Themed Mixtape Game

Metallica - The Call of Ktulu 8/10
Much better than "Orion" imo. This is easily my favourite Metallica full length and this song is pretty great. I've never been big on the part starting at 7 minutes, and the final 20 seconds or so almost ruin the atmosphere it built up for me. Completely eclipsed by the best instrumentals from The Chasm.

Thergothon - Elemental 7/10

I'd need to listen to this more, I've heard this album and one from Skepticism from the funeral doom genre but it was years ago and I've never sat down and tried to immerse myself in them. I definitely feel I might enjoy this more and rate it higher if I was in the right mood, it's extremely dark and oppressive.

Ironsword - Call of Cthulhu 7/10

This is fine, I even enjoyed parts of it. The vocals are the worst part and that chugging riff, otherwise it's decent.

Catacomb - The Key 9/10

This is so fucking great. OSDM with an otherworldly and creepy atmosphere. I love the leads, I love the keyboard touches and I love the production. Vocalist definitely sounds like some kind of lumbering monster from a Lovecraftian nightmare.

Septic Flesh - Mystic Places of Dawn 9/10
This album is a masterpiece of atmospheric and melodically inclined death metal.

Therion - Cthulhu 10/10
Beyond Sanctorum easily ranks among my favourite death metal records from Sweden. Definitely makes up for that awful Therion song we had to endure for the dragon theme. How I wish someone would reissue this with the original cover art.

Celtic Frost - Morbid Tales 8.5/10

Varathron - The Tressrising of Nyarlathotep 8.5/10

Wtf, I was actually dreading listening to this because I've owned His Majesty at the Swamp for years and it's just never clicked with me in the same way as a lot of other Greek black metal. Guess I need to spend more time with it because this was awesome.

Solstice - New Dark Age/The Sleeping Tyrant 9.5/10
The intro being on theme is good enough for me. Epic doom from a fantastic album.

Soomdrag - Epitaph the Naster 5.5/10

This is kinda boring with some interesting ideas here and there. Somewhat enjoyable but I probably won't be looking into this band.

Black Sabbath - Behind the Wall of Sleep 7/10
Not one of my favourites from Sabbath, but still pretty good.

Mekong Delta - Prophecy 8/10
Never heard anything from this band before. This was surprisingly really good, love the vocals and some of the riffs were killer.

Root - The Old Ones 8.5/10
This album and Hell Symphony fucking rule. Root bring a dirty occult feeling and are among my favourite black metal bands.

Entombed - Strangers Aeons 6/10
I couldn't possibly hate this, but it just doesn't do nearly as much for me as the other death metal on this list. Some of the parts are really cool, but other parts just don't agree with me.

Hemotoxin - The Shadow Over Innsmouth 5/10
These shockingly bad vocals would prevent me from ever listening to this again. I quite like the melodic tremolo/blast sections, generic as they are. Definitely needs work to be something I'd consider good.

Innsmouth - Consumed by Elder Sign 8/10

Fucking disgusting, rotten and filthy. Almost everything I look for in this style of music.It is perhaps too long, but this atmosphere is so convincing that I don't care. Will definitely be looking into this band.

This playlist was very enjoyable from beginning to end. Even the songs I liked the least weren't horrendous.
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I also liked this playlist, no wonder because I'm a lovecraft fanboy. It would be an interesting theme for the non metal mixtape, alot more to om for non obvious choices there I think. I guess nightmares are close enough though?

Catacomb and Root were definitely my highlights from bands I never listened to before.
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Mekong Delta - Prophecy 6.5/10
I own the debut but never listened to this album before, pretty good, but I can't really see myself putting this on instead of Coroner.

I wouldn't put them over Coroner either, but they have different appeals imo. Coroner is a very song-oriented band (especially No More Color onwards) and puts more emphasis on very distinct songwriting ideas, hooks and novelties. Mekong Delta has more direct progressive rock influence despite being just as thrashy riff-wise, so I think their songs work better in a full-album context, even though they don't usually do full concept albums per se. Both bands changed style quite a bit from album to album, so Mekong Delta's debut doesn't really represent everything they did (although it is the closest thing to the album Prophecy comes from).

fwiw I do feel like Coroner peaked for me a while ago, whereas Mekong Delta still continues to grow.
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It is promising and I would probably check it out if I wasn't so low on thrash lately. The vocals really made the song more interesting and colorful too.
Maybe I've been listening to too much black metal, but reading through some of the ratings and comments, I don't understand the issue with the production on that Soomdrag song. I mean sure it's not super clean but it's not that bad.
Maybe I've been listening to too much black metal, but reading through some of the ratings and comments, I don't understand the issue with the production on that Soomdrag song. I mean sure it's not super clean but it's not that bad.

