Themed Mixtape Game

Metallica - The Call of Ktulu
Don't listen to any metallica but this isn't bad, to say the least! 9/10

Thergothon - Elemental
Slow to start but awesome 9/10

Ironsword - Call of Cthulhu
its good! 7/10

Catacomb - The Key
10/10 this is so awesome...

Septic Flesh - Mystic Places of Dawn
Septic flesh is decent, their first album is my favorite
Therion - Cthulhu
10/10, who ever recommended this thanks, need to check out more of this band

Celtic Frost - Morbid Tales
awesome as always

Varathron - The Tressrising of Nyarlathotep
10/10 I don't know what it is i like so much about this but fuck man.

Solstice - New Dark Age/The Sleeping Tyrant
8/10 seriously great music on this playlist

Soomdrag - Epitaph the Naster
8/10 a great track imo from start to finish, not the best or worst

Black Sabbath - Wasp/Behind the Wall of Sleep/Bassically/N.I.B.
4/10 really turned me off, feels like pop rock

Mekong Delta - Prophecy
7/10 great thrashy feel

Root - The Old Ones
6/10 pretty mediocre

Entombed - Strangers Aeons
10/10 classic

Hemotoxin - The Shadow Over Innsmouth
7/10 decent, giving me mixed signals though, solo was pretty cool

Inns mouth - Consumed by Elder Sign
what can i say osdm and modern osdm is just awesome
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This list looks awesome! Excited to rate it over the weekend.

The production is shit. The beginning of retards slowly making drums sound like a packet of tic-tacs being rattled around.

I completely understand the issues that people have with the production of Blessed. However, for me, it comes together as Morbid Angel's most thematically cohesive record. It's strange how that happened because some of the songs are rerecorded versions of older songs, but I think it just works as a full album experience more than any of their others.
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I completely understand the issues that people have with the production of Blessed. However, for me, it comes together as Morbid Angel's most thematically cohesive record. It's strange how that happened because some of the songs are rerecorded versions of older songs, but I think it just works as a full album experience more than any of their others.

If the production hiccup didn't exist I would probably prefer it to Altars Of Madness, it has many of my favourite tracks on it, like you said the demo re-recordings. I love that demo so much.
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"The Ancient Ones" is definitely one of my favourites from them. I'm sad that it hasn't been included here. I would have submitted it had I not just submitted a Morbid Angel song the last round.
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Metallica - The Call of Ktulu 9/10
Fucking killer instrumental from one of the greatest metal albums ever recorded. Mad genius move putting it at the beginning.

Thergothon - Elemental 8/10
Is this Abdul Alhazred's love song to Yog-Sothoth and Cthulhu? This is fucking GODLY, literally. 9 minutes of lovecraftian deathcrush.

Ironsword - Call of Cthulhu 8/10
I banged my head to this while eating vegemite crumpets. This band never compromises but perhaps doesn't convey lovecraftian magic as well as others, one might say well maybe it's written for all the simplistic elements in his world? Swords and dirt and leather and blood. HEAVY FOREVER.

Catacomb - The Key 7/10
Evil French death metal that worships Lovecraft. Perhaps takes some cues from Clandestine, which is no bad thing. I could crush beers to this.

Septic Flesh - Mystic Places of Dawn 7/10
Low-fat yogurt production aside I do like this record, it's fucking weird in some parts too like the drumming. Obscure and evil is a winning combination and the lyrics are well-written. "Sarnath, the doomed..."

Therion - Cthulhu 8/10
BEST SONG ON BEYOND SANCTORUM. I love everything about this rotten shit. The stench of turned grave soil and slumbering entities.

Celtic Frost - Morbid Tales 10/10
Gods writing songs about Gods. If you don't like this you should die. OWGH!

Varathron - The Tressrising of Nyarlathotep 8/10
First time listening to anything after His Majesty At The Swamp, what a fucking fool I've been! Lyrics were awesome to read along with.

Solstice - New Dark Age/The Sleeping Tyrant 9/10
Such an epic intro leading to one of the best songs Solstice ever wrote. I'd buy a six pack for whoever picked this specifically with the intro attached. This band rules forever, just like Lovecraft does.

Soomdrag - Epitaph The Master 4/10
They had a good idea with the music but it just didn't quite make it.

Black Sabbath - Wasp/Behind the Wall of Sleep/Bassically/N.I.B. 9/10
Musically it deserves a full rating but thematically I'm deducting a point because what the fuck?

