Themed Mixtape Game

I'm way too slow. & have been listening to the non-metal mixed theme, and somehow missed this. :lol: That list is amazing, so I'll definitely listen to it anyways.
Just starting to listen right now, but regarding the earlier stuff imo giving at least 24 hours for people to submit a pick is a good policy for the future.
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Rainbow - Gates of Babylon

I'm not as familiar with Rainbow as I should be, and listening to this reinforces that. 8/10

Tyrant - Babylon

Glen May is a GOD. 8/10

Nile - Lashed to the Slave Stick

Nile aren't a band I've particularly cared for over the years, but for some reason I've always been aware of this song. There's no denying the sheer weight and power behind this. Rock solid death metal. 8.5/10

Iron Maiden - Powerslave

Classic Maiden, one of the best from the album, etc. 8.5/10

Magister Templi - Horus the Avenger

Never even heard of this before. Consider me thoroughly impressed! Love the oldschool production and passionate vocals. Great riffs all around... I really can't fault this at all. I will be investigating this band further. Loved it so much on the second listen that I'm bumping it up a point for being such a goddamn good surprise. 10/10

Arghoslent - The Nubian Archer

I'm really not sure why I used to give Arghoslent so much shit. I wasn't huge on them during the peak hype years. I'm glad I can properly appreciate their craft nowadays. 8.5/10

Zemial - Ή Ταν Ή Επί Τας

For such a short and simple song I find this remarkably epic and powerful. The DRUMS OF WAR bit always hits me, and "Now you battle for ALL!" never fails to send shivers down my spine. 9/10

Adramelch - Zephirus

I've always struggled to properly articulate my thoughts when it comes to Irae Melanox. Nixon captures it well on RYM. Suffice to say it's one of the best things this forum has ever introduced me to and I'll be surprised if this song doesn't win this round. 10/10

Macabre Omen - An Ode to Rhode

The Ancient Returns has been one of my favourite albums for the past 10 years and I'm glad it made the playlist. To anyone that discovered this band with their album from last year, this is the one to listen to. 8/10

Ares Kingdom - Descent of Man

I haven't heard this before, despite owning Return to Dust for close to a decade. Potent stuff here. 7.5/10

Meads of Asphodel - My Psychotic Sand Deity

Another first time. This song is all over the place in the worst way possible. Is that all it takes to be avant garde? The entire middle section is pointless and contrived. Weird choice. 3/10

Yngwie J. Malmsteen - Dark Ages

I could do without the excessive wankery, but who wouldn't expect that from Malmsteen. Otherwise, not bad. Not really sure what it has to do with ancient history though. 6/10

Manilla Road - Rome

Outside of the album this seems to drag on for a few minutes too long. Still, it's a good song from a great album. Fits perfectly. 7.5/10

Doomsword - Varusschlacht (Varus Battle)

I haven't listened to Doomsword for years. Enjoyed the lyrics/story. 7/10

Slough Feg - Hiberno-Latin Invasion

I fucking love Slough Feg. I hadn't previously paid attention to the lyrics. 8.5/10

Primordial - As Rome Burns

Another band whose GMD hype train I never rode for whatever reason, although I can see the appeal. I'm not even sure I've listened to a full song by Primordial before. Good stuff. 7/10

Reverend Bizarre - Caeser Forever

Fuck, way to end it on an extremely high note. 9/10

Great, great playlist. Easily my favourite theme so far.
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Rainbow - 10/10 I'm a true fan of Dio's voice and this is one of his best rainbow tracks. Calling it now, this wins.

Tyrant - 9/10 this is killer! Hadn't heard it before and now I'm wondering why not.

Nile - 7/10 this Nile song reminds me of Dethklok without the humor. It's mediocre to slightly above mediocre.

Iron Maiden - 5/10 I'm really not a fan of this band. Typical guitar work from them. Gallop gallop gallop fill. The vocals seemed slightly less annoying than usual.

Magister Templi - 7/10 not sure what to say about it. Mediocre vocalist, decent riffs.

Arghoslent - 4/10 meh. Meh across the board.

Zemial - 6/10 listenable but fairly elementary.

Adramelch - 4/10 oh god I want someone to slap this vocalist. I didn't make it through this one.

Macabre Omen - 7.5/10 this is serviceable. Does a good job of evoking an Ancient Greek feel. The acoustic break was a welcome change. End was overlong.

