Themed Mixtape Game

I like Reverend Bizarre, but picking extremely long songs when there are so many other choices is kind of annoying. I also think the two that were in the game could be a bit shorter.
Personally I find nothing wrong with people taking up to the end of the week to finish their voting. It seems to be on schedule for accepting submissions on the weekends and waiting until the end of the week for all of the votes. Im also a procrastinator, lets fight about it.

Yeah I don't think this needs to end in the next day or so, I'm just wanting to see more reviews coming in soon.
Saint Vitus - The Lost Feeling

Great song - perfect representation of depression.

Black Sabbath – Megalomania

Man, when this song kicks in it really fucking just rips. What a riff.

Pestilence - Mind Reflections


Everything this band did after Consuming Impulse is worthless garbage.

Sepultura - Septic Schizo


Shame that the band died in a tragic plane crash sometime around 1989, they were going places.

Morbid Angel - Maze of Torment


Classic track. Flurry of riffs

Forgotten Tomb – Todestrieb


Solid, but inferior to everything on Springtime Depression. One of the few tolerable 'depressive' black metal bands.

Vio-lence – Phobophobia

Great riffs, but Sean Killian sells this track better than anyone other than maybe Keith Deen could have.

Orodruin - Melancholia

Pretty good.

Destruction - Confused Mind


I never listen to Destruction for some reason, but god when I do it is always incredibly rewarding. Amazing riff work and some of the best vocals in all of thrash.

Carnivore - Manic Depression


Not bad.

Judas Priest - Beyond the Realms of Death


Dead Congregation - Morbid Paroxysm


Intense as hell.
Sigh - In a Drowse


It is a shame what happened to Sigh. Used to be great, but god this is so bad.

Beyond - Schizopsychotic Eruption


Decent death metal, but not as well crafted as Dead Congregation.

Orchid - Mouth of Madness

Not as good as anything on Capricorn

Reverend Bizarre – Demons Annoying Me


Little overlong, but Rev Biz delivers a great doom track.
Here goes. Going to do this one and the non metal since I'm familiar with a bunch here. I'm also fairly drunk. Fuck off.

Saint Vitus - The Lost Feeling
Oops, someone accidentally didnt pick The Psychopath.

Black Sabbath – Megalomania
Oh hey I'll pick a Black Sabbath song, that'll give me a good chance to win. For the life of me I cannot see why anyone likes this Sabbath album. This song is so goddamn boring. Would have probably given Paranoid an 8+.

Pestilence - Mind Reflections
Not bad. Music video was so ridiculous I had to click away and let it play in the background.

Sepultura - Septic Schizo
Had I submitted a song, this was in my list of choices.

Morbid Angel - Maze of Torment

Forgotten Tomb – Todestrieb
Turn your tv to a static channel and do your best black metal karaoke.

Vio-lence – Phobophobia
Fucking strong thrash is doing its best to take over these lists.

Orodruin - Melancholia
Absolutely dismal. Just listened to this in my car today actually.

Destruction - Confused Mind
Pretty sure these guys have the confused minds nowadays. Decent enough but I'll always prefer Kreator and Sodom.

Carnivore - Manic Depression
This cover doesnt work for me. Awkward.

Judas Priest - Beyond the Realms of Death
Nothing on this list really compares to this.

Dead Congregation - Morbid Paroxysm
Cant rate these guys higher than classic MA

Sigh - In a Drowse

Beyond - Schizopsychotic Eruption
I've passed on buying this album quite a few times. Bland.

Orchid - Mouth of Madness
Much better than most of you make this out to be. The low ratings feel like you can just smell theyre a newer band on a big label and you guys dont like it. This rocks.

Reverend Bizarre – Demons Annoying Me
This song annoying me.
I liked everything in this playlist to some extent.

Saint Vitus - The Lost Feeling

Third Wino-Vitus song in a row? Not that this is a bad song or anything, but you picked this over The Psychopath when we still haven't had a single Reagers song in this game, wtf. Bonus points for being a melancholic song that actually strongly relates to depression.

Black Sabbath - Megalomania

Pestilence - Mind Reflections
Not sure if this even relates to mental illness, but I can't make any sense of these introspective word salad lyrics so I can't rule out a connection either.

Sepultura - Septic Schizo
Good stuff. I need to listen to more early Sepultura.

Morbid Angel - Maze of Torment
I don't care if I'm the only one doing it, I'm going to keep downrating extremely canonized shit that everyone's heard dozens of times already. Great as this is, for a mixtape game it's an inherently less interesting submission than even something like that boring Pestilence song above. And I'm not convinced it's even a good fit for the theme.

Forgotten Tomb - Todestrieb

Vio-lence - Phobophobia
Great pick. Nice to have some female vox in this playlist.

Orodruin - Melancholia
I don't think it fits the theme all that well, but it is a good song by a band I haven't heard before so I can't be too harsh.

Destruction - Confused Mind
pseudo macgyvers

Carnivore - Manic Depression
Not as good as the last Carnivore song we had. Still pretty good. This cover is a good fit for Carnivore, based on the two Carnivore songs I've heard, one of which is this one.

Judas Priest - Beyond the Realms of Death
See my MA comment.

Dead Congregation - Morbid Paroxysm

Sigh - In a Drowse
You guys suck.

Beyond - Schizopsychotic Eruption
This is way better than you guys made it out to be. Most unhinged-sounding DM in this playlist.

Orchid - The Mouths of Madness

Reverend Bizarre
If you're gonna pick a 15+ minute song, it better be fucking amazing, like Caesar Forever or that Ancestors song a while back. This is not.
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So Morbid Angel and Judas Priest are extremely cannonized stuff that everyone has heard, but Black Sabbath, Destruction and Sepultura aren't? I'm not saying Destruction and Sepultura are quite as popular but they're still extremely well known. Maybe my path through metal was different, but those 2 bands + Vio-lence were certainly within the first 15 thrash bands I ever heard.
I gave Sabbath a pass because that song is not from one of their most canonized albums. I've never heard anyone rave about Sabotage the way people do about Stained Class and "Beyond the Realms..." specifically.

With regards to what is and isn't 'extremely canonized', I'm sure most everyone would draw that line in a different place. And I know there are canonized songs of great personal significance to me that I would hypocritically 10/10 in a heartbeat (classic Maiden for instance). So it's an incredibly subjective judgement, but so is taste anyway. I just think it would be an uninteresting outcome if someone won by picking an extremely canonized and beloved song... so I don't want to contribute to such an outcome.

Maybe my rating and reasoning is completely irrational. Maybe I just have an innate aversion to giving "Beyond the Realms..." the 10/10 it deserves. Maybe I just have a confused mind. I am feeling a bit in a drowse. I hope I don't have a morbid paroxysm.
I try to rate songs based on how I like them and if I think that they go with the theme. I do sometimes think that people pick mediocre songs that are well-known but I don't think that there were any in this particular mixtape.

That said, "The Psychopath" would have been the better Saint Vitus pick.
I'm pretty well going to rate songs on how they fit and how often their type show up in the game. If you don't do this, the first person to pick a Sabbath or Vitus song are going to win every round. I've finished in the top 5 twice... But I also think some people that faithfully play aren't anywhere close to that and they can literally never win unless they pick what the crowd wants to hear and it's basically going to discourage them and kill the game.