things you hate with a passion


I was out walking with a friend of my mother's and her young son, and her friend with her daughter, both of these kids about 8. We went down to this area behind some buildings where there is a river and some dilapidated out buildings. We messed around for a while, throwing stones in the river...and this fucking bitch leans out a window and threatens to call the police if we don't fuck off.

Sure, the area may have been her private property, but there was NO SIGN UP ANYWHERE indicating that this was the case. It could have been a fucking play park for all we knew.

She also could have simply said, 'Sorry people, this is private property and I'd like you to go somewhere else.' But no. She didn't bother to read the situation and notice that the group consisted mainly of 2 MOTHERS AND THEIR YOUNG CHILDREN. Hardly dangerous. Stupid bitch just looked out her window and saw a pack of people including a young woman in black leather and ripped combat pants...I mean me...and assumed we were criminals.

I want to give her something to call the fucking police about. Like cut her hand off and rape her with it. See how dominant she feels while dying from hypovolemic shock.

I was out walking with a friend of my mother's and her young son, and her friend with her daughter, both of these kids about 8. We went down to this area behind some buildings where there is a river and some dilapidated out buildings. We messed around for a while, throwing stones in the river...and this fucking bitch leans out a window and threatens to call the police if we don't fuck off.

Sure, the area may have been her private property, but there was NO SIGN UP ANYWHERE indicating that this was the case. It could have been a fucking play park for all we knew.

She also could have simply said, 'Sorry people, this is private property and I'd like you to go somewhere else.' But no. She didn't bother to read the situation and notice that the group consisted mainly of 2 MOTHERS AND THEIR YOUNG CHILDREN. Hardly dangerous. Stupid bitch just looked out her window and saw a pack of people including a young woman in black leather and ripped combat pants...I mean me...and assumed we were criminals.

I want to give her something to call the fucking police about. Like cut her hand off and rape her with it. See how dominant she feels while dying from hypovolemic shock.

+1 for empathy
My biggest fear of that kin is sitting on the john at work and getting called to help someone or do something for someone.
My biggest fear of that kin is sitting on the john at work and getting called to help someone or do something for someone.
Nothing like that but this happened last summer, For some reason, the owner of the house I was painting had the genius idea to put the toilet RIGHT by the window, so if someone was walking by the bathroom from outside the house they can see everything. Well guess what, they walked right by and I had to crouch down until I knew it was safe. It sucked. Bad.
Methadrenals rant reminded me of something I hate.


When I was a kid around ages 8-10 I used to go to the woods and stuff with my friends (because I had more freedom to venture out of the line of sight at that point) and we would hang by the creek throwing rocks into the water trying to splash each other. And up would come these mothers (because there was a bike path in the woods that would go by the creek) with children aged infant to 5 who would tell us "don't throw rocks, it's dangerous!" One told us she was going to call the police on us and tell our mothers.

And this other time me and my friends went to the basketball court which was right next to the playground and I climbed up into a tree and hung upside down and this lady (who seemed to own a daycare or something because of the mass of children around her) was yelling at me to climb down and leave. Eventually I got out of the tree and was running on the playground. There was one of those bridges of pieces of wood attached by rope that wave and this toddler was walking on it and I ran over and knocked him over and he got up without crying. And then this lady kept yelling at me so me and my friend just left.

And related to this I also hate when parents with young kids join in on something and ruin it for everyone. One winter morning when I was 9 or 10 or something we had a snow day and me and my friend had this awesome hill on our block so we went there and got the frame of this old wooden ramp from the ditch at the bottom of the hill and we spent most of the morning filling it up with snow and packing it (and then we had to redo it because we placed it too high on the hill). So we finished and we went off of it (on sleds) for about an hour or so because it was fucking awesome and you could get a lot of air on it. So then these parents come with kids (and they weren't even from our fucking block), the oldest one was 5 or 6 and the other 2 were 2 or 3. So this one father says "that ramp is too high for these kids, we have to move it"). So he picks up the ramp, shakes most of the snow out because it's too heavy for him to carry over about 5 or 6 feet and he puts it IN THE FUCKING DITCH instead of off to the side. So they're only there for about 20 minutes and then me and my friend go into the ditch to get it but we had to take the remaining snow out because it was too heavy and when we got the ramp frame back we didn't really feel like rebuilding the epic ramp because some other parents might come back and ruin it again.
I hate when I watch a movie in Thai and they say like 5 words and the subtitle is 4 or 5 lines and I don't have time to read it all so I have to pause.