I liked everything in this playlist to some extent.
Saint Vitus - The Lost Feeling
Third Wino-Vitus song in a row? Not that this is a bad song or anything, but you picked this over The Psychopath when we still haven't had a single Reagers song in this game, wtf. Bonus points for being a melancholic song that actually strongly relates to depression.
Black Sabbath - Megalomania
Pestilence - Mind Reflections
Not sure if this even relates to mental illness, but I can't make any sense of these introspective word salad lyrics so I can't rule out a connection either.
Sepultura - Septic Schizo
Good stuff. I need to listen to more early Sepultura.
Morbid Angel - Maze of Torment
I don't care if I'm the only one doing it, I'm going to keep downrating extremely canonized shit that everyone's heard dozens of times already. Great as this is, for a mixtape game it's an inherently less interesting submission than even something like that boring Pestilence song above. And I'm not convinced it's even a good fit for the theme.
Forgotten Tomb - Todestrieb
Vio-lence - Phobophobia
Great pick. Nice to have some female vox in this playlist.
Orodruin - Melancholia
I don't think it fits the theme all that well, but it is a good song by a band I haven't heard before so I can't be too harsh.
Destruction - Confused Mind
pseudo macgyvers
Carnivore - Manic Depression
Not as good as the last Carnivore song we had. Still pretty good. This cover is a good fit for Carnivore, based on the two Carnivore songs I've heard, one of which is this one.
Judas Priest - Beyond the Realms of Death
See my MA comment.
Dead Congregation - Morbid Paroxysm
Sigh - In a Drowse
You guys suck.
Beyond - Schizopsychotic Eruption
This is way better than you guys made it out to be. Most unhinged-sounding DM in this playlist.
Orchid - The Mouths of Madness
Reverend Bizarre
If you're gonna pick a 15+ minute song, it better be fucking amazing, like Caesar Forever or that Ancestors song a while back. This is not.