Thoughts on NSBM

etotheipiequalsminus1 said:
Anyway, what else are we supposed to discuss on a thread entitled *national socialist* black metal?
Well we've had 8 fucking pages of it already. Not my fault you turned up (out of the blue) when the conversation was done.

Fucks sake. Fucking people diving into forums for one particular thread, and the next thing you know, they're setting the code of conduct for the entire board.
etotheipiequalsminus1 said:
oh and to anyone who thinks blacks haven't acheived anything should check out the olympics, and any other sporting event.
What race are the reigning champions of women's tennis?

Anyway, what else are we supposed to discuss on a thread entitled *national socialist* black metal?

...or in Music's case, blues, rock, and Jazz. Quite a feat if I may say so.
"No one should be banned. *freedom of speech*"

I disagree. I don't want this forum populated by bigots. This isn't a free-society issue. This is a moderated message board.

"It's not like he's saying "all black/jews should die" or anything. He's just citing emperical fact, (of course the validity of such studies is open for interpretation, but they have been replicated with success!) if you have a problem with that then you're just as bad as the American/Western media, with their stupid fucking multiculturalism propoganda."

EMPIRICAL - "Guided by practical experience and not theory"
In other words, what YOU YOURSELF are able to observe, not what someone tells you.

"The fact is that integration just does not work!!!"

Of course it doesn't with jackasses like you and your buddy going around expressing superiority like 7-year-olds in a playground. It works both ways, you know. Mindsets like YOURS are what is detrimental to co-existence, not those damn my pals and their rap music. I'm also glad that you are a leading political anthropologist who lets society know what works and what doesn't.

I'm sick of this thread, and I'm done with it.
Empericism is stupid. "I've never seen France, therefore it doesn't exist." Morons.

Cat People > China Girl, but China Girl > a whole shitload of things.
JayKeeley said:
Again, this is absolutley fine. For fucks sake, I think Ayeka is a bit extreme but I have no problems with him whatsoever.
Just like to say this made skimming through all the hectic shit worthwhile :blush: something I like about this forum is that this kind of thing can be discussed in the first place. I'm a bit sad/annoyed that it's got out of hand now cos it was brilliant reading to start with. If people who don't agree with me can put their view across respectfully and without being condenscending then that's fucking A+, cos it's better than what I usually get. You guys rock!

Anyway, there's some little things I picked up on I decided I'm gonna quickly address anyway. Bit late but oh well...

Read it! And you'll find the most racist text ever written.
It doesn't teach anything about "Inheriting"...It teaches about using, taking, stealing and swindling...
By jewish law, it isn't illegal to steal from a non-jew...
Originally Posted by demonspyre
Why do you think that the first thing that Hitler did, was to remove all Jewish Magazine and Newspaper editors?

Survey says.... "Because he was a crazy fuck."
I would like to add that demonspyre's points are also confirmed in two of the links I posted back on page 5.

"There are tall Asians with huge boobs"
Yes, that's because somewhere along the line, they mixed with another race, but it's not the norm for the Asian race.
Yes, the race they mixed with was ours! Although they didn't really have much choice - a great horde of Crusaders came through and raped 'em (we learnt that in a History lesson :))

and if you let yourself be bossed around by certain people or races, it is your fault not theirs. one thing about jews that I like is that they don't give a shit what people think about them. of course some people will be fucked along the way, but this is your weakness that allows it more than anyhting else.
Unfortunately, when the people getting bossed around are the governments, the common rank-and-file (i.e. us) don't end up having a say in it. That's why some of us end up getting frustrated and hateful (exhibit A: this thread). What can we do about it? Christ...tell me and I'll be a happy man! I'm hoping my votes can help swing things in my favour in a small way, but the only other direct solutions result in me ending up in a prison cell or dead. I'm not so extreme I'm willing to end up that way. It's depressing.
So I'd like to get on with life, and I do. And some of you ask "why do you care then?" The fact is I just do. Guess being plain old whiteboy means you get to look at it from an objective viewpoint. So in the meantime you gotta put up with me just talking about it (and buying NSBM albums).

Christ, so defeatist! I need a fag and need to crack on with some revision so see you later nice time.
lurch70 said:
this thread is turning into a an anti-jewish thread quickly.
I certainly not agree with what the American gov't is doing in the middle east, but unfortunatelly also realize, as much as all of us hate it ... is that everything is business nowadays.
Agreed. If anyone thinks the wealthy oil men in Texas give a rat's ass about Israel, think again. Our allegiance to Israel is based almost entirely on their place on this big round ball we call Earth. As much as I'd like to blame Barbara Steisand for the world's ills, the influence of her and a few Jewish Hollywood producers isn't why we support Israel. It's good ole fashion American greed. There's oil in the middle east, and the only country who can help protect our oil interests is Israel.

