Thoughts on NSBM

Erik said:
JayKeeley, re the first part of your post, HOLY FUCKING SHIT you assume a lot. Where did I write that I agree with everything DP says and that I can't be swayed by arguing what you call "facts" (with the quote marks)? Oh wait, I didn't, ever. Kindly stop implying I did.
OK let's calm down a little. You were asking me to negate his facts, and I simply said that I wouldn't. And without going into finding specific quotes, your tone implied allegiance with his views, and so I made the assumption - perhaps when you said that you agree with *some* of his views. Either way, if I assumed incorrectly, then I apologize.

Quite a fucking feat to twist me saying "hey I'd like to see DP's arguments rebutted and a healthy discussion instead of all this 'he's an evil nazi so he's obviously wrong, i don't even need to prove why because it's so bleedin' obvious' crap" into "hahahahaha I agree with everything he says and nothing you can say will make me change my mind it's like maeking a western woman taliban hajhahah *covers ears* LALALAALALALALALA"
The whole point of this is that it's all falling on deaf ears on everyone and for sure, this goes both ways. I admit that I'm not interested in these views and so I don't pay much attention. I simply turned that argument around in the way that it was thrown at me.

How about: I don't assume shit about people's heritage, I'm just not going to sugarcoat my views and mince my words because I might offend someone. I realize that you might want to do something about that as a moderator, well feel free... I still don't see a "campaign against non-whites" from anyone except perhaps DP if you were implying that.
I wasn't referring to you specifically in this equation since we already know each other reasonably well. I doubt if there is anything you would say that would need moderation. Feel free, go ahead.

Yeah, all humans are equal but kill those WORTHLESS INFERIOR BIGOT NAZI RACIST SCUM! GAS THEM LIKE TIMOTHY (WHO THE FUCK IS TIMOTHY)!!!! Yeah. I <3 hypocrisy.
No, I never said that. Ever. All humans are equal, but views obviously are not. Timothy McVeigh was gassed because he murdered people, not because he was a white supremacist.

I've obviously rubbed you the wrong way, which perhaps I might have done in the heat of the moment, but nevertheless, we'll agree to disagree. Honestly, feel free to continue the discussion in this thread without me.
etotheipiequalsminus1 said:
All humans are NOT equal!!!
Yes they are! Man, woman, black, white, gay, straight, we are ALL IDENTICAL.

Well maybe not, but everybody shits, so that's equal enough for me.
Interesting thread, some good reading.

My two cents coming from a personal perspective.

I am white. White as they come. Blonde, light eyes, Eastern European. My friends here in NY consist of an Indian married to a Chinese woman, a Russian jew dating a Peruvian girl, a korean girl married to a Ecuadorian guy, an African American guy engaged to an Italian woman, a Czech girl dating an Israeli Jew and living in Japan and on and on ...

What is my point? I am not sure ... but I guess that all these people make my life better. I learned a lot of stuff from them and love the fact that they are open minded and we all get along and want to make a better life for the next generation.

What I noticed is that most racism comes out of places that are not diverse and somewhat closed of from the rest of the world. Living in NY as I do, it is impossible to be racist. The thing I love about this place is that everyone here, has come here with one goal in mind. To make a better life ... everything else is second.

The odd thing is, is that I have come to resent some people from own part of the world. Recent encounters with them has really put into perspective how hateful they are and closed minded. Even some of them living in NY stay within their own circles and do not expand their social circles beyond their own nationality. Why are you in the USA? Is what I ask them ...

Anyway, just some random thoughts.

I can see how interaction with this cornucopia of humanity enriches your life a great deal. But would it be unwise to assess that the genetic mingling of all these couples is detrimental to the future generations that you want to have a positive effect on? You mix cranberry juice with apple juice for so long, and you'll eventually be left with nothing but cran-apple. Would having a pair of Russian Jews, a pair of Peruvians, a pair of Koreans, and a pair of Indians as friends not give you same perspective? I bring this up, as the one specific fact pertaining to the overall world population of caucasians dropping from 30&#37; to 9% sent shockwaves down my spine. Surely, the cause has alot to do with the rapid birth rate seen in the various non-white sectors of the globe . But sheesh, if we continue down this road, one day we may not have a European culture to fall back on. The United States of America is the blueprint of this mix breeding. A land devoid of culture. Honestly, what does it mean to be an American? J., you stated in the other NSBM thread that you're a "red-blooded american". What does that exactly mean?!?! When I walk down the street all I see are "Americans" celebrating latino countries whose political/economic systems were unable to sustain them. Yet they somehow remain compelled to champion the lands from which they came. I, by that very same token should be allowed without being ostracized in the process, to embrace the ideals of white superiority and dominance. Afterall, i'm just embracing history. That's what NSBM is all about. History, Unity, and Purification of roots that have been poisoned with pestilence. Drudkh's music is all that more powerful knowing that their idealogy is of this mold, regardless whether the music is void of any semblance of NS. To know that an artist has a personal philosophy on why this world is such a burden, brings me satisfaction. I myself have my own personal philosophy on the reason behind this country's ills. It's quite simple my friends. Its the fucking liberals that have made the union of these 50 simian states an unholy one. They have sensitized are youth in spirit, de-sensitized them to the sins of the Faggot, raped our people from their homogenous segregated way of living through guilt, and have led you astray with the concept that all men are equal regardless of citizenry. :err:

Where's Demilich?!?! :)
I was lying in bed trying to doze off, and I couldn't in clear conscious do so without elaborating further. I in no way was implying that are two gracious moderators should not be spending a glorious life of harmonious matrimony with one another due to their different backgrounds. Nor was I trying to convey the message of "stop planting your tan seeds in to the wombs of our white women" ala Rob Darken. I love all cultural backgrounds and embrace diversity. Given that those who differ from me are not scoundrels. The only way to keep these thousands upon thousands of cultures intact, is endo-cultural breeding. Look no further than to the various tribes of Native Americans who have given up their way of life for the modern conveniences offered by the New American Order. The reason why their customs were thrown in to the fire like driftwood, is based on their heterogenous hodge-pod bloodline that has been so watered down over the past several centuries (specifically this one), that all sense of identity has been lost. And this is what every society now faces with globalization, industrialization, and de-sensitization to differentiation.

O.K now I can go to sleep.
I seriously do not understand the mindset of these racialists here.

They somehow feel threatened because the my pals are taking their "white" women as if they're going around raping them. If any white woman marries a black one they obviously do not subscribe to the racialist ideology and cannot be said to be one of them.

I mean, i have no problem with them if they want a country by whites for whites. Why don't they gather up a bunch of like-minded whites and actually put this plan into action?

If you are living in the US and you are proud of your white heritage and do not want to share your living space with blacks/jews whatever, just move back to the country of your origin, gather up with a bunch of like minded comrades and secede! Create your own state! Let the people of your own race who prefer to intermingle with other people to themselves! After all they are race traitors in your eyes and not fit to have the white blood coursing thru em.

Also, as Henrikmaine stated(about 3 years ago lol nice job on thread bumping RIA) I do not feel any special pride in the "race" i was born with. I have yellow sking yet do not feel that it is my main source of identity. I refuse, absolutely REFUSE to be pidgeonholed by other asian nationalists who goad me with words such as "you must be proud of your heritage because you were born as blah blah blah". NO thks i'll feel proud of something I actually achieved on my own and won't fall back on the crutch of deriving some measure of warm fuzzy feeling of knowing my ancestors did such and such and invented such and such....seeing as i am NOT them.

I am not saying national pride is wrong, but its wrong for people to tell other people that they "should be proud of their race".

Goddamn fuck off about this race shit it is one of the least important things that I associate with when I think about my identity. Even if some "races" are born with smaller brain sizes or perform less better on IQ tests or whatfuck, I believe that humans are fundamentally adaptable and BLANK SLATES. I do not believe what you are is pre-determined by the genetic lottery, screw that false sense of community.
The USA is a melting pot. It's SUPPOSED to be of mixed cultures, even amongst white people. How many "white" Americans are of PURE blood going back to one nation? Everybody is mixed to some degree, it just keeps going and going and going. Where do you draw the line? Dark haired white men shouldn't marry blonde haired white women?

Forget attributing any sense of reason to forms of entertainment. Listening to NSBM doesn't convert one into a National Socialist. Sorry, but you have to be mature enough to listen to music or watch movies and still have the ability to separate fantasy from reality. Likewise, nobody with any brains listens to satanic death metal and ends up worshiping satan.

But fuck it, nothing good comes out of this ranting. Surely if you want a change to your surroundings then only you have the power to make that happen. Move to Iceland maybe? :goggly:

I'm fairly certain I'm going to lock this thread at some point, and have this place return to a forum for music discussion. People can have their respective beliefs, of course, but really, that's why the pagan front exists. I'm sure they have a forum for all this type of discussion. Let's keep RC a place to escape to, not escape from.

Yes accomplishments are rested on individuality, this goes without saