and pointing on my way down about what a faggot he is.

Meads of Asphodel - My Psychotic Sand Deity

It was pretty cool. I don't get the feeling so much of a psychotic sand deity as a psycho eating a bunch of sand then spitting it in other people's faces screaming WORSHIP MY GODDDDD!!!! Before his wonderful, wonderful fucking wife comes over to calm him down with her soft hands and angel eyes. That being said there were some very authentically 'ancient' sounding bits and pieces, even amongst the guitar work, and it was overall an extremely versatile song deserving of respect.

Yngwie J. Malmsteen - Dark Ages

Herpaderpaderpityderp. I don't hate Malmsteen but I kinda hate him. This was his typical crap. Guess what it's about? Anyone? The thuper dark ages.

Manilla Road - Rome

Fucking love this fucking song god fucking dammit! Incredibly fitting of Rome, all in their proper place. Strong, orderly, unforgiving and conquering. The lines follow closely and correctly. No swaying. No nonconformists. The screeching vocals are the battle cry, the deep voice the grunt of a commander, the hissing soliloquoys the king's advisor. Masterful track.

Doomsword - Varusschlacht (Varus Battle)

Fuuuuuckin good shit. I've heard this track a few times and do greatly enjoy it. It's gruff and war-heavy as it should be. Pure bearded bloodlust, drunken and excited, smiling. It does get rather powermetally at times which cracks the facade slightly, but overall you can imagine thick, hard beer bellies bashing shields together before going forth as brothers in arms.

Slough Feg - "Hiberno-Latin Invasion"

This follows the last track well, same sort of fighting spirit. Not as exciting however. This is more about the merriment before the battle, or recounting past fights, than the here and now. Or rather the ancient here and now. Very optimistic and happy, while being somewhat boring.

Primordial - As Rome Burns

This instantly took me elsewhere. The room faded, and I was standing in the smoking streets, hopeless and toppled. Distraught and angry, disappointment and rage, fucking ripped my heart out. I'm almost convinced past selves are real now, and I was fucking THERE, man. Powerful fucking track, jesus christ. I really need to check out more Primordial. I don't even want to be funny in this review. Perfect juxtaposition of the harsh and the beautiful.

Reverend Bizarre - Caesar Forever

Another excellent transition between songs fitting together fantastically. I'm far from a RevBiz fanboy, haven't cared deeply for most of what I've heard, but I remember this track. And I'm still wrapped in the fantasy of Rome. This keeps me there. It cements my place. The lyrics are totally fucking masterful. It drones farrrr too much but it was a good, chilled out ending to our best playlist thus far.

I'd also like to rate the arrangement of these songs, which I think I'll do from now on. Fuckin 9.5/10 dude. Very well done.
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i bet no one knows which song i picked. mmmmuahhahaahaaa

I had every song rated yesterday until my internet cut out. I'm too lazy and tired now to elaborate further on my 10/10s and I've been working 14 hour days so there's a chance I won't be around in time to post things tomorrow, so whatevs:

Rainbow – Gates of Babylon – 10/10

One of my all-time favorite songs.

Tyrant – Babylon – 8/10

I have to admit that Tyrant underwhelmed me a bit when I finally got around to listening to them, but this is my favorite song of theirs. Love that lofty pacing, exactly conveys the journey told in the lyrics.

Nile – Lashed to the Slave Stick – 6/10

Haven’t listened to them much, but this is a lot thrashier than I was expecting it to sound. Lotsa triplet chugging, and hearing some Slayer in there too. The lyrics look kind of crappy so I didn’t read them for long, but the melodies in the chorus have a neat enough atmosphere I guess. I’d probably rate this higher in another playlist tbh, solid stuff still.

Iron Maiden – Powerslave – 10/10

Another all-time favorite.

Magister Templi – Horus the Avenger – 7/10

Never heard of these guys, but this sounds pretty damn good. Love to hear a retro band that actually gets close to a vintage atmosphere, a bit of galloping but some nice changes in pace, I’m definitely checking these guys out.

Arghoslent – The Nubian Archer – 3/10

The Grenadier is the only song I’ve heard of theirs that I like. The riffing is extremely rigid in its composition and full of faggy notes. That thrashy break 4 minutes in was good, otherwise fuck Arghoslent. The vocals sound especially try-hard actually trying to read the lyrics along this.

Zemial - Η ΤΑΝ Η ΕΠΙ ΤΑΣ – 6/10

Not bad but extremely generic, this sounds like the skeleton of what would be a filler track on a Maiden or USPM album. The war drums were somewhere between neat and gimmick. The lyrics are good and at least I they tried to have the music set to them, so I’ll give a little extra credit for that.

Adramelch – Zephirus – 10/10

Another all-time favorite.

Macabre Omen – An Ode to Rhode – 6/10

A little shaky on that intro but some pretty neat things after that.

