things you hate with a passion

You know what I hate? The retarded chicks (who don't even listen to metal) who keep coming to my metal club meetings because they want to find boyfriends. One of them is actually after my dudemanguy. And some other chick actually asked me, after joining the club, if I thought she'd be able to find a boyfriend there. Wtf, who does that? Seriously.


Of all the places to be looking for a boyfriend, that seems like the very last place you'd want to go.

Anyway, if you want I'll start a "metal club" over here, and they can all come over and sample the fine specimen of manhood that I am.
Carlos Mencia is pretty bad, but Sarah Silverman and Brian Posehn are pretty much the worst out there right now tbh.

Re: ATHF being low-brow..... I can see someone thinking that if they've seen something like the 'dick' episode, but a lot of the older episodes are actually fairly obscure and quite sharp in their humor. They're filled with the sort of references and satire that sitcom type shows aim at and usually end up failing or being awkward about, but they are spot on. It's hard to explain. And Carl is classic, as are the Mooninites, Plutonians, et al, so the whole thing is just surreal to watch sometimes. Try 'Bus of the Undead', 'MC P Pants', 'Universal Remonster', 'The Shaving', 'Broodwich', and 'Video Ouija'.
Watching 72 minutes of video on megavideo and having to wait a long time to watch more.
Well, we just get together and we talk about metal. It sounds kinda cheesy I guess, but I go to a huge school and I wanted to get more involved in the local metal scene so I joined this nascent metal club and now it's getting pretty big and I'm the VP. We talk about the latest music we discover and what's going on in the metal scene and we occasionally throw metal parties. Actually Don Anderson from Agalloch & Sculptured came to our last meeting and talked about what it was like to be in those bands and tour and stuff like that... He's a really cool dude.
Anyways, it's pretty cool, except for these girls that show up and don't listen to metal and don't have any interest in it either. It's really irritating. I don't see why someone would hang out with a bunch of metalheads to try and find a boyfriend. It's not like they're particularly friendly to girls like that anyway.

You try too hard to be cool on internet forums.

Maybe because they think all metalheads are introverted and all introverts are easy catches.
Watching 72 minutes of video on megavideo and having to wait a long time to watch more.

click on the movie you wanna watch, wait for it to stream, play it without watching it, come back after 72 minutes and watch the movie from the beginning then you get to watch 144 minutes without having to wait for a long time.
Lulz at metal club
"My name is Dave, and I'm a metal fan"
"Hi dave"
"Hey... And I've been listening to metal for 4 MONTHS NOW. WOO. SLAYER!"
"But remember Dave, there's more bands out there, and you gotta keep pushing on through and finding the not shit ones. I notice you're wearing a pantera t-shirt"
"... Leave the fucking hall"

Holy shit I wanna start a metal club
hell, i would join a metal club.

we could have iPod battles, where we try to pwn the previous guy's song with a more brutal song.

winner gets to fondle the desperate chicks that show up
Seriously what's so retarded about metal club? We do the exact same thing people do on UM except we do it in person.

Don't worry about the jabs, if you guys enjoy it keep it up. It's cool that you got Don Anderson to come and hang out.