Themed Mixtape Game

i told you this already but yea rigor mortis and ripping corpse were gonna be my next two, i'm kinda surprised neither is here. where's that david when you need him?!
I'm dissappointed that the Metallica song wasn't The Thing That Should Not Be, maybe not as good but more on theme imo.

The closing song on New Dark Age would also be more on theme when it comes to Solstice. :)
I was thinking that since the volume of players exceeds the usual playlist size, maybe the winner should take the next round (after the one that they host) off from submitting a song. They would still be able to rate that round though. It would let one more person get in and also keep the same people from winning as often.

I was thinking that since the volume of players exceeds the usual playlist size, maybe the winner should take the next round (after the one that they host) off from submitting a song. They would still be able to rate that round though. It would let one more person get in and also keep the same people from winning as often.


Or people could just not shoehorn songs that will obviously do well even when they're only slightly related to the theme.
Or people could just not shoehorn songs that will obviously do well even when they're only slightly related to the theme.

I haven't seen one of those win yet. I'm sure that you're talking about "Beyond the Realms of Death" even though it's clearly about mental illness, just not insanity.

Anyway, my idea is more enforceable and pretty fair anyway.
Metallica - l forgot the awesome Burton flourishes throughout this tune. Also has to be some of the coolest muted riffage they ever did.
Classic nothing but Metallica, nothing touched it back then 9/10

Thergothon - l forgot how saturated phasing and bored riffs kill tunes. It's like this. If the majority of Funeral doom bands sound this sharp l guess it's not for me 2/10 but l know they don't

IronSword - This doesn't do a huge amount for me but l don't hate it...sounds like the singer was ill and this guy from the crowd volunteered.
Decent tone in those geetars...just no real...guts and punishment 6/10

Catacomb - Woo mr guitar player you should really work on phrasing and vibrato before sweeping those arps. That said this is ok, vocals are awesome and once they hit some speed its niceness to my ears. Fair bit of variety in the tune too. 7/10

Septic Flesh - aaahhh man who does the vocalist remind you of? Kam Lee? or am l thinking someone else? Whatever, yeah SF suck. 6/10

Therion - l know these guys have been around forever but they listen to much Coroner much? l don't mind this (hard to be happy on a keyboard) 7/10

Celtic Frost - l first heard CF by way of Obituary's Circle of the Tyrants cover on Cause of Death when that came out in...90...91? and thought it kiler. 8/10

Varathron - Naa there's some riffs here and there and the tunes alright but just a tad trite and boring. sorry 5/10

Solstice - Classic massive riff killer doom. Great fucking band 8/10

Soomdrag - There's a fair amount of power once the riff kicks in here, but it doesn't really go anywhere...heavy, kinda interesting 7/10

Black Sabbath - Listen to Geezar you fuckers, 10/10

Mekong Delta - l never had much time for Mekong Delta and that probably wont change, but this is alright...loads of cool leads and some decent riffs. 7/10

Root - Didn't these guys used to be BM? This is pretty shitty. 4/10

Entombed - Crushing tone, wicked riffage, killer songwriting ..and yeah poor Johnny, didn't Amott also play his bass parts on Dark Recollections? 9/10

Hemotoxin - Singer reminds me of riffs, kick ass instrumentation - l like the Cynic chords. 7/10

Innsmouth - meh. samey samey dull BM but then they do a decent riff like at 1;25 and it comes together. And then shit again. and then its cool once more. They should go down the DM path. 6/10

Sorry Omni, once id reviewed l realised i'd not mentioned the whole fucking point of rating these tunes was with the theme in mind.

ugh but you dont give a fug do you?
No more of these retarded mixtape threads.
I go on this website and Baroque has the gaul to post a fucking "Easter" mixtape game. What the fuck?
Hey man, baroque, I like you bud. Your not an asshole like cassette but man you are pushing it