things you hate with a passion

I fucking hate it when I'm walking through a crowded place and some douche fucking stops in the middle of everyone when they get a text or a phone call. It annoys me to no end having to walk around these guys, especially if I'm in a hurry. And then I hate it when they give me these dirty looks if I bump into them. What do they expect if they're stopping in the middle of a place where a lot of people are walking? What I do is I either keep walking or I just move off out of the way if I need to stop.
Fucking up my guitar solos despite concentrating so hard I almost hemorrhage from the strain...

My brother....he makes annoying noises..

Close minded people

Last year I hated the whole contest of masculinity. It was just a contest of who can be the biggest, dumbest, sport obsessed player.

And guys would be like "what a faggot" if they asked my opinion on some football teams or something and I'd tell them I don't watch football.

But at least I didn't get that shit in Hong Kong since guys there spend (and I'm not exaggerating) at least 20 minutes on their hair when they can (and even bring mirrors around with them) and somehow having naked pillow fights is not gay to them. I kid you guys not. Me and my friend walked around acting like a gay couple (short of kissing or touching each other) to see if people would actually get uncomfortable and all we got were "oh, it's a white guy and a black guy" looks. Not "ew, it's two gay guys" looks. Because there men tend to hide their homosexuality since it is looked down upon more. Either that or I just can't tell a straight guy from a gay guy there.
I hate how I always have to edit the shit out of my posts multiple times because I put wrong words in my posts and therefore make some things I say not make sense.
A real man in my opinion is someone who doesn't worry about his masculinity.
Yet, isn't a total wimp. Isn't afraid to admit to people on going on nature walks, or that he enjoys art, or anything that could be considered wimpy. Works hard, and does what he can for himself, and others around him. Tries to live a somewhat healthy life, simply for living healthy. Isn't afraid to admit his fears, but doesn't have them take over his life.
Yeah, I like those things also.

I do think that my fears still bring me down a bit.

Also, :lol: at things that glow in the dark
I hate when I make a post and I am not comfortable with it and delete it and then somebody replies to it.

I said:

I like going on nature walks, I enjoy art and everything that could be considered wimpy. I'm also afraid of spiders, windows, and things that glow in the dark.
A real man... a real man drinks Jack Daniels Whiskey. Fine and blended, deep from the hearts of the united states of america.

Add a little country ditty, and some fields and wind blowing and shit, and you've got a terrible advert.
A real man in my opinion is someone who doesn't worry about his masculinity.
Yet, isn't a total wimp. Isn't afraid to admit to people on going on nature walks, or that he enjoys art, or anything that could be considered wimpy. Works hard, and does what he can for himself, and others around him. Tries to live a somewhat healthy life, simply for living healthy. Isn't afraid to admit his fears, but doesn't have them take over his life.
From what I know of Maine, a real man your age in Maine plays basketball, and is good at it, and fucks all the hottest sluts at his school.
I hate the way people react to anyone showing any level of dislike to the EU. They just suddenly become all pretentious and ridiculous.
I was being sarcastic. Though I do know something about Maine, because my family has a summer house up there, and I got to know some of the locals. I used to live there all summer as a kid and as a teenager.

A lot of Maine locals are awesome. :lol:

Maine is a weird mix of rednecks, hippies, and normal average people.
A real man... a real man drinks Jack Daniels Whiskey. Fine and blended, deep from the hearts of the united states of america.

Add a little country ditty, and some fields and wind blowing and shit, and you've got a terrible advert.
As far as the UK (or all of Europe for that matter) goes, you can't get any more manly than football hooligans. Well, except for the football players themselves.
As far as the UK (or all of Europe for that matter) goes, you can't get any more manly than football hooligans. Well, except for the football players themselves.

Wrong, the manliest thing to be in Europe is a Finnish hand sawing lumberjack who consumes Absolut Vodka like tap water and gives his wife a good ol' slappin' when he comes home to find that his meat and potatoes aren't yet on the table.
Perkele arvoton nainen!