Themed Mixtape Game

I really don't get those of you who see the theme "mental illness" and submit a song about feeling sad. I'm not saying depression isn't a legitimate illness I'm saying it's the lamest most boring illness you could write a fucking metal song about. I'm going to be biased in my ratings toward songs about actually going out of your fucking mind.

Depression has nothing to do with sadness. Try again.
It obviously has something to do with it. The point is that there's a difference between a "my girlfriend dumped me so now I'm sad and drinking" song and a "I have been chronically depressed my entire life" song.

Saint Vitus - The Lost Feeling – 7/10

Strong pick, probably one of my favorites from the album, especially in terms of the lyrical delivery. Probably one of Wino’s best moments actually.

Black Sabbath – Megalomania – 9/10

Never really paid attention to the lyrics in this one, but it’s a bit different from the usual themes that come to mind (at least for me) when talking about mental illness themes in metal, which is a big plus for this playlist.

Pestilence - Mind Reflections – 4/10

Always hated that main verse riff, so what is supposed to be a super tech-death album, it sounds like some shitty thrash riff going NEENER NEENER to me. Such a bad way to open what is sometimes a really cool album. I never really read a mental illness thing into this song; always thought it was about introspection or lack thereof, sort of a proto-Tool open-your-mind-and-be-enlightened-dude thing.

Sepultura - Septic Schizo – 5/10

Average song to me.

Morbid Angel - Maze of Torment – 5/10

Never quite got the appeal of this song as one of their most famous. Has its moments but it’s really clearly indebted to mid 80s Bay Area thrash and doesn’t have the atmosphere or viciousness of many other tracks here. Subtracting points because it seems like a stock occult possession/fearful insanity thing rather than actual mental illness.

Forgotten Tomb – Todestrieb – 7/10

I think I’m fatigued from excessive masturbation these last couple days because for some reason I’m actually enjoying this one while not feeling in the mood so much for thrash. The cover art looks wimpy and lame and the lyrics are all depressive and shit, but this actually sounds really dense and heavy and doomy unlike most emofag black metal which sounds thin and wimpy.

Vio-lence – Phobophobia – 8/10

Nah I take it back, post-Morbid Visions Sep and Morbid Angel just don’t have shit on Vio-lence. Sean Killian sounding like a total babbling loon automatically sells this song, helps that it’s kickass anyways.

Orodruin – Melancholia – 6/10

Never even heard of these guys before. Solid stuff, not much more to say.

Destruction - Confused Mind – 10/10

I fucking love everything about classic period Destruction (and Cracked Brain), and this a highlight of highlights. I’ll admit that the deranged serial killer theme is a little less creative than many of the other picks on this playlist, but damn, the delivery. Schmier had one of the most inhuman voices in all of 80s metal, the way he moans and shrieks out of tune is without rival, and then the riffs. I expected Cryptopsy’s Phobophile on the list to make the direct comparison a little easier, but even though this is obviously much simpler a decade earlier, when those kind of classical-sounding progressions enter 3 minutes in and give this creepy romantic vibe it just sounds so damn perfect, like I can really imagine the killer swaying back and forth and prancing to his next destination, like he really believes in and loves what he’s doing.

Carnivore - Manic Depression – 4/10

I’ve heard enough garbage covers of this song already. I was about to close it but I guess it’s maybe a little better than some of the other covers I’ve heard, so I’ll be a little more generous.

Judas Priest - Beyond the Realms of Death – 7/10

This is one of the songs I knew would be submitted even though I don’t really read it as being about mental illness. Obviously it’s a 10/10 song but whatevs, not awarding that here. It seems too conscious and socially critical to be read as actual insanity; being fed up with the world doesn’t really count to me. If it’s about dementia in old age as the first verse would imply, then it kind of doesn’t work for the rest of the song to me.

Dead Congregation - Morbid Paroxysm – 6/10


Sigh - In a Drowse – 1/10

Yeah avant-garde my ass, fuck these guys. Take the skeleton of a crappy reunion-era la-de-da Iron Maiden song, add saxophone and organ and other retarded shit, that’s what this is. I hate this band so much.

Beyond - Schizopsychotic Eruption – 3/10

Sound over songwriting. Some of these riffs are absolutely retarded but because the arrangement is tiny bit wonky and it has a caverncore sound people probably love this and describe it as Lovecraftian and vortex-like or some shit. Boring. Not feeling the message in the music either. The last minute almost sounded like it was going to have promise but ended up such a stereotypical thrash-break type thing that it actually made it worse.

