things you hate with a passion

I said it before, but I'll say it again since I'm going through it right at the moment. I hate calling a girl for the first time. I never called the last two numbers I got cause I wussed out. I just have some weird mental block and I hate the awkwardness. fuck.
I said it before, but I'll say it again since I'm going through it right at the moment. I hate calling a girl for the first time. I never called the last two numbers I got cause I wussed out. I just have some weird mental block and I hate the awkwardness. fuck.

I hate using the phone in general. But especially so, when it's to a girl I like. :erk:
Pussies. Man up, your dick will thank you later.

These seem like two inherently antithetical statements.

He is, seriously, but at least he's not stupid.

True. I just feel that he's spewing regurgitated anti-religious rhetoric that's already been said before. The film feels more like a cash-grab than anything and a means for him to assert his "intellectuality" alongside his (far superior) peers.
True. I just feel that he's spewing regurgitated anti-religious rhetoric that's already been said before. The film feels more like a cash-grab than anything and a means for him to assert his "intellectuality" alongside his (far superior) peers.

He also, in general, questioned a lot of "regular joes", and your average convert to any religion doesn't actually know anything about what their denominational/religious creeds are or the overall content of their holy book.

I thought Ken Ham was the only decent interview he did regarding anything Christian related. It pretty much ended with Ken Ham giving him the "you're a douchebag" staredown.

I thought the whole thing was sad/funny for how much people don't know about something that is supposedly so important to them, or how religion is deconstructed down to the fast-food-service level or turned into a circus act.
I'm not a fan of Ham, but I thought he a good job of shutting down Maher at the end. The "I'm not gay anymore" guy was rediculous though.
I hate Nancy Grace and hopefully she gets stabbed to death by a psychopath.
Tbh, I know it's gonna make me sound like a massive fag, but at this point in my life, I could honestly care about getting my dick wet. :lol:

same actually

i'm going to take it a step farther in the fag level... i could actually give a shit less about having sex, i would much, much rather obtain a loving, meaningful relationship

that's right, i said it :lol:
I said something like that here once and then I got ridiculed for it, so I just keep my mouth shut now about my seemingly abnormal rampant asexuality.
I would like to have sex with an unattractive woman. Then I would feel superior instead of all nervous and shit, like you do with an attractive woman. ;(
I said something like that here once and then I got ridiculed for it, so I just keep my mouth shut now about my seemingly abnormal rampant asexuality.

Hey, what's your new av? I've been trying for a long time to decipher the words and I just can't.