Themed Mixtape Game

Maybe I just have a confused mind. I am feeling a bit in a drowse. I hope I don't have a morbid paroxysm.


The reason I don't downrate obvious picks is because there is some stuff like Anthrax that I'm personally not very familiar with, even though they're extremely well known. I could probably count on one hand the number of Anthrax songs I've heard. Maybe this is also true for other people. I rate based on how much I like the song and also how it fits the theme.
The reason why I dont downrate obvious picks is because sometimes they are really good. I also rate based on how much I like the song and how well/creatively it fits the theme. While it is kind of unfortunate that certain bands have a tendency to do better than others, I also feel like downvoting based on this is doing an injustice to the voting system in which the game is based upon. Strategically ranking songs in order to tamper with the results is rather distasteful, but I guess at this point in the game taking a few points off from a recurring band is understandable. Tbh it really is getting a little tiresome seeing the almost obligatory Vitus pick almost winning every round, but fighting against the musical taste of the majority of forum members is a losing battle. I guess winning is just that important to some people though. Personally I woke up the next day thinking I should have made a different pick, even if objectively it wouldnt have done as well in the rankings. Though my first pick was MA (I didnt get it), I wanted it on the list because it is one of my favorites.
I only downrated Beyond the Realms of Death and Maze of Torment because in addition to being obvious, they only fit the theme in a general sense (especially Maze of Torment which doesn't seem remotely related to mental illness, unless it's all a metaphor for an asylum or something). There are all sorts of famous, established-classic songs that could be stretched to fit any theme, and that defeats the challenge of the game imo. As long as people keep submitting Vitus songs that definitely fit the theme I don't plan on downrating them, though.
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Vio-lence - Phobophobia
Great pick. Nice to have some female vox in this playlist.

Sean Killan would like to have a word with you ...

Saint Vitus - The Lost Feeling
'the psychopath', obvious though it may be, would get a 10 from me, as it's arguably the best song on clearly their best album. that said, i love plenty of wino stuff - i'd take 'dragon time' over the whole of DIE HEALING, for example. this song isn't quite top tier for me but i think it's really coherent in terms of matching form and content; the verses creep up on you in exactly the way the lyrics describe, and the louder parts are exactly as insistent and taunting and convincing as they need to be. excellent opener for the list. 8/10

Black Sabbath – Megalomania

the first minute of this song is perfectly satisfying and that doom riff is insanely awesome and ahead of its time, but then you get the sing-songy chant which, if i'm being generous, could be the first of a number of heavy-handed but deliberate stabs toward an unsettled tone, but is more likely just another symptom of a fractured band full of guys heading in different directions with disparate influences. doesn't work for me whatsoever, either way. the rockier part is ok but only gets me going again in the final two minutes when things start getting all wild. so yeah, a mixed bag, as is the album. i'm not downrating this for obviousness though, it could so easily have been a more obvious sabbath song. 7/10

Pestilence - Mind Reflections

has the distinct feel of a bunch of kids playing at being complex, but it's still pretty fun in a dorky sort of way. 6/10

Sepultura - Septic Schizo

MORBID VISIONS is pretty much my favourite '80s death metal record, BENEATH THE REMAINS is clunky but sprinkled with great passages and blessed with a really cool, distinct sound. SCHIZOPHRENIA? i dunno, man. it's probably a better written album than its successor but my attention seems to wander pretty much every time i try to get into it. something a little flat in the production maybe, a lack of dynamics, idk. even here, there's nothing i can pinpoint about this that i don't really like, but it never really gets my blood pumping either. 7.5/10

Morbid Angel - Maze of Torment

i actually really like this song in this context and wouldn't have considered it myself, so i'm not gonna downrate for obviousness. 9/10

Forgotten Tomb – Todestrieb

i've heard this whole album before and "forgotten" is definitely the operative word. i don't care how depressive it is or w/e, i don't mind misery and self-loathing in my music (cough WARNING cough), but there's just nothing interesting here melodically, rhythmically etc. it's obvious what mood they're trying to create and there's very little nuance to any of it, plus it's too reminiscent of its influences to stand out on a more fundamental aesthetic level. 5/10

Vio-lence – Phobophobia

i can't imagine a more fitting song for this theme, it's incredibly evocative of being dragged kicking and screaming into some disturbing psychological vortex. probably my second favourite 5+ minute thrash song ever (the first is by their main influence). 10/10

Orodruin - Melancholia

this may be the most hyped obscure doom album of this millennium i should think, or certainly up there with revelation's RELEASE. seems like just about everyone who ever mentions it places it in their all-time canon. i've heard bits of it and i've been excited to listen to this one. the youtube isn't great but to be honest, aside from needing to turn up the volume a whole bunch, this is hardly the worst youtube here (sabbath and sepultura were both shit so far and i ended up listening elsewhere - don't blame me, i didn't make this one!). anyway, i agree this doesn't exactly fit, but for me that's offset by its obscurity so i'm gonna be nice. if this song's anything to go by i need to pick this one up, seems like half my favourite doom bands have had an influence on this. particularly like the last minute or so which is very harvey milk tbh, i wonder who their shared influence is. 7/10

Destruction - Confused Mind
keith emerson killed himself after i told him "destruction > kreator #ih8u" on twitter. 9/10

Carnivore - Manic Depression
a worthwhile cover of a good song. stays true to the spirit of the original while banging that distinct carnivore stamp on it. it amuses me how often carnivore are coming up in this game. 7/10

Judas Priest - Beyond the Realms of Death
i would downrate this one for obviousness but it's 'beyond the realms of death' so 10/10

Dead Congregation - Morbid Paroxysm

neat choice! it's too brief for what it's trying to do tho. 7/10

Sigh - In a Drowse

i like this way more than the more recent sigh i've heard. obviously a totally ludicrous genre mash-up but there's all kinds of delightfully fun shit going on here (although the bond motif is pushing it), great sound too. ballsy pick from the pomp. i promise this isn't just a pity rating, i'm gonna check out this retarded fucking album. 8/10

Beyond - Schizopsychotic Eruption

fucccccccccccck. how is this generic caverncore in any way? don't worry david, some of us know good death metal when we hear it. 9/10

Orchid - Mouth of Madness

oh god i was thinking yay i'm finally near the end and then i remembered the last song is 17 fucking minutes fuck you guys. no fucking reason for this being 6 minutes either. 6/10

Reverend Bizarre – Demons Annoying Me

this is at least an 8 but yeah enough with this shit now please. the next song submitted that's over 10 minutes long is losing a point per minute. 7/10
Holy shit someone actually liked my pick, I feel so vindicated. If you do check out that retarded fucking album, make sure it's the original master. I guess that's kind of a rule when it comes to metal but a lot of people recommend the garbage remaster with that album for some reason.
I think I mostly see it on RYM's dedicated metal thread, but I like the term, has a clear meaning and represents a definite trend in death metal of the last several years. I definitely did not coin it.

That song was terrible even by caverncore standards btw.
It's late and I shouldn't but whatever I had a long day and I have a glass of wine to finish. Also, I listened to this before, but am replaying in the process but i'm not going to write a lot because I have to do this quickly. I actually agree with @HamburgerBoy I take off points if it doesn't necessarily fit the theme like I did with that 10 second solo track and they called it a "guest appearance" even though I liked the song. It also depends on how obvious something is. I mean, yes you rate on how much you like the track but ultimately I'm looking for a little creativity or surprise (that's normally what would get my 10s tbh) here too; not just something I, myself, thought about picking a million times over. In any event, the ratings doesn't affect the songs themselves. They affect the people who choose them, so I don't really care if something gets a low rating even though it's a really good track. There are other factors here too.

Saint Vitus - The Lost Feeling 9/10
I love this track.

Black Sabbath - Megalomania 8/10
I use to know the lyrics to this. I like this track too. It's a little long for what it is, but it's still fun anyways.

Pestilence - Mind Reflections 7/10

Not bad.

Sepultura - Septic Schizo 8/10
Hell yeah. I love this stuff.

Morbid Angel - Maze of Torment 8/10
This is an obvious choice but one I wouldn't think of myself just because I never read the lyrics before this. I actually opened up the lyrics and read along. I can definitely see how it relates to the theme, and I like this track anyways.

Forgotten Tomb - Todestrieb 6/10

Not bad. I feel bad for BM in these games like this. This isn't bad by any stretch of the word but I think it's hard to stand out with lyrics that are one not in English, and two harder to discern (as oppose to the doom bands that typically win these or the more common songs that everyone knows).

Vio-Lence - Phobophobia 10/10

This rules. I thought about this track as well when hearing about this theme. This is soooo damn good. I really enjoy Vio-Lence I need more bands like them. I think it's the vocals that get me. I like terribly awesome and distinct vocals.

Orodruin - Melancholia 7/10

Don't think this really fits the theme tbh. I do like that it's something different, though. I enjoy this so far.

Destruction- Confused Mind 8/10

Love this track.

Carnivore - Manic Depression 9/10

I was most excited to hear this cover tbh. It did not disappoint. That ruled. Thanks to whoever posted that!

Judas Priest - Beyond the Realms of Death 8/10

I looooove this song. But yes it's obvious and yes it's sorta general/relative to the theme. I wish this was used for another theme tbh.

Dead Congregation - Morbid Paroxysm 7.5/10
That ended quickly. I was texting someone and BAM! shit ended. Not bad. I like this band.

Sigh - In a Drowse 6/10
Okay. I did not expect that. Umm... it's ok.

Beyond - Schizopsychotic Eruption 9/10 (spelt that title wrong btw)
This is awesome. Wow, I'll be checking this band out for sure.

Orchid - The Mouth of Madness 7/10
I like this band and the vocalist. It is like a faster B.S. Megalomania tbh. Obviously, not as good, but you know.

Reverend Bizarre - Demons Annoying Me 8/10
Really long. Good song, though.