Ares Kingdom - 5/10 vocalist is mixed too loud and is annoying. Guitars and drums are dull.

Meads of Asphodel - 9/10 a study in contrasts. This is another key part of why I love metal. Here we have harsh vocals and blast beats vs voivody guitars, jazzy fills and horns. Then a gorgeous middle section with that female vocalist. This is sick, I might end up buying this album.

Yngwie - 9.5/10 exceptional vocalist, exceptional guitarist. Doom like rhythm section to provide heaviness yet let them shine. Love it.

Manilla Road - 6.5/10 I can dig some of the guitar work on this. Not as bad as other road tracks I've heard. But these singers and guitarists trying to follow up Boals and Malmsteen is not working for them. really bad singing killed it for me before it got to the cool parts.

Doomsword - 7.5/10 started off like Maiden worship, but with better drumming. Actually yeah I love this drummer, makes this sound a lot more badass than it actually is. Lackluster vocals, but decent lyrics.

Slough Feg - 7/10 this is pretty much my standard rating for anything slough feg. They're like the essence of unrealized potential in band form. They're so close to being good that I want to like them more than I do.

Primordial - 6.5/10 some really cool, intense parts to this. Felt like it took days to reach them though.

Reverend Bizarre 8.5/10 I'm going to have to give this band another chance now. Unholy cow this was good. Could have been a little more bass heavy and there's one point where it repeated too much. But overall a great song.
Rainbow - Gates of Babylon
What a way to begin a playlist, with pure mastery. Very cheesy rhythm but doesn't hurt it in any way. 8/10.

Tyrant - Babylon

From my favourite Tyrant LP. KNEEL DOWN. I love the slow build up, so fucking epic. 7/10.

Nile - Lashed to the Slave Stick

I knew these bastards would end up in here. Obviously deserves recognition for it's themes. 5/10.

Iron Maiden - Powerslave

This is deadly.
"And in my last hour I'm a slave to the power of death."
The galloping riffs at the start are so fucking exciting! Prime example of why they're metal gods. 9/10.

Magister Templi - Horus the Avenger

"Horus, the avengerrrrrrrrr."
I've been meaning to get into this band and this is likely the extra incentive I needed. Sounds really massive and vibrant, great fucking lyrics too. 7/10.

Arghoslent - The Nubian Archer

This didn't hit me too deeply, never been a huge fan of this band in general. 5/10.

Zemial - Ή Ταν Ή Επί Τας

"When swords and spears had broken.
Fought they with fists and teeth."

Fucking HAIL. Reading the lyrics along with this is essential. Mastery of hard-to-reach levels.
The underground rules forever. 10/10.

Adramelch - Zephirus

God damn. I'd heard of this band but never looked too deeply into them, but now I have to. This is so grand and thematically epic. 8/10.

Macabre Omen - An Ode to Rhode

Works as a nice interlude for the second half of the playlist. Great band, decent track. 6/10.

Ares Kingdom - Descent of Man

After "An Ode To Rhode" this massive energy seems almost intentionally placed. Absolutely ripping beast of a track! 7/10.

Meads of Asphodel - My Psychotic Sand Deity

Never been a fan, but it's not bad. Not great, kind of awkward. 5/10.

Yngwie J. Malmsteen - Dark Ages

"Just the strong survive.
You have to try or you will die."
This is what I'm talking about, real heavy metal. The vocal harmonies are simply perfect for this track. The lyrics (or theme if you like) is a little vague, but I can forgive it. 8/10.

Manilla Road - Rome

Slow-burning epic mastery. They can't be denied, ever. I honestly think this may be one of their greatest songs and I love to read along with the lyrics. 10/10.

Doomsword - Varusschlacht (Varus Battle)

"The eye of Wotan casts it's glance."
Good fucking choice, this band's lyricism is top notch in my opinion, they quite literally never let me down and the song's pace is very welcome after the slow, epic Manilla Road composition. I don't know if these songs were placed in a purposeful order but if so, I really appreciate it. Flow is important. 9/10.

Slough Feg - Hiberno-Latin Invasion

My favourite song from my second favourite Slough Feg album, great lyrics that hold your attention in their own right. 9/10.

Primordial - As Rome Burns

It's shameful to admit but I still don't own any recent era Primordial and every time I hear something of theirs I kick myself for being such a fucking loser. I absolutely loved this track, a genuine highlight and the theme was upheld magnificently. Hail Ireland. 9/10.