Ares Kingdom – Descent of Man – 5/10

It was ok but a conscious struggle to pay attention to it. Vague Sabbat (UK) vibes from this, a number of riffs but none of them particularly standout, lyrics and the mad-preacher vocals being the obvious highlight. Long but doesn’t feel epic, just rambling.

Meads of Asphodel – My Psychotic Sand Deity – 2/10

These guys always make me laugh. Retarded spazz-metal for black metal fans that don’t want to admit it. The synth-horns are hilarious. The edgy lyrics are even better. The chillout AOR part 2.5 minutes is just amazing.

Yngwie – Dark Ages – 6/10

Technically I think this would be post-ancient history. Pretty good.

Manilla Road – Rome – 3/10
Yeah, this may as well have been 24 minutes long. Every section felt repeated at least twice as long as needed. I forgot how shitty Mark Shelton’s voice is these days too. Unlike Crystal Logic this song had riffs so it merits a higher rating than a 2, but this was still incredibly boring.

Doomsword – Varusschlacht – 3/10

Did absolutely nothing for me. I wanted to like the faux-pirate accent of the singer but all the woah-oh-oh’s were terrible and canceled them out. Possibly more painful initially coming off of a Manilla Road song.

Slough Feg – Hiberno-Latin Invasion – 7/10

Out of context of the album it sounds a little weaker than it should, the harmonies are certainly fruity as fuck, but it still works as it should.

Primordial – As Rome Burns – 6/10

Another band I never got around to checking out very far. Nice sound, strong vocalist, but kind of too post-metal-y or something. Long dramatic build-up but I started to zone out a bit during it.

Reverend Bizarre – Caesar Forever – 6/10

Started strong, but the happier part halfway through didn’t work so well for me, and then it went Jurassic Park or something in the last few minutes which was a WTF.
Rainbow - Gates of Babylon - 9/10
Dio-era Rainbow is gold.

Tyrant - Babylon - 8/10

Rough, manly heavy metal. Fuckin' aye, bahd.

Nile - Lashed to the Slave Stick - 3/10

Goddamn Nile. Used to enjoy them somewhat as a teen (select songs, never a full album) but it's just so boring and shallow imo.

Iron Maiden - Powerslave - 7/10

First handful of Maiden albums are solid. Never cared for the rest but Powerslave was one of the great ones.

Magister Templi - Horus the Avenger - 10/10

There are no words to describe how fucking fantastic this is.

Arghoslent - The Nubian Archer 9/10

Fucking love Arghoslent. Melodic death metal done right.

Zemial - Ή Ταν Ή Επί Τας - 7.5/10

Musically it's primitive, and straight to the point. Visceral in every aspect. I appreciate viscerality in my metal so this is naturally pretty great for me.

Adramelch - Zephirus - 7/10

Chaotic without devolving into a mess. Another "fuckin' aye" song.

Macabre Omen - An Ode to Rhode - 9/10

Fuck... how have I not heard more from this band before. Black metal like this, with this amount of melody, is fucking perfect for me and I totally never got around to checking much of the band out, despite the name being mentioned here numerous times. Just cursory listens here or there whdn I was probably drunk or high. Seems I have been majorly missing out.

Ares Kingdom - Descent of Man - 6/10

Never been much of a thrash guy but Ares Kingdom is one of the few acts I can really appreciate. Props.

Meads of Asphodel - My Psychotic Sand Deity - 1/10

Jesus christ lmao. This track suffers from what I call "Dream Theater Syndrome" where it's just a bunch of contrasting sections thrown together for the sake of appearing as "intellectual" music, when in reality it's just a mess. No thanks.

Yngwie J. Malmsteen - Dark Ages - 4/10

There are times when being simplistic works, and there are times it just doesn't. And aside from that solo, the song just doesn't have enough to grab me. Sorry.

Manilla Road - Rome - 9/10

A classic, there's really no debating this imo. A great song from one of the Road's best albums.

Doomsword - Varusschlacht (Varus Battle) - 8/10

I need to check out more Doomsword since the album's I've heard (Resound the Horn and Let Battle Commence) fucking rule. And this doesn't disappoint either.

Slough Feg - Hiberno-Latin Invasion - 7/10

Makes me want to slam a beer and headbang really fucking hard. Haven't heard a lot of Slough Feg actually (basically just this album) but it's been high-quality stuff.

Primordial - As Rome Burns - 7/10

A good song even if I don't care much for Primordial as a whole anymore.

Reverend Bizarre - Caesar Forever - 7.5/10

How To Crush Poseur Skulls 101.
Rainbow - Gates of Babylon 9.5/10

This transported me to a different place. Everything about this is amazing. Just Godly and an absolutely superb fit for this theme.

Tyrant - Babylon 8/10

I've never heard this before, but this is pretty great. Really like this guitar tone and the way he sings Babylon. Might have rated it higher had it not come straight after that Rainbow song. Definitely need to check this album out.

Nile - Lashed to the Slave Stick 7/10

I was expecting this to be incredibly meh because I used to own In Their Darkened Shrines, but I sold it because I never listened to it. For whatever reason, this theme seems to make me appreciate this song more than I otherwise would, and I am pleasantly surprised.

Iron Maiden - Powerslave 9/10

One of my favourite Maiden tracks from one of my favourite Maiden albums. This is powerful stuff.

Magister Templi - Horus the Avenger 8.5/10

So I almost started reviewing the wrong song because Krow's link is misleading. I'm not sure I like this quite as much as the track I heard that I almost reviewed but it's still a really good surprise! I'll definitely need to be buying this album. Wonder who submitted this? I would go with no country if I had to guess.

Arghoslent - The Nubian Archer 8/10

I was not expecting such low ratings for this, I thought they were universally liked by most metal communities. I mostly prefer the first 2 Arghoslent albums to this one but this is still some of the better death metal I've heard in these playlists so far.

Zemial - Ή Ταν Ή Επί Τας 8.5/10

Greek black metal is awesome. This is surprisingly epic for such a short track and I love the ending. Reading along to the lyrics made me appreciate this even more. I definitely need to listen to Zemial more often.

Adramelch - Zephirus 9.5/10

I don't understand the low ratings for this at all. These guitar harmonies are masterful, as is the songwriting, and I've never really heard anything quite like it. The vocals are soaring and fit the music perfectly. I love this track and the album as a whole is one of my favourites ever.

Macabre Omen - An Ode to Rhode 8/10

More Greek black metal mastery. Gods of War - At War was one of the few albums I heard from 2015 and I liked it a lot. This is my kind of black metal, really like the atmosphere here and I need to buy this album now.

Ares Kingdom - Descent of Man 8/10

Pretty great death/thrash here. I actually like the vocals quite a bit. I'm a fan of Incendiary, but I've never heard anything else by this band.

Meads of Asphodel - My Psychotic Sand Deity 3/10

This started off okay actually, I didn't hate what it was doing. But then what the fuck, they just throw a bunch of unrelated sections together. This is a compositional mess and this band obviously needs lessons in coherent songwriting. This was bad.

Yngwie J. Malmsteen - Dark Ages 6/10

I didn't hate this as much as I thought I would, it's less wanky than other Malmsteen I've heard. Decent song.

Manilla Road - Rome 8.5/10

This band is fucking amazing. Epic and masterful song that belongs on this playlist.

Doomsword - Varusschlacht (Varus Battle) 7/10

I'm only familar with Resound the Horns from this band, and I prefer the songs on that to this. But I still enjoyed this.

Slough Feg - Hiberno-Latin Invasion 8/10

This band rules. I haven't heard anything from them that I don't like. I didn't enjoy this as much as my favourite stuff from Traveller but it was still good.

Primordial - As Rome Burns 8.5/10

I'm a fan of Primordial. This was no "Gods to the Godless" or "The Coffin Ships", but this is still some pretty epic shit. Nemtheanga is far from technically great, but he injects his vocals with so much passion and emotion that I appreciate them a lot. Real sense of drama in this song that doesn't sound faux.

Reverend Bizarre - Caesar Forever 9/10

Fucking crushing. Perfect outro to this immense playlist!

On the whole, this was the best one yet. There's only 2/3 songs here I won't be listening to again. Great job everyone who submitted and a fantastic job from Vegard on ordering these songs.
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I was not expecting such low ratings for this, I thought they were universally liked by most metal communities. I mostly prefer the first 2 Arghoslent albums to this one but this is still some of the better death metal I've heard in these playlists so far.

Actually even I am quite surprised that people dislike Arghoslent so much around here. It used to be a big trend around here back before the third one was released and then everybody was like fuck third Arghoslent album is coming up omgomg!11. They were loved here as far as I remember.
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It's 2016 m8, racism isn't cool anymore, now we're all socially conscious homos. I bet ya Destroyer 666 won't fare nearly as well as they would have a decade ago either. Even in-trend metal can fall out of favor eventually.
Yngwie – Dark Ages – 6/10

Technically I think this would be post-ancient history. Pretty good.

Yeah I realized that as I was searching for a song at the last second. I thought since it would likely be the last song on the playlist, it could serve as an outro to ancient history.

Like it'd be cool to put this playlist in chronological order, culminating in the fall of the Roman empire and the beginning of the dark ages.

(also it wasn't my first choice)
How many ratings are there so far? I'm too lazy to count, but I'm sure that someone is tracking it. :)
How many ratings are there so far? I'm too lazy to count, but I'm sure that someone is tracking it. :)

14, once I put my votes in later today. I'm tracking everything on Excel; it's pretty easy to track the both the averages and the rankings that way
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I just went through all the ratings so far and calculated the current averages. You're not currently projected to win this one Vilden, but who knows what the future holds...

We're at 12 ratings so far. Of the ones that have submitted songs, I still don't have ratings from @no country for old wainds, @EspaDa, @The Butt, @Master_Yoda77, @EternalMetal, @mutantllama and @Serjeant Grumbles.

@The Butt did give ratings. I was thinking I couldn't count for a second there.