Themed Mixtape Game

Saint Vitus - The Lost Feeling

I expected to see The Psychopath here. This song fits the theme better but I've never been overly keen on the song structure. Also, as much as I love them, Saint Vitus doesn't need to feature in every goddamn round. 7/10

Black Sabbath - Megalomania

Killer. Deliverance is utterly convincing. 8/10

Pestilence - Mind Reflections

Admittedly one of the better songs on an album I don't like at all. 6/10

Sepultura - Septic Schizo

I prefer the albums either side of this but it still obviously rules. 8.5/10

Morbid Angel - Maze of Torment

Timeless death metal. Not much else to say. 10/10

Forgotten Tomb - Todestrieb

Tries hard to come across as tormented and depressive, but I feel nothing. As average as it gets. 5/10

Vio-Lence - Phobophobia

Killain's deliverance is as nuts as it gets, especially "THE FRACTURE OF MY MIND IT WILL DESTROY ME SLOWLY IN THE END I LAY THERE BREATHLESS SIX FEET UNDER DIRT WILL COVER THE HEADSTONE READS HIS WAS A FRANTIC MIND..." Top tier thrash and it captures the theme better than anything else so far. 10/10

Orodruin - Melacholia

Not completely sold on this. It was decent and dreary. 6.5/10

Destruction - Confused Mind

Gotta agree with HBB about Schmier being an inhuman beast. The way he pronounces "clanging" is fucking incredible. I've also always loved the guitar tone on Eternal Devastation. Classic song. 9/10

Carnivore - Manic Depression

Not even sure if I've heard the original. I enjoyed this though. 7/10

Judas Priest - Beyond the Realms of Death

Favourite Priest song, easy 10, maybe too safe a choice... Still. 10/10

Dead Congregation - Morbid Paroxysm

Killer song by undoubtedly the best death metal band of the last decade. This is the sort of thing I wanted to see more of on this playlist. Great choice. 10/10

Sigh - In a Drowse

Ah, so this is what happened to this band? I'll stick to Scorn Defeat. Despite a couple of interesting riffs, this fucking sucks. 3/10

Beyond - Schizopsychotic Eruption

Claustrophobic maelstrom of fucking insanity death chaos. Works a lot better in the context of the full album, but this still crushes everything in its path to dust. 9/10

Orchid - The Mouths of Madness

Have to agree with the crowd. Horsepiss. 3/10

Reverend Bizarre - Demons Annoying Me

Rev Biz or not, you're still an asshole for submitting a 17 minute song. 6.5/10
i doubt i'll ever go for such obvious stuff (no fun in it, i prefer picking stuff at least a few people haven't heard and certainly not the band who literally just won the previous round), which is why i'll probably never win.

Well I've finished top 5 in every round, including the first non-metal one, except for the theme I submitted Oxiplegatz for. I've also come second twice. I'm ready to win now! Thought I might have a chance this round, but now I'm not so sure.

I've got three themes in mind, 2 of which I think people might enjoy. I'd also like to see you win because I think your theme would be interesting.
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I'd recommend the Ildjarn-Nidhogg compilation to anyone who likes Sort Vokter. It contains "Eksistens Jeger" and that's my favorite track Ildjarn was involved with, bar none.
Saint Vitus - The Lost Feeling - 5.5/10
Black Sabbath – Megalomania - 7/10
Pestilence - Mind Reflections - 8/10
Sepultura - Septic Schizo - 10/10
Morbid Angel - Maze of Torment - 10/10
Forgotten Tomb – Todestrieb - 6.5/10
Vio-lence – Phobophobia 9/10
Orodruin - Melancholia 5/10
Destruction - Confused Mind - 10/10
Carnivore - Manic Depression - 4/10
Judas Priest - Beyond the Realms of Death - 8/10
Dead Congregation - Morbid Paroxysm - 7.5/10
Sigh - In a Drowse - 3.5/10
Beyond - Schizopsychotic Eruption - 5.5/10
Orchid - Mouth of Madness - 5/10
Reverend Bizarre – Demons Annoying Me - 3.5/10
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Saint Vitus - The Lost Feeling 9/10

Definitely one of their most underrated songs. So damn good.

Black Sabbath – Megalomania 9/10

I dismissed Sabotage for so long for reasons that I don't even remember. It might be one of their most consistent albums and fuck, man, this song and "The Writ" are just amazing. Ozzy sounds like an absolute madman on this album. I especially love when it picks up. That fucking riff, man.

Pestilence - Mind Reflections 4/10

Only Van Drunen-era Pestilence is real. Ew. OH MAH GAWD! LET'S TRY FUCKEN LAND OF TEARS!

Sepultura - Septic Schizo 7.5/10

Man, it's been a fucking while since I blasted any Sepultura. Classic shit right here. So much better than that Pestilence song. It's fucking embarrassing how far they've come as a band.

Morbid Angel - Maze of Torment 8/10

This used to be my favorite Morbid Angel song. It's still a fucking classic jam and a wonderful song, but I find myself liking a few of the others off the album a bit more. Still, great fucking choice fam!

Forgotten Tomb – Todestrieb 6.5/10

Someone listened to Burzum. I can listen to this, but really, like most bands of this style, I'd rather just listen to my old Burzum vinyls over and over again. Wouldn't mind if someone put it on though, but I doubt I'll ever seek this sort of thing out. Definitely on the theme though.