Reverend Bizarre - Caesar Forever

"They believed in the virgin mother, for that they must be crucified."
Enough said. 10/10.

This playlist was fucking massive, kind of long, but very enjoyable. Made my night.
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Rainbow - Gates of Babylon 10/10

This is one of the best songs there is. It has an amazing atmosphere and the vocals and lyrics are just stunning. Listening to this really transports me to another time and place. It's my absolute favorite Rainbow song.

Tyrant - Babylon 8.5/10

Awesome, but not as awesome as the other Babylon-related song that preceded it. It's still absolutely great. I need to check out more of this band.

Nile - Lashed to the Slave Stick 8/10

I never listen to Nile, but this is probably the best song that I've heard by them. It captures the theme very well. I was impressed by how much I actually liked this.

Iron Maiden - Powerslave 8/10

I've always thought that this was good, but a bit indulgent. It's one of the better Bruce Dickinson classic Iron Maiden songs. The songwriting is pretty powerful.

Magister Templi - Horus the Avenger 8/10

I haven't heard this band before. I really like what they've got going on here. The vocals are also exactly what I like. It goes with the theme and makes me want to hear more of their music.

Arghoslent - The Nubian Archer 8/10

Arghoslent is cool. I used to like them more than I do now, but I still appreciate this song and I think it fits the theme quite well. Great guitar work too.

Zemial - Ή Ταν Ή Επί Τας 8.5/10

Zemial is awesome. I think that you could pick from quite a few of their songs in this theme, but this is the one that I think works the best. Masterful Greek band channelling Bathory and doing amazing things.

Adramelch - Zephirus 9.5/10

I sometimes forget how awesome Adramelch is. This song is just stunning and has an absolutely wonderful atmosphere. It's one of my favorites on this playlist for sure.

Macabre Omen - An Ode to Rhode 8/10

I really like the production and guitar sound on this track. It's definitely a great song and it goes with the theme. I need to listen to this band more in the future.

Ares Kingdom - Descent of Man 8.5/10

Powerful and thrashy death metal is always good. This is actually one of my most listened to current death metal bands. I wasn't expecting this song and it is a really pleasant surprise that fits the theme.

Meads of Asphodel - My Psychotic Sand Deity 3/10

This band has always been too ambitious without the actual talent to carry out their visions. Mediocre and kind of annoying.

Yngwie J. Malmsteen - Dark Ages 5/10

It's okay. I don't really like it much. I've never been a fan of Yngwie but this is better than all of the other songs that I've heard by him.

Manilla Road - Rome 8/10

This song reminds me that I need to listen to more of the newer Manilla Road albums. It's a wonderful epic track. I think that it's on point for this theme.

Doomsword - Varusschlacht (Varus Battle) 7.5/10

I don't think that I've actually heard this band before. I enjoyed this and I thought the lyrics and atmosphere of the song worked well for this theme.

Slough Feg - Hiberno-Latin Invasion 8.5/10

Slough Feg should be in every round because they always satisfy. This is one of my favorite tracks by them. I'm glad that it's here.

Primordial - As Rome Burns 7.5/10

This is a really cool song. Primordial is definitely a good band, although I rarely ever listen to them. The vocals and rhythm of this song really lend themselves to the atmosphere here. Solid effort that suits the theme.

Reverend Bizarre - Caesar Forever 9.5/10

@CASSETTEISGOD must have picked this. Awesome way to end the best playlist yet.
Rainbow - Gates of Babylon 9/10
Not sure what to say, Dio ftw. He is top 3 vocalists in metal. This is a obvious example why. The music also fits the theme perfectly. This also made me realise that Symphony X is probably pretty influenced by this.

Tyrant - Babylon 8/10
Never heard those guys but they surely deliver. The mid tempo speed makes it sound really epic. I will check out this album further.

Nile - Lashed to the Slave Stick 4/10

Nah sorry, this is not my thing. I have a really heard time enjoying brutal/borderline brutal or tech death metal. I stick to my swedeath and findeath. Some parts were definitely better than others though. The intro really sucked.

Iron Maiden - Powerslave 10/10

Bruce era Maiden isn't really held i high regard around here, but fuck off this is the shit. Pretty much the perfect heavy metal music. To cite Nifelheim: "we will kill you if you don't like Iron Maiden because then you are a fucking wimp".

