New Metal Member
Allan said:I think Hemmingway once said something about sarcasm being the shield of the weak mind, seems appropriate in so many ways to this.
Hemingway is boring.
Allan said:I think Hemmingway once said something about sarcasm being the shield of the weak mind, seems appropriate in so many ways to this.
toolsofthetrade said:snd sometimes Dhatura, sarcasm can be bonding - humor, depending how you sense it.
So everything is false, an image we're presenting to the world with no connection to our real self, which is basically just a need to breed and stay alive, therefore we should just deliver cheap sarcastic shots to everyone who is so ignorant as to believe there is more to it. Is that your point?
Bambi said:you misread young jedi, i said people dont reveal anything that they dont want to reveal. Theres a big difference between that "So everything is false, an image we're presenting to the world with no connection to our real self". dunno where yer getting the more to life bit tho, probbaly just projecting your on foibles onto soemone else. Mind you breeding and staying alive is a pretty noble aspiration for most species on this planet, us westerners are far to clever and arrogant to be happy with something that unselfish though, which is why we're declining in numbers i guess
Allan said:Obviously people don't reveal anything they don't want to. In theory I want to reveal everything.
mehdi.i.e.e.e said:im sure theres none of that cheese in chinese movies. just emotionless looks, miff wank, breeding, there you go, keep it straight to the core.