Vio-lence – Phobophobia 7.5/10

I don't think I've heard this since like 2007 when I was first getting into metal. God damn this destroys. This is the type of thrash that I can get down with, just fucking heavy, chuggy riffs and awesome vocals.

Orodruin - Melancholia 7/10

Orodruin are one of the best doom metal bands around these days and this song rules. There are betters, but I've always enjoyed this track. Slow, doomy, and fucking heavy. Love it when shit gets going about the 3 minute mark. This youtube version sounds muffled or something though for whatever reason. Kinda hurts the atmosphere from the physical version I have.

Destruction - Confused Mind 8/10

I've never listened to Destruction, but I do enjoy those classic old school German thrash bands. This is fucking wonderful. I love how the riffs sort of change ever so slightly over the course of the song but largely remain very similar in picking style. Definitely gives it some sort of manic feeling. And damn, that riff at about 4:20 (rip bongs) is great.

Carnivore - Manic Depression 5/10

I don't like Carnivore much, but this is a pretty interesting cover. Covers are hard to do in a list like this, but this is fine.

Judas Priest - Beyond the Realms of Death 10/10

My favorite Priest song. Seeing it live for the first time last November was a surreal experience.

Dead Congregation - Morbid Paroxysm 8.5/10

I've heard this so many fucking times. I was obsessed with this band and album when it first came out and was glad to hear that their latest one was just as good. My favorite death metal band out there playing right now. The perfect blend of Incantation and Immolation and atmosphere. So damn good.

Sigh - In a Drowse 5/10

I cannot get into later Sigh. It's too fucking goofy for me. I give them respect but I just do not like it. Too circus sounding for me. Give me their first 3 albums any day of the week, but this feels like it tries to hard to be weird just to be weird. It's got some good parts in it but too many fucking ideas.

Beyond - Schizopsychotic Eruption 6/10

My old roommate is a huge fan of this band, and for good reason I suppose, but they sound just like every other "cavernous death metal" band out there. I also don't like that weird tremolo-picking run up the neck of the guitar, but I give them credit for trying something a little different.

Orchid - Mouth of Madness 7/10

Not sure why this is getting so much hate. It's not great or anything, but it's an adequate Sabbath clone. Really like that riff at about 4:00. Damn. The fucking reviews in the video are killing it for me though.

Reverend Bizarre – Demons Annoying Me 8/10

This band can do no wrong for me really, but I'm kind of not feeling it after listening to all the other songs. I love how they can just start with Albert's bass or Earl's drums and then they come up with a massive 18 minute long song in what feels like one rehearsal session.
Saint Vitus – The Lost Feeling (8/10)
A pleasant way to begin the playlist – glad this was selected over “The Psychopath”. This track and Type O Negative’s ‘Black No. 1’ have always reminded me of one another.

Black Sabbath – Megalomania (9/10)
I love when this track picks up around the 3:30 mark – some solid riffage. To be honest, I haven’t listened to enough Sabbath.

Pestilence – Mind Reflections (5/10)
I had to listen to this one a second time due to having a seizure the first time. These guys really pound that one riff into your head.

Sepultura – Septic Schizo (6/10)
Always preferred listening to ‘Beneath the Remains’ over this album because of the vocals.

Morbid Angel – Maze of Torment (8/10)

Forgotten Tomb – Todestrieb (8/10)
I’ve been listening to a lot of this type of music recently. A tad long, could lose a minute or two from the end.

Vio-Lence – Phobophobia (6/10)
A very fitting track for the theme – phobophobia, the fear of fears. The album is overrated and the vocals are the reason.

Orodruin – Melancholia (3/10)
Zzzzz…not in the mood, I guess, for this one. It didn’t help it came after a thrasher.

Destruction – Confused Mind (7/10)
Better tracks on the album, but they probably don’t fit the theme. I need to go back and listen to these guys more.

Carnivore – Manic Depression (4/10)
I haven’t heard the original so I can’t compare it, but this tracks doesn’t stand out among the playlist.

Judas Priest – Beyond the Realms of Death (7/10)

I use to love this song but now I struggle to finish it – 50% of the time, I will skip it to get to ‘Heroes End’ or just stop listening to the album.

Dead Congregation – Morbid Paroxysm (4/10)
Not my thing, but once I made it through the intro, wasn’t so bad.

Sigh – In a Drowse (2/10)
This playlist is trending down. Ahh-ahhh-ahhhh. I wouldn’t even consider this metal.

Beyond – Schizopsychotic (3/10)
I spent the entire time trying to make out objects in the album cover. Please let the next track rouse me from my stupor.

Orchid – The Mouths of Madness (4/10)
Guess I am picky about my vocalists, not a fan of this one. I kinda dig it at times but this playlist has shit the bed.

Reverend Bizarre – Demons Annoying Me (5/10)
I haven’t listened to Reverend Bizarre before this. This tracks seems drawn out and not much happening until the 11 minute mark.
Only 8 sets of ratings so far, come on guys! It's been up for over 2 days now I think, it's also a pretty cool playlist.

Personally I find nothing wrong with people taking up to the end of the week to finish their voting. It seems to be on schedule for accepting submissions on the weekends and waiting until the end of the week for all of the votes. Im also a procrastinator, lets fight about it.
Yeah, I think the two Rev Biz songs exceed all four Vitus songs by several minutes. Fuck ya'lls retrodoom.