Magister Templi - Horus the Avenger 7/10

This isn't bad at all, but I feel like I should like it more than I do. It reminds me of The Lamp of Thoth abit which I'm not really sure if it is a good thing or not. Will probably check it out further sometime though.

Arghoslent - The Nubian Archer 5/10
Hmm, I'm pretty burnt out on Arghoslent and this is actually the first time I've even heard a song from Hornets of the Pogrom and it sounds pretty much exactly as the album before? Quite nice melodies and all, but mostly soulless boring stuff.

Zemial - Ή Ταν Ή Επί Τας 9/10

The perfect example that epicness doesn't mean that the song has to be long as fuck. This is how you worship bathory the right way. Only the title track beats this on the album imo.

Adramelch - Zephirus 9/10

This album really hits the spot in the Fates Warning kind of right way. Not sure what else to say.

Macabre Omen - An Ode to Rhode 7/10

As I thought that this was abit too straightforward the interlude comes in just at the right time and changes up enough to make it work.

Ares Kingdom - Descent of Man 7/10

First time hearing Ares Kingdom actually, it's a classic UM-band though so it was about time. I definitely prefer this side of death metal to Nile. Quite good actually, did drag on a tid bit though.

Meads of Asphodel - My Psychotic Sand Deity 4/10

After reading the reviews before me I expected this to be really bad, but actually enjoyed it in the beginning. Sounded kind of Bal-sagothy which I don't mind. Then around 3 min the song took a turn for the worse. Wtf, this was not good.

Yngwie J. Malmsteen - Dark Ages 6,5/10

I thought this was pretty cool actually, not on the level of some of the other heavy metal on this list, but worthy indeed.

Manilla Road - Rome 8/10

I love Gates of Fire, maybe the best new age Manilla Road album. Still not sure if Rome is the track I would have chosen but it is ofcourse great. I just love 'Roads ability to sound really mythical and magical without being overly pompous. Harken the tale of Aeneas!

Doomsword - Varusschlacht (Varus Battle) 7,5/10

This is more the overly pompous sort, but thankfully Doomsword does it well, they can be abit repetitive with similar tempo in most of their songs, but a one of like this is really nice!

Slough Feg - Hiberno-Latin Invasion 7/10

Slough Feg is good, but I've got enough of it efter Traveller. Still a very nice song.

Primordial - As Rome Burns 6/10

This sounds like The Gathering Wilderness but just more of everything which just makes it bland and uninteresting. It's quite atmospheric but I dunno, I don't feel much from this even though emotion is hailed as their forte. Nemtheanga is grating too, even if he has done worse.

Reverend Bizarre - Caesar Forever 10/10

So, I'm probably, or atleast once was the biggest Revbiz nerd on this board, and well this song delivers and it's not even the best on the album. Perfect ending!

Jesus christ this list is easily the best one yet. So many songs that I could be content with them winning.
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I'm hoping to get to this truly godly list later tonight. But give it to me straight. How much time am I gonna need for the listening alone?
Rainbow - Gates of Babylon 7/10 Blackmore' leads were never better than in this brilliant comp. The perfect vehicle for Ronnie's voice as well.
a clever tune, an inspiring tune. Deserves (and lacks) its place in metal history.

Tyrant - Babylon 4/10 Standard okayish never-gonna-be-original mid 80's pomp. Pretty fucking boring tbh. Dunno why l gave this a 4.

Nile - Lashed to the slave stick 7/10 l haven't really listened to Nile for a good 10 years and that's because l thought they went way too samey after Black Vengeance thingy, but uh, l enjoyed this..clear defined killer riffs and a rhythm section that works.

Iron Maiden - Power Slave 8/10 someone above said same old gallop gallop fill etc but ya gotta realise that this back then guys was the shit! Maiden were just ahead of the pack. And they OWNED the gallop riff. Melodic, structured raise your fist metal! Kick ass

Horus the Avenger - Magister Templi Had to listen to a live version as video wasn't available in the UK! wut Anyway, bit shit not too exciting nothing for me, l mean decent axe work, shitty singing, like l said a live version so might register better if l source a better version...but ah...nah cant be arsed 5/10

Arghoslent - The Nubian Archer 4/10 nothing to see here folks, bog standard thin tones throughout, uninspired songwriting, decent vocals tho.

