things you hate with a passion

I'm going to make it clear once again that, like last year, if I even do go, I have no interest in meeting or hanging out with the vast majority of you in any capacity.

It's not that big of a deal. People are talking about sneaking up behind me and hugging me, so in return I'm expressing my desire to be left alone.

When I see iPods... make that Apple products, I have to suppress the urge to grab them and smash them against a wall.

Honestly what's the difference? They both play music, movies, tv shows, show photos, games, correct? Why like one and hate the other?
I seem to remember you having no memory of meeting Matt at all and actually mentioning afterward that you were glad you hadn't met him. Have you recovered your memories?

I have no fucking idea what you're talking about. You probably have me confused with someone else.

I'm going to make it clear once again that, like last year, if I even do go, I have no interest in meeting or hanging out with the vast majority of you in any capacity.

Least of all the guy who writes unflattering reviews of Judas Priest albums, amirite?

It's more of a matter of choosing to not waste my time talking to stupid people.

Someone who has the perpetual maturity level of a petulant teenager with a rebellion complex has no business being a judge of intelligence. At any rate, as I assume you are aware, it's pretty clearly not intelligence that determines who you consider worthy of associating with, but how devoted to and 'in touch' with 'true metal' the person in question is. If you want to build your life that closely around a single interest, have at it, but all this acting like you're above everyone else who is not 'loyal to the cause' is incredibly juvenile.
It would be funny if he started having serious insomnia and ended up suicide bombing a pop music producers estate or something, in the name of metal.
I have no fucking idea what you're talking about. You probably have me confused with someone else.

Being bored and yes, somewhat OCD, I went back and found it.

Dodens, swizzle and JP can fuck off. If they want to be elitist nerds, let 'em.

Yeah dude, we should party next year. Don't let Matt spoil the fun :lol:

And Grant, I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, we met and shook hands and shot the shit when I came up to your room to leave my stuff there with Ray. Did you not even know that was me?