Think of it like this. Imagine the world painted colours, Africa black, Europe white, Asia brown etc. Now mix them altogether, and what do you have? a slurred mess. National Socialism isn't about superiourity and egotism, it's about preserving our culture and heritage. However, many who coin themselves NS and start spouting bigotry and hate are really very annoying because they give the cause a bad name.
General Zod said:
There's oil in the middle east, and the only country who can help protect our oil interests is Israel.

Forget about your Hollywood, talmuds and stuff - it's for stupid drunk skindickheads.
Wow. I don't know if this was done on purpose, but all the font that is normally white in this forum, is now black in this thread.

Best. Glitch. Evar.

EDIT: Damn, it went away. That was pretty funny though.
NAD said:
Wow. I don't know if this was done on purpose, but all the font that is normally white in this forum, is now black in this thread.

Best. Glitch. Evar.

EDIT: Damn, it went away. That was pretty funny though.
eh? My font is always black! I wonder if that's an IE setting?

As Wesley Snipes said in Passenger 57, "Always bet on black". :cool:

Or C Thomas Howell in Soul Man, after overdosing on tanning pills to win a African-American scholarship for Harvard Uni:

"Mark, aren't you afraid of being black?"
"What are you talking about? Everybody loves black people, it's the Cosby decade!"

Soulman = Best comedy from the 80's ever. After Goonies of course.

So anyway, where all the white women at? :loco:
Huh, I dunno. Mine is always white in this forum, IE or Mozilla. Much easier to read than the black font, I wonder if your IE font color is on overrirrrrdide or something?

Okay, go to Tools, Internet Options, then Accessibility, there's a font ignore thingy, maybe your is checked. Freaking Microshit, NOTHING is intuitive. Wouldn't make sense for that to go under the FONTS button would it!? :Smug:

The Cosby Show had a lawyer mother and a doctor father. They must've been Jewish too! :tickled:
basically Arnold Schwarzennegger is Jew...
You know why ?
Because he IS rich famous Hollywood actor...
Certainly Jew... And that his father was a Nazi is made up to cover up his Jewery.
"The Chanuka Song"

This is a song that uhh..
There's a lot of Christmas songs out there and uhh..
not too many Chanukah songs.
So uhh..
I wrote a song for all those nice little Jewish kids who don't get to hear
any Chanukah songs.
Here we go..."

Put on your yarmulke
Here comes Chanukah
So much funukah
To celebrate Chanukah
Chanukah is the festival of lights
Instead of one day of presents, we have eight crazy nights

When you feel like the only kid in town without a Christmas tree
Here's a list of people who are Jewish just like you and me
David Lee Roth lights the menorah
So do James Caan, Kirk Douglas, and the late Dinah Shore-ah

Guess who eats together at the Carnegie Deli
Bowser from Sha Na Na and Arthur Fonzerelli
Paul Newman's half Jewish, Goldie Hawn's half too
Put them together, what a fine lookin' Jew

You don't need "Deck The Halls" or "Jingle Bell Rock"
'Cause you can spin a dreidel with Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock- both Jewish

Put on your yarmulke
It's time for Chanukah
The owner of the Seattle Supersonicahs
Celebrates Chanukah

O.J. Simpson, not a Jew
But guess who is? Hall of famer Rod Carew- he converted
We got Ann Landers and her sister Dear Abby
Harrison Ford's a quarter Jewish- not too shabby

Some people think that Ebenezer Scrooge is
Well he's not, but guess who is
All three Stooges
So many Jews are in showbiz
Tom Cruise isn't, but I heard his agent is

Tell your friend Veronica
It's time to celebrate Chanukah
I hope I get a harmonicah
Oh this lovely, lovely Chanukah
So drink your gin and tonicah
And smoke your marijuanikah
If you really, really wannakah
Have a happy, happy, happy, happy Chanukah
Happy Chanukah

And they're all white too. :loco:
If I had more time, I would respond to everything, but you know what? Why bother? Some people are set in their ways, which is fine. It's not the difference of opinon, it's the trolling, self-righteous lecturing, and PURE RETARDEDNESS of all these so called facts.

Just because someone finds a book or website full of text doesn't make the text real. Why should this be any different?

It's really quite simple isn't it? It's the difference between right and wrong, and announcing that non-white people are an inferior (by suggesting crap like 'they live in a ghetto', or 'try living in Kenya' or whatever) is just laughable, and completely juvenille / moronic.


Finally, it's a question of morals, values, and ethics. I'm not sure when it became OK to decide that white people are the master race, and that everyone else should be labelled 'mongrel' or whatever.