Orchid - Mouth of Madness – 3/10

Probably only because it was just in the playlist, but this is kind of reminding the more upbeat part of Sabbath’s Megalomania. Although reading the comments, yeah the verse parts are definitely more Killing Yourself to Live. The drumming is notably more boring as is typical from these kinds of retro bands. That guitar solo was garbage too. This is just so dull that it’s hard to judge it in the context of theme. But still there, MADNESS, OOOH YEAAAAH, only Jon Oliva is allowed to do that shit, comes off like a shitty pub act here.

Reverend Bizarre – Demons Annoying Me – 5/10

Not bad but not 17-minutes-worthy either. The part where he starts screaming after 12 minutes bordered between silly and neat, either way I liked it as it got a little meaner.
Depression has nothing to do with sadness. Try again.

Fair point, but if the sadness-themed songs on this playlist are not assumed to involve depression (or maybe other disorders that sadness is indicative of, for surely sadness in itself is not a "mental illness"?) then they are not related to the theme.
Saint Vitus - 6/10 kinda boring tbh
Black Sabbath - 7/10 Solid Sabbath, but not as great as their first 5.
Pestilence - 10/10 One of my favorite Pestilence songs. Driving, chromatic, intense. Jazzy bits are cool. Def sounds mentally ill.
Sepultura - 8/10 Back when they were still good.
Morbid Angel - 9/10 Very solid pick for the theme. Might win.
Forgotten Tomb - 5/10 Nice atmosphere, overlong though. Found myself bored and skipping ahead.
Vio-Lence - 7/10 Classic pure thrash, but man that vocalist takes some getting used to.
Orodruin - 6/10 The song was growing on me, then it picked up and I thought this is gonna be great. Then it slowed down again for no reason. Pretty generic guitar solo. Really let me down in the last minute and a half.
Destruction - 7.5/10 They're a 7-8/10 thrash band. Standard effort from them, nothing truly special but it's good.
Carnivore - 4/10 Quite a bit worse than the original.
Judas Priest - 8/10 Classic but I don't think I'm in the mood for it.
Dead Congregation - 6/10 Average to dull.
Sigh - 5/10 This is pretty annoying but still interesting somewhat.
Beyond - 6/10 Sounds mentally ill. The repetition is a bit annoying though.
Orchid - 7/10 Another average, non-stand out track. Blah.
Reverend Bizarre - 8/10 This is the most likely to win, considering the audience. It's really cool, but far too long.

Not truly feeling most of this list

It's clearly the best rock ballad of the entire 80s and can easily compete with Beyond the Realms of Death.

I'll admit that Dissident Aggressor is the true, objectively best Judas Priest song, however.
Props to anyone who submitted Dead Congregation!

This is the second time in row I couldn't participate because I was sleeping. Can't fucking be vigilant at 4am. Fucking americans :rofl:.
Yeah wtf, I go to sleep without the previous results even been posted and wake up with a new youtube playlist already posted. Guess I need to set an alarm in the middle of night going forward. ;)
Saint Vitus - The Lost Feeling 7/10

This is definitely a good pick. It makes a clear distinction between depression and sadness, so I have to give it props for that. I also greatly enjoy the method of lyrical delivery, where the depression speaks rather than the afflicted person. Awesome.

Black Sabbath – Megalomania 10/10

I would have been disappointed if this song wasn't included in this mixtape, and moreso if "Paranoid" or "Am I Going Insane?" was included over it. This is one of the best Black Sabbath songs and also a very unique take on the subject of mental illness. This is probably the best inclusion on this playlist from my perspective.

P.S. Anyone who downrates this for not being one of the other two inferior Black Sabbath songs that I mentioned earlier is a poser of the highest order.

Pestilence - Mind Reflections 4/10

I've never liked this album or this song and I don't really feel the need to justify that. At least it seems to be themed correctly.

Sepultura - Septic Schizo 8/10

I was hoping that someone would pick this song. Sepultura sounds especially insane when acting dealing with the subject of insanity. Great inclusion.

Morbid Angel - Maze of Torment 8/10

I wasn't expecting this song, but I am glad that it's here. This sounds insane and evil. I love the atmosphere of this track.

Forgotten Tomb – Todestrieb 3/10

Kind of boring.

Vio-lence – Phobophobia 8/10

Thrash has really come on strong in this game recently. I'm really excited about it because I love this band. This song is definitely a great pick for this game and definitely has a deranged vibe.

Orodruin - Melancholia 6/10

I like this song, but I don't get a "Mental Illness" vibe from it.