Mekong Delta - Prophecy 7/10
Ripping thrash metal with menacing USPM style vokills and progressive leanings? Sign me up!

Root - The Old Ones 7/10
This is sleazy sounding. I badly need to bone up on Root.

Entombed - Stranger Aeons 8/10
I was going to pick this bastard myself. I fucking worship this record in the recent years.

Hemotoxin - The Shadow Over Innsmouth 2/10
More like Homotoxin. I'll need ten beers and a heavy dose of Hellhammer to recover from this. Points for theme.

Innsmouth - Consumed by Elder Sign 7/10
Great fucking band. Overall I think everything they did prior to this album is worlds better but this still CRUSHES. Killer lyrics.

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Metallica - 10/10 This was my first choice. One of their best songs.

Thergothon - 6/10 Not really a fan, too slow, but points for being different.

Ironsword - 7/10 It's alright. Unexciting but not annoying either.

Catacomb - 7/10 Same.

Septic Flesh - 6/10 Turned the volume up during the intro and the guitar solo, I liked it instrumentally. Not feeling the vocals much at all, though.

Therion - 8/10 Now this is cool. I like the instruments, the energy in parts, and the vocals are definitely passable. Could have been half as long.

Celtic Frost - 7/10 Not bad. I like the drums and bass most in this song. The guitar parts are p boring and repetitive (aside from solo) and the vocals are average.

Varathron - 5/10 This song doesn't do much for me. I feel like it would greatly benefit from remastering or re-recording/editing altogether.

Solstice - 9/10 Good scene setting atmosphere in the intro. Solid riffs throughout. I really wanted to hear harsher or at least stronger vocals when the singer came in. But the instruments are so good I can forgive that. +an extra point for use of vocal harmony and contrast at times.

Soomdrag - 4/10 Amateurish garage metal with some minor redeeming qualities.

Black Sabbath - 10/10 Love Sabbath

Mekong Delta - 10/10 Love this band and album.

Root - 6/10 Liking the renaissance intro. The meat of the song is slightly below average however.

Entombed - 9/10 Solid death metal. Very cool. Gonna listen to the rest of this album after this playlist.

Hemotoxin - 8/10 I'm a fan of this band, looking forward to their new album. But this isn't one of their best songs. Definitely on the theme however, and I like the Chuck style vocal pacing. Nice tempo change at 2:45 also.

Innsmouth - 8/10 This had some seriously cool moments, and some dull ones.
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I get the Black Sabbath reference. Call of Cthullu isn't H.P. Lovecraft's only story, tbh. Beyond the Wall of Sleep is a Lovecraft story that that song is based on.

Edit : @Baroque also it's 2 songs not 4. The way that's worded looks funny but those two songs are typically combined.
I'm not very familiar with Lovecraft so I can't really judge what is or isn't a good fit for the theme. So I'm curious, does the Solstice song have anything to do with Lovecraft past the opening quote?
Metallica - The Call of Ktulu – 10/10

This was my first serious hardcore all-time favorite song, and I still consider it to be one of the greatest metal songs ever written. I remember first hearing it on a roadtrip when I was probably 8 or so, and being completely captivated, like I was listening to the Tristram theme from Diablo only metalized and classical at the same time, but I was too afraid to ask my dad who it was for some reason and went years wondering who it was by. Even many years after it stands out as so incredibly ambitious and well-written. Metallica at their best was basically untouchable.

Thergothon – Elemental – 3/10

Going to have to re-evaluate these guys, I thought I liked them a bit at least in the rare mood for it, but this was not only boring, it was dumb. The clean sung parts sounded REALLY Finnish. First Skepticism, now them. Funeral doom and I were never to be.

Ironsword - Call of Cthulhu – 2/10

I had to check that this band wasn’t related to that retarded Doomsword band posted for the ancient history theme. Pirate vocals aren’t supposed to sound this lame. Also, I think the Phyrgian dominant theme from that other thread is triggering me because musically this sounds super fucking cheesy. I don’t think of Egypt when I think of Cthulu. Unoriginal song title too. Fuck these guys.

Catacomb - The Key – 5/10

These guys are a band I want to like but they just don’t sound that interesting to me. The best thing I could say about this is that in a vague way it reminds me of Burzum’s S/T, but not as atmospheric. A couple of the riffs here are unfitting and almost kinda happy sounding.

