Themed Mixtape Game

Sorry, losers. I was taking a break from online stuff for a bit because I was busy in real life doing things that are actually important and working on some things at my job. Shout out to @TechnicalBarbarity for letting me know that I won this game so I could come back here to post in this topic.

The new theme is going to be beliefs and conviction. It doesn't matter what type of beliefs or conviction your songs represent, but it should be easy to tell that this is the main theme of your submissions. Considering how broad this theme is, people should be able to pick songs without shoehorning in bullshit. Thanks.

I'll be continuing my sabbatical from being online often for a couple more days, so you have a little bit of time to submit something.
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You guys will have to do better. I have received four submissions and that's just pathetic.
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