Black metal is often enhanced by "bad production" whereas that Soomdrag trash is not enhanced by the production, it's flaws are merely highlighted as a result.

It's hilarious how they're being rated though.
I focused a bit more on the theme this time seeing as this would've been my first choice for a theme if I ever won.

Metallica - The Call of Ktulu

I'd rate this much higher if I were judging the song alone, but this has no real connection to Lovecraft aside from the intentional misspelling of Cthulhu. 4/10

Thergothon - Elemental

Reiterating what others said, this actually sounds like Lovecraft. The desolate crawl, the inhuman gurgling... near perfect. I had considered submitting Evoken from their demo, which I would've given 10. 9/10

Ironsword - The Call of Cthulu

Competent heavy metal, if a little bland. Seems a little too much like a token Lovecraftian themed song. 6.5/10

Catacomb - The Key

Heavily atmospheric, cool lyrics, obscure production. Drowned Prod. knew their shit in the early 90s. 9/10

Septic Flesh - Mystic Places of Dawn

Nice pick. I didn't even think of this despite it being one of my most played albums of the last few years. Fits a Lovecraft playlist flawlessly. Great song from their best album. 9/10

Therion - Cthulhu

I'm grateful that death metal Therion is the only Therion I know. This was near the top of my favourites list for years and years. 10/10

Celtic Frost - Morbid Tales

Classic. The opening riff is one of the best ever. Yog Sothoth is pleased. 9/10

Varathron - The Tressrising of Nyarlathotep

This would've been my second choice. Quintessential Hellenic black metal. 10/10

Solstice - New Dark Age/The Sleeping Tyrant

Great song. Unfortunately doesn't really fit the theme. 6/10

Soomdrag - Epitaph the Master

Pretty amateur, uninspired stuff here. 3/10

Black Sabbath - Behind the Wall of Sleep

Nice choice. Cool to see a less popular Lovecraft story being represented. 7/10

Mekong Delta - The Music of Eric Zahn

I'm unfamiliar with Mekong Delta past their debut. This kicks ass. 8/10

Root - The Old Ones

"Why it's Azathoth! And Yog Sothoth! And my favourite, Nyarlathotep - they're all here!" 10/10

Entombed - Stranger Aeons

Cool song. The main riff annoys me bit these days. Ultra nostalgic though, as Clandestine was my introduction to classic Swedish death metal. 7/10

Hemotoxin - Shadow over Innsmouth

Painfully generic. Despite being on theme this doesn't belong anywhere near a Lovecraft playlist, sorry. 3/10

Innsmouth - Consumed by Elder Sign

Excellent finish! I would've been disappointed if Innsmouth hadn't been included. I own this album but I haven't listened to it nearly as much as the demo or 7". Clearly I need to. 9/10
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Metallica - The Call of Ktulu
The most obvious choice, but a good one, nevertheless.

Thergothon - Elemental
I'm not much into Thergothon. They deserve some credit for being one of the progenitors of the funeral doom subgenre, but it just feels a bit rudimentary nowadays, to me at least.

Ironsword - Call of Cthulhu
I've heard tell of this band, with inevitable comparisons to Doomsword, albeit without the doom leanings. The vocals really took me be surprise by being an octave lower than I expected. It sounds alright to me, but it's no Doomsword.

Catacomb - The Key

Septic Flesh - Mystic Places of Dawn
Although I'm more into Ophidian Wheel when it comes to early SF, this is still a gem.

Therion - Cthulhu
Definitely one of the highlights of Beyond Sanctorum. I'm especially partial to that dissonant riff introduced at 0:49, which really evokes alien geometries.

Celtic Frost - Morbid Tales

Varathron - The Tressrising of Nyarlathotep

Solstice - New Dark Age/The Sleeping Tyrant
While I like the song, I feel I must dock a couple points on account of the fact that it doesn't fit the theme, as others have made clear.

Soomdrag - Epitaph the Naster
Some good ideas interspersed throughout, but the production doesn't really do it justice.

Black Sabbath - Behind the Wall of Sleep
A solid song, if not their best.

Mekong Delta - Prophecy
I should probably check this band out at some point, having known about them for a long time as that band that did a cover of "Night on Bald Mountain."

Root - The Old Ones
I haven't listened to this album, although I'm a fan of the band, and this song really nails the ritualistic, occult aesthetic.

Entombed - Strangers Aeons

Hemotoxin - The Shadow Over Innsmouth

Innsmouth - Consumed by Elder Sign
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