things you hate with a passion

the god damn media.

Randomly I agree with the conservative American view that the media is overly liberal. I don't need to be shocked into seeing some simpletons idea of world history being balanced out and I don't think making films were a bunch of people who's only education has been that the west is the enemy and how to fire an ak are the smart guys is rebellious or smart. It's just predictable and shit.

I mean if it was liberal in that it gave an actual balanced view in each film or program then it would be fine but instead we get TV programs about athiest lesbians becoming serious jesusionaries and then next week a program about how dumb we all are and what some fundamentalist asshole muslims think and how right they are.p I just want it all to fuck off. Yeah I do turn the TV off but that doens't stop it brainwashing anybody else.
Randomly I agree with the conservative American view that the media is overly liberal. I don't need to be shocked into seeing some simpletons idea of world history being balanced out and I don't think making films were a bunch of people who's only education has been that the west is the enemy and how to fire an ak are the smart guys is rebellious or smart. It's just predictable and shit.

I mean if it was liberal in that it gave an actual balanced view in each film or program then it would be fine but instead we get TV programs about athiest lesbians becoming serious jesusionaries and then next week a program about how dumb we all are and what some fundamentalist asshole muslims think and how right they are.p I just want it all to fuck off. Yeah I do turn the TV off but that doens't stop it brainwashing anybody else.

It's more about how the meanings of words as people understand them get twisted and labels assigned that mean one thing when it isn't necessarily true but people have knee-jerk reactions programmed in when they hear various buzzwords and labels.

Example of twisting definitons:

New Ford commercials for "Quality Drive 09". The woman in the add says she loves the quality of her new car and then proceeds to explain the features that it has Quality =/= Features.

Example of label misapplication:

I was watching something on the History channel the other day, and they referred to pro-secession southerners as "southern extremists". I'm sure Britain would refer to the Colonial Americans as "Extremist Colonists". :rolleyes:

To be fair, "extremist" is a very malleable label, and can be applied to anyone with a different viewpoint than the local majority or labeler, even if in actuality it is the labeler who has the extreme viewpoint. Plus with the way terrorist and extremist get used interchangably, the kneejerk reaction is to hear "extremist" but think "dangerous (terrorist) individual".
Extremist colonists?
Haha only Jeremy Clarkson would say something like that.
Jeremy Clarkson ftw lol. I bet you all hate him with a passion.

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Or go around in an ancient Rolls Royce with a cannon tied to the roof and loads of union jacks. Plus dress up as redcoats.

Now that would get them excited. LOL