Destruction - Confused Mind 8/10

I'm embarrassed to say that I haven't really listened to much Destruction aside from that terrible song that @HamburgerBoy posted recently. This is obviously a big improvement from that song and really matches the theme well. I enjoyed this and I'll have to seek out more of their music in the future.

Carnivore - Manic Depression 7/10

I figured that this song would be in here after the last round. This is a cool song, but I don't feel too inspired to write too much about it. Good pick.

Judas Priest - Beyond the Realms of Death 10/10

I'm not sure why I already read a rating where this loses points for not being about insanity, because that's far from the only type of mental illness.

This is probably the most poignant song on the subject of severe depression and losing the will to live that I know about, without trying to be dramatic or whiny. The song also illustrates a clear focus on actual depression rather than sadness. It also happens to be a flawless song and probably Halford's finest hour. The guitar solos rule too.

Dead Congregation - Morbid Paroxysm 7.5/10

I didn't expect Dead Congregation to be here! This song rules. Crushing and insane. I love this band.

Sigh - In a Drowse 4/10

A surprising pick, but I don't really care for this song.

Beyond - Schizopsychotic Eruption 5/10

This didn't really speak to me, but I didn't hate it either.

Orchid - Mouth of Madness 3/10

I hated this and thought it was annoying.

Reverend Bizarre – Demons Annoying Me 8/10

I love Reverend Bizarre. I think this is a wonderful song and it goes with the theme, but I can never help feeling like songs of this length are overdoing it for the mixtape game. Still awesome.
Saint Vitus - The Lost Feeling 7.5/10
Saint Vitus rule. Not as good as "Dying Inside" from this album but still a great song from a great album.

Black Sabbath – Megalomania 9/10
I'm not as familiar with Sabotage as I am with the other early Sabbath albums. This song is really great.

Pestilence - Mind Reflections 5/10
Clearly not one of Pestilence's finer moments, but I didn't completely hate it.

Sepultura - Septic Schizo 8.5/10
Morbid Visions is my favourite Sepultura, but this is still great. Raw, furious and violent thrash.

Morbid Angel - Maze of Torment 10/10
Twisted and demented. Those blasts are fucking punishing and used tastefully to accentuate the violence. Vincent's vocals on Altars and Blessed are Godly. "You pray for death, mourning does no good as you can only die once, souls are being raped by the maze, lost in these halls... endlessly!" Who could forget this?!

Forgotten Tomb – Todestrieb 5/10
Not my kind of black metal, but not awful. Needed to be shorter to keep interest. Vocals were decent.

Vio-lence – Phobophobia 8/10

Fuck yeah, more killer thrash! These past 2 playlists have been great for that. Suitably deranged.

Orodruin - Melancholia 7/10
I'm a big fan of Epicurean Mass. I don't like this as much taken out of the context of the album, but it's still cool. Would have rated it higher had it been more on theme.

Destruction - Confused Mind 9/10

Destruction are my favourite thrash band not named Slayer. This song is so awesome. They bring the riffs, songwriting and cool vocals! So much great thrash in these past 2 playlists. Glad this is here.

Carnivore - Manic Depression 6.5/10
Like the last Carnivore song, this has some nice riffs and vocals but it's just not my sort of thing.

Judas Priest - Beyond the Realms of Death 10/10
70s Priest is almost untouchable and this is one of their best songs (although I don't consider it their absolute best). Those guitar solos are beautiful and emotional and the vocal delivery is one of the absolute best I've ever heard.

Dead Congregation - Morbid Paroxysm 8.5/10

Crushing and violent. This song does work better within the context of the full album where you are absorbed in its atmosphere. I stupidly put off listening to Graves of the Archangels until about 2 years ago because I'd decided the hype couldn't be true. How wrong I was.

Sigh - In a Drowse 5/10
I can't decide if this is awful, somewhat fun or both? I'm giving it a 5 because of that.

Beyond - Schizopsychotic Eruption 8/10

Don't get the low ratings for this at all. This is some pretty fucking good modern death metal, it also sounds unhinged and insane and so fits this theme perfectly.

Orchid - Mouth of Madness 4.5/10

Too long and I found some parts of it to be irritating. Not completely awful.

Reverend Bizarre – Demons Annoying Me 8/10

Absolutely crushing like all Reverend Bizarre. The second half is creepy as fuck with the chanting of "kill yourself" and those hysterical laughs. However, it does drag towards the end. Would have been better if it ended around the 13-14 minute mark.

Another pretty great playlist on the whole. I might have overrated the songs I gave lower ratings to a bit, but I doubt they have a chance of winning anyway so whatever.
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