Themed Mixtape Game

Metallica - The Call of Ktulu
Let's be real here, this is cool and all but nowhere near as good as the Tristram theme from Diablo. Docking a couple points because it's classic Metallica.

Thergothon - Elemental
A bit boring save for the middle part. Maybe I could get more immersed in it if the audio quality was better.

Iron Sword - Call of Cthulu
I keep getting this band mixed up with Doomsword because they both have similar names, worship traditional 80s metal and largely fail to make any kind of impression on me (though that Doomsword song in the history round was shockingly good). This song's okay, but I doubt I'll remember it a day from now. Not getting much of a cosmic horror vibe either, I feel like you could rewrite the lyrics to be about Conan or something and it'd be a better fit.

Catacomb - The Key
no country you're never gonna win with obscure on-point picks like this, you gotta shoehorn in Vitus or something.

Septic Flesh - Mystic Places of Dawn

Therion - Cthulhu
Fucking monstruous. Never knew early Therion was this good.

Celtic Frost - Morbid Tales
Yes I'm fucking morbid.

Varathron - The Tressrising of Nyarlathotep
I guess I'm supposed to like this but it feels kind of boring and lifeless. The flat sound isn't really helping.

Solstice - New Dark Age/The Sleeping Tyrant
I love how this, one of the most reverent of classic metal throwback albums, opens with a quote that basically declares the mission statement for all of metal. The actual song is great (though I don't agree that it's the best on the album *coughromlech*) but doesn't really fit the theme at all. Bad pick.

Soomdrag - Epitaph the Master
Maybe I'm way too forgiving of sloppy musicianship but I really dig this.

Black Sabbath - Behind the Wall of Sleep
Good song. Overshadowed by N.I.B. on the album. Gotta dock points because it's classic Sabbath.

Mekong Delta - Prophecy
Frantic and unhinged, excellent vox. Love it.

Root - The Old Ones
I really don't like the plodding first two minutes but the rest of the song is pretty great.

Entombed - Strangers Aeons

Hemotoxin - The Shadow Over Innsmouth
+1 point for having the dedication to upload a song that didn't have a youtube.

Innsmouth - Consumed by Elder Sign
Ok...... what the fuck...
I love how you accuse people of shit you can never actually back up, at least i admit my bullshit, maybe thats why ozz calls you out all the time, you will be cool sometimes then act like a bitch
I explained this in my previous set of ratings. I don't want really obvious picks like Metallica and Sabbath to win, so I rate them a bit lower than I would purely based on quality.
@RedStorm I honestly I couldnt give any less of a shit about you, your daddy ozz or any of you other lames(you know who you are) . But shit i can never back up? You just admitted to snitching on me a little while ago you moron, and it wasnt just once either. Anyway, i'm not about to continue derailing this thread by getting into an argument with an autistic 13 year old. Just do me a favor and keep my name out of your mouth.
Metallica - The Call of Ktulu
3/10. No thank you. I got nothing Lovecraft out of this.

Thergothon - Elemental
5/10. This was fine and I almost submitted a funeral doom song myself, then I thought "holy shit is this gonna drag".

Ironsword - Call of Cthulhu
6/10. Cool song with interesting vocals.

Catacomb - The Key
5/10. I kinda tuned out halfway through. It didn't offend my ears or anything. Ended on a strong note.

Septic Flesh - Mystic Places of Dawn
8/10. This is great. Strong atmosphere.

Therion - Cthulhu
8/10. This is pretty dope. Aggressive and cavernous.

Celtic Frost - Morbid Tales
8/10. Hells yeah it's Celtic Frost.

Varathron - The Tressrising of Nyarlathotep
7/10. Haven't heard this one before. Good effort.

Solstice - New Dark Age/The Sleeping Tyrant
5/10. For what this is, should be 5 minutes long, honestly.

Soomdrag - Epitaph the Master
6/10. I liked it ok.

Black Sabbath - Wasp/Behind the Wall of Sleep
6/10. Good tune with a nice groove.

Mekong Delta - Prophecy
4/10. Yeah not my thing at all.

Root - The Old Ones
8/10. Root brings the occult feeling brah.

Entombed - Strangers Aeons
6/10. This one's a lot of fun.

Hemotoxin - The Shadow Over Innsmouth
4/10. Music good. Vocals bad.

Innsmouth - Consumed by Elder Sign
8/10. Great atmosphere and vocals, but a little overlong.
I explained this in my previous set of ratings. I don't want really obvious picks like Metallica and Sabbath to win, so I rate them a bit lower than I would purely based on quality.

How is sabbath an obvious choice when it had to be explained that it was on theme? Also, sabbath hasn't won any of these.

@Baroque didn't you say Metallica was your first choice?

I need to stop following this thread. Shit raises my blood pressure. :lol:

Edit: @RedStorm seriously stop starting flame wars with people. The Internet isn't a playground a lot of us have actually known members on here for years. It's annoying to watch you curse out members all the time. Go to a chat room and do that nonsense, not here. Literally if I see that nonsense again you're getting blocked because silence is bliss.
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I never do that.. And when I do I'm kidding. I'll make sure I don't but it's seriously stupid that TB gets away with it all the time. In reality and me and iron wizard get blamed for shit that we never do. So yeah you got me, I'll stop. But someone needs to tell TB to stop
Also when ever I start this "flame wars" shit it's usually egged on by other members. The fact that some people can't take a fucking joke is a fucking problem and if you go on the Internet expecting everyone to be nice, that's your problem

Also the Internet is a playground as long as people keep testing it like that
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Okay, well you've been doing it for about three pages now, and I've seen it in GMD social threads too. I think people are giving you leeway because you're young. However, if you're old enough to come on here, you're old enough to chill out and act like you've got some sense. Either rate the mix tape and contribute to the actual discussion or keep it moving.

No need to beat your chest around here.
I think it's because this game is supposed to introduce us to good new music, not just recycle Metallica, Sabbath, Vitus songs to win every round.

That's fukking retarded. Ratings should be based on how much you like it and theme accuracy etc. Otherwise downrate Entombed and Celtic Frost too as they're extremely well-known, at least be consistent in your salty cunt behaviour (whoever did it).
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