Zemial - H Tan H Eni Tat 2/10 no there's definitely nothing here. play ground metal for dummies. Shite

Adramelch - Zephirus 2/10 There's a lot of bands out there that should really record stuff and sit down and listen to it before sending it to clueless fucks to distribute amongst the sane of society. This is such a recording. Utter try arse and failed mess that sounds worse that the shittiest demo's most band conjure up with in 2 weeks . Fucking dire.

Macabre Omen - An Ode to Rhode 4/10 no wait 2/10 same shite as those above
move along folks there's nothing to see here...ok ok the acoustic play gives them a tad more gravitas but that's it.

Ares Kingdom - Descent of Man 7/10 Decent riffs propelled with a smidgen of songwriting nous and good old school vocals. Ace

The Meads of Asphodel - My Psychotic Sand Deity 7/10 This band has severe limitations - actual instrument ability - but the creativeness is unquestionable, that middle section is beautiful, unless your a retard from Croydon and you just can't see it.

Yngwie - Dark Ages 7/10 Love early Yngwie love this. Tone for days..

Manilla Road - Rome 3/10 Sounds like Zakk Wylde in a bathroom singing over wet riffs played by Jim Gillette and then they swap!
Not too sure what the hard-on for this band is around here but l gotta tell ya guys - they ain't all that.

Doomsword - Varusschlacht 5/10 folk metal? nice lead decent riffs frustrating cohesion would not buy.

Slogh Feg - Hiberno-Latin Invasion 4/10 anal twin gutar attack that goes a bit gay at 3:10.. not great not especially good

Primordial - As Rome Burns 6/10 l read this guys page in ZT every month. Speaks a lot of truths. His music backs up his conviction from what l can tell. This is OK. Nothing amazing.

Reverend Bizarre - Caesar Forever 7/10 honest to goodness just about the best tune in this playlist! RB slay.
I won't leave really long comments because I just did this shit yesterday for non-metal mix theme and I'm just here to listen to this awesome music.

Rainbow - Gates of Bablyon. 10/10

Hell yes. This is everything good about life.

Tyrant - Bablyon 8/10

This was awesome too. But damn Dio's vocals and that first track is hard to follow.

Nile - Lashed to the Slave Stick 5/10
This track is a little meh for me. I also don't like the production. I prefer the stuff they did before.

Iron Maiden - Powerslave 7/10
I use to love this album soo much. I like it still but my brain wants something like that Rainbow track again.

Magister Templi - Horus the Avenger 9/10
Epic as fuck. I love this band. I need this album, I only have Lucifer Leviathan Logos.

Arghoslent - The Nubian Archer 4/10
I never really understood why so many liked this band. I've heard songs here and there but nothing really stuck. This is pretty medicore. Very overrated band, imo. They have awesomely racist song titles. That's pretty much it. Oh yeah extra point for funny title, and extra point for poppy/catchy riff.

Zemial - H Tan 7/10

I love Zemial. Not my favorite track by them but this was cool.

Adramelch - Zephirus 9/10

I'm always so surprised by how good this band is when I hear them. Shit. I need to get on getting their albums, already!

Macabre Omen - An Ode to Rode 10/10

This is awesome. This is basically how I like my BM. The part after the interlude is just perfection. I could get lost in that lead riff, and could listen to this for hours. Amazing. This and that Rainbow track is tied so far as my favorite songs on the list so far. Welp, looks like i'll be buying this album.

Ares Kingdom - Descent of Man 7.5/10
I have to listen to this band more. That was enjoyable and the track totally won me over towards the middle. Coming after that Macabre track was tough because that Macabre track completely changed my mood.

Meads of Asphodel - My Psychotic Sand Deity 4/10
Teenaged me use to think I was so cool listening to this eccentric band. There's some awesome ideas, but I they can get way too quirky and wacky and tend to ruin their tracks sometimes with it. This isn't their best work for me, and that transition to like 3 minutes in was super random. Okay. This track just took a turn for the worse. i dont like this singing in the background and that woman's voice. Blah. Very messy and choppy overall.

Yngwie M. Malmsteen - Dark Ages 7/10

I really liked this. I was pretty surprised. I think I know who picked this.

Manilla Road - Rome 7/10
Don't have much to say. This was good.

Doomsword - V 7.5/10

Something else I need to listen to more.

Slough Feg - Hibern Latin Invasion 8/10
These guys. Hell yeah.

Primordial - As Rome Burns 6/10
These guys always take way too long to build up. I dont think the guitarists are any good. Actually, i dont think any of the musicians here do anything special and it's sorta boring. The vocals hold it up.

