These ppl at my house are saying...

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
That this world is hell and that when you die,heaven is a much better place.My sister's friend asked me if I believed in the devil...I told her no.My sister asked me if I believed in god...I said no.And they both gasped.The ppl in my family keep refusing to accept the fact that I am an athiest.Now my little sister is going to pray for my soul so I don't go to hell when I die.These ppl seriously need something better to do I,for that matter.I'm just bored and I felt like telling the rest of you ppl.:D
The ppl in my house scare me.But I think my sister was only joking(no,she was most likely serious),but she said that to "impress" her friend(how the fuck do you impress someone by being religious?)because of all of this Bilbe school shit they were going to last week.It is all fakery.I wish the Godreligion minions would realize how seriously messed up their beliefs are so they stop blaming the athiests and Satanists for all of the world's problems.Aaaarrrgggg.
Originally posted by neal
yeh fuck em. all you can do is go about your business and ignore the people that try to bitch on you.
Yeah,that's what I'm doing,pretty much.I don't start disputes w/my family about religion(well,I try not to,anyway).And whenever I am in one of those,my parents make a way bigger deal out of it all then I do.If someone asks me"Do you believe in God?",I tell them no.I try not to offend them,even though they usually wind up offending me by staring at me or talking about me behind my back or glaring at me whenever I'm near.I'm like the patron saint of athieism because I am practically persecuted for what I believe in!10 yrs. after I die,someone has to canonize me!:lol: The first patron saint of aithieism!
yeh. maybe you shouldnt come right out and say no. just be like 'i dunno, guess ill find out when i die' or somthing. or you should try to fuck with them.
Maybe that would work then I wouldn't always have them nagging me and and fighting w/me because I disagree w/them.I've often thought about complying with my family's beliefs to make it easier for myself but if I just avoid religion all together then I won't have a problem...until they find something new to bitch about.
Actually,they've already given me shit about my music.When I bought my first cd w/an explicit lyrics sticker,both of my parents freaked out and they just can't handle me using "language" like fuck or shit.My dad's a total jackass about that.And wearing black all of the time,but they've kind of let that go.
Except for the issues w/religion,I've got a pretty good family life.My parents are still together(most of my friend's parents are divorced),they don't hit me,they give me a lot of freedom like they aren't looking over my shoulder when I'm on the forums w/you all...if they did,then I don't think I'd be allowed back on the internet:rolleyes: ,they put up w/most of the music I listen to.