things you hate with a passion

In all fairness you guys have a problem with black comedians doing that but do not have a problem with white comedians imitating blacks?
I never said that but give me an example of a white comedian imitating blacks. Ive never seen it done and if it was it would be labeled racist immediately. Funny what happens when the table is turned.
Lol you've never seen British troop entertainment then.

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That's fucking awesome. I guarantee you that no comedian would say that in America though. I'm honestly a little surprised that no one's up in arms over what that guy said.
A lot of people hate him. Between the 70s and the 90s he was on TV a lot, he hosted a game show.
The newest Nickelback album has some pretty fucking heavy riffs and good solos, not to mention their drummer has always been much more talented than they lead you to believe. My friend listens to it a lot when we drive places and I've grown to like it enough to not mind when it's on.
They aren't unbearable, but they are incredibly lame. They are the opposite of cool. Their new single "Gotta Be Somebody" exemplifies this imo.
That's fucking awesome. I guarantee you that no comedian would say that in America though. I'm honestly a little surprised that no one's up in arms over what that guy said.

Yeah people are abit more "erk" about it.
But he's still win, and people still love him.
Got kicked off a reality show for calling a gay dude something along the lines of a "shirt lifting poofter".
<3 Jim Davidson.
I hate comedians who just rant about stupid shit and aren't even in the least bit funny.
I really hate when my motherboard (or maybe processor?) overheats, spontaneously and instantly shutting down my computer and killing my hard drive in the process. I further hate that I went and bought a new hard drive for this piece of shit because I didn't realize overheating was the root of my computer issues. At least internet browsing isn't a very intense activity on any part of the system.
People, Stupid people, stoners, drunks, Christians who are ignorant, Religion, Arrogant people, The typical idiotic metalhead, stupid girls, black people that believe everyone owes them something cause their "ancestors" were slaves, when those fucks don't even know anything about their history. Pop music, country music, spanish music, alternative music, anything the radio plays, except for classical, I FUCKING LOVE CLASSICAL