Reverend Bizarre - Cesar Forever 10/10
This playlist, oh lawd yes.

Rainbow - Gates of Babylon
The undeniable god of heavy metal doing work here.

Tyrant - Babylon
Solid heavy metal. I feel a little underwhelmed here though. Nothing grabbed me.

Nile - Lashed to the Slave Stick
Nile is Nile is Nile is Nile is Nile is Nile. Would have rated one of their super long epics higher here probably.

Iron Maiden - Powerslave
Solid, I dont find myself coming back to Maiden that often though, even the stuff I really like.

Magister Templi - Horus the Avenger
HORUS THE AVENGAAAAAAAAA. Great band, have loved them since Lucifer Leviathan Logos. Great vocals, great riffs.

Arghoslent - The Nubian Archer
Fist pumping racist metal ov deth.

Zemial - Ή Ταν Ή Επί Τας
I have to admit I havent really listened to Zemial other than Nykta which I randomly got a while back and didnt really like that well. Seems I have some back tracking to do.

Adramelch - Zephirus
If you dont like this, you should probably go to the doctor before you die of ear cancer. Actually never mind, dont go.

Macabre Omen - An Ode to Rhode
Good, not sure what else to say.

Ares Kingdom - Descent of Man
Ares Kingdom has never really done much for me so no surprise with this song.

Meads of Asphodel - My Psychotic Sand Deity
Worst song on the playlist. Weird band and they had better choices available.

Yngwie J. Malmsteen - Dark Ages
I usually like Malmsteen to a point but hes out of his league here. The rest of the playlist has made this sound wimpy and annoying.

Manilla Road - Rome
Pretty epic Road song. one of their few albums I dont own for whatever reason.

Doomsword - Varusschlacht (Varus Battle)
I actually wanted to upload Heathen Assault until I realized I was a retard and it didnt fit. This song was ok.

Slough Feg - Hiberno-Latin Invasion
Oh the love I have for Slough Feg. These guys are the heavy metal equivalent of a good pizza. no matter the situation, I want some.

Primordial - As Rome Burns
Here's my perfect score. Suck it.

Reverend Bizarre - Caesar Forever
If I'm being honest this is too long and I kinda forgot what I was doing by the time it was finished. Still, good Rev is all RevBiz.
Rainbow - Gates of Babylon 10/10
- not only one of RJDs best, not only one of Rainbows best, but one of the greatest songs of all time! This song winning is the only correct outcome here.

Tyrant - Babylon 7/10
- not much to say here. I enjoyed it.

Nile - Lashed to the Slave Stick 7.5/10
- good ole pummeling technical death metal. Great riffs/guitarwork and drumming, killer vox.

Iron Maiden - Powerslave 7/10
- solid track. Nothing to say here really.

Magister Templi - Horus the Avenger 6.5/10
- not bad.

Zemial - Ή Ταν Ή Επί Τας 7/10
-Never heard of these guy. Will definitely be checking this album out

Arghoslent - The Nubian Archer 7/10
- solid track from one of the best melodically inclined death metal bands around.

Adramelch - Zephirus 5/10
-song was ok. vocalist was not.

Macabre Omen - An Ode to Rhode 6.5/10
- nice atmosphere.

Ares Kingdom - Descent of Man 5/10
- rather boring and the shitty solo around the 4:30 mark didnt help either. Return to Dust is the best thing this bad has done, by far.

Meads of Asphodel - My Psychotic Sand Deity 4/10
- Wow, talk about disjointed. This shits all over the place, and not in a good way

Yngwie J. Malmsteen - Dark Ages 8.5/10

- Easily one of the best songs on this list. Man, i haven't listened to Yngwie in yeeears. This reminds me of why i need to change that.

Manilla Road - 7.5/10

- Hadn't heard this one yet. Sick. I might have to give Gates of Fire a shot.

Doomsword - Varusschlacht - 6.5/10

- pretty cool song, but im not really a fan of this kind of vox/delivery style.

Slough Feg - Hiberno-Latin Invasion 5/10
-Far from being one of their better tracks. It seems like the more i lsiten to these guys, the less i like 'em.

Primordial - As Rome Burns - 8.5/10

- One of the best songs from To the Nameless Ones. I enjoyed every second of this track.

Reverend Bizarre - Caesar Forever - 7/10
- this was good. crushing riffage. Did drag on a bit though
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