Metallica - Call of Ktulu 7/10
This is is indeed great, not the best on the album but great nontheless. I subtract a few points though because I don't really feel the lovecraftian horrors here even though the name fits.
Thergothon - Elemental 10/10
One of my top 5 albums of all the time and maybe the best song from it, just a unique otherworldly sound that just oozes lovecraftian dream worlds and vast cyclopean vistas and plateaus of leng and whatnot. I love the melancholic guitar-melodies together with the soulcrushing heaviness.
Ironsword - Call of Cthulhu 5.5/10
I'm more the high pitched vocal guy when it comes to this style of music even if this isn't bad. Just abit to formulistic and uninspired. I don't really feel the lovecraft vibe here either.
Catacomb - The Key 8/10
I really think Lovecraft works best in abit more extreme metal and I really liked this, hadn't heard it before, but I love the atmosphere. The only thing I'm sold on is the vocals... and the album artwork in the video, way to ruin a dark omnious atmosphere with a gimic comic book superhero cthulhu.
Septic Flesh - Mystique Places of Dawn 6.5/10
I liked this too, but much more inconsistent, way to plow through idea after idea without restraint. Some parts was really good other parts less so.
Therion - Cthulhu 8/10
This album rules, better than their debut. Evil sounding and eerie as fuck. Fits the theme perfectly.
Celtic Frost - Morbid Tales 10/10
Besides Bathory Celtic Frost is by far my favourite of the first wave bm bands. Not as good as the best songs from To Mega Therion but what is? I'm so morbid I have a Emperor's Return backpatch on my battle jacket. Can't give this any less than full score.
Varathron - The Tressrising of Nyarlathotep 9/10
Varathron is so good, the best bm band from Greece, sorry Zemial and Necromantia. Really cool atmosphere and I love the heavy metal influences in their music.
Solstice - New Dark Age/The Sleeping Tyrant 6/10
I mean I'm as big of a Solstice fanboy as the next guy but had i been New Dark Age II I would have given it atleast 8, now I feel as stated by most that it is a really cheap shot to submit this. One of the all time great epic doom album though.
Soomdrag - Epitah the Master 6.5/10
I do not mind this, I like the break in the middle even though it isn't very creative or groundbreaking.
Black Sabbath - Behind the Wall of Sleep 8/10
Black Sabbath sounds more eerie than almost every band on this playlist an does the occult dark and heavy metal sound so much better than anyone else ever.
Mekong Delta - Prophecy 6.5/10
I own the debut but never listened to this album before, pretty good, but I can't really see myself putting this on instead of Coroner.
Root - The Old Ones 8/10
I like the midpace. Makes the whole dark ritual for outer gods feel much more prominent. I think this is really on theme and great.
Entombed - Strangers Aeons 8/10
Entombed's best album and an awsome song. Probably abit too catchy for the Lovecraft theme but who cares, it rules!
Hemotoxin - The Shadow of Innsmouth 3/10
No this didn't work at all, annoying vocals and not very good music. Worst song on the playlist.
Innsmouth - Consumed by Elder Sign 5/10
The cover art is indeed amazing but it didn't hold up to it at all actually. It felt pretty uninspired and boring, didn't really go anywhere and mostly dragged on. And with the band name and overall theme it feels too try hard.