I was out walking with a friend of my mother's and her young son, and her friend with her daughter, both of these kids about 8. We went down to this area behind some buildings where there is a river and some dilapidated out buildings. We messed around for a while, throwing stones in the river...and this fucking bitch leans out a window and threatens to call the police if we don't fuck off.
Sure, the area may have been her private property, but there was NO SIGN UP ANYWHERE indicating that this was the case. It could have been a fucking play park for all we knew.
She also could have simply said, 'Sorry people, this is private property and I'd like you to go somewhere else.' But no. She didn't bother to read the situation and notice that the group consisted mainly of 2 MOTHERS AND THEIR YOUNG CHILDREN. Hardly dangerous. Stupid bitch just looked out her window and saw a pack of people including a young woman in black leather and ripped combat pants...I mean me...and assumed we were criminals.
I want to give her something to call the fucking police about. Like cut her hand off and rape her with it. See how dominant she feels while dying from hypovolemic shock.