Septic Flesh - Mystic Places of Dawn – 4/10

Pretty sappy. The way the deeper growls are backed by the higher-pitched goblin squeals makes this sound like mallcore catering to pubescent not-so-elder gods.

Therion – Cthulhu – 6/10

Tried a couple different videos and they all seemed brickwalled, unfortunate production. Still, liking the Coroner influence I’m hearing although the song didn’t really seem to go any direction in particular.

Celtic Frost - Morbid Tales – 8/10

Classic track.

Varathron - The Tressrising of Nyarlathotep – 7/10

My favorite on the album.

Solstice - New Dark Age/The Sleeping Tyrant – 6/10

Love this song, a shame none of the other metal songs on the album come close to it. Is this really Lovecraft themed though? I think this would have been better suited for the ancient history theme. Oh wait, apparently it’s the spoken bit at the beginning, I was never able to even understand him. Going to subtract a couple points since the majority of this has nothing to do with Lovecraft.

Soomdrag - Epitaph the Naster – 6/10


Black Sabbath - Wasp/Behind the Wall of Sleep/Bassically/N.I.B. – 8/10

Didn’t know that Behind the Wall of Sleep was based on a Lovecraft story, cool stuff.

Mekong Delta – Prophecy – 9/10

My favorite on the album. A little different for them, rhythmically simpler and much more melodic, but it makes things especially tense. That really tech-y breakdown at the end always gets me moving too, I think it might have inspired the closing of Atheist’s Brains a little bit.

Root - The Old Ones – 6/10

Decent. Never really got into these guys unfortunately, riffing is just adequate and the chanting gets old.

Entombed - Stranger Aeons – 4/10

Not bad, but still my least favorite on the album. Sounds kinda prototypical of their death ‘n roll thing already. Is this Lovecraft themed? I know ‘strange aeons’ is a Lovecraft phrase but the song contents don’t seem to be specifically about that.

Hemotoxin - The Shadow Over Innsmouth – 5/10

The main riff is pretty generic melodic trem stuff, but some strong bits in between. That pause at the 2:00 mark is pretty obvious, how did they miss that before releasing the album?

Innsmouth - Consumed by Elder Sign – 6/10

When a bit doomier and dirtier this is convincing, but the faster parts with the polka-drums hold things back, and it didn’t need to be eight minutes long.
My knowledge of Lovecraft is pretty limited, so I'm just judging the music.

Metallica - The Call of Ktulu

Awesome. Cliff's bass work on this song makes it for me. His use of distortion & wah pedal to bring extra colour & dynamics is genius. 10/10

Thergothon - Elemental

Funeral Doom is definitely not my thing. What a boring dirge. 2.5/10

Ironsword - Call of Cthulhu

Sounds like fat men swinging their goblets in time with the music. 4/10

Catacomb - The Key

Did nothing for me. Everything was bad. 2/10

Septic Flesh - Mystic Places of Dawn

Terrible production, terrible vocals, terrible cheesy synths. 2/10

Therion - Cthulhu

This sounds more promising. Pretty good. 7/10

Celtic Frost - Morbid Tales

I should get into some more old Celtic Frost. This was good. 8/10

Varathron - The Tressrising of Nyarlathotep

..and back to terrible. 2/10

Solstice - New Dark Age/The Sleeping Tyrant

Not my thing but the execution is impressive. 6/10

Soomdrag - Epitaph the Naster

Oh Jesus. Comedy vocals, shocking production, everything is out of tune. Who the fuck likes this and why? 1/10

Black Sabbath - Wasp/Behind the Wall of Sleep/Bassically/N.I.B.

Thank God for this because I was about ready to give up. I think I like Ozzy's voice most on the debut, it's deeper and more soulful than later releases. Classic and most awesome. 9/10

Mekong Delta - Prophecy

This is a band I've always meant to check out but never have. Some of the double kick work is shocking but I'm digging this overall and would like to hear more. 8/10

Root - The Old Ones

Some ok parts in here but the vocals suck and this is largely a no. 3.5/10

Entombed - Strangers Aeons

Fucking awesome, I haven't listened to this in forever. Nicke Andersson did a great job as impromptu vocalist. I need this album in my life again. 9/10

Hemotoxin - The Shadow Over Innsmouth
I didn't hate this as much as I thought I was going to. 6/10

Innsmouth - Consumed by Elder Sign

Some ok riffs in here but the 'oooh scary' vocals and shit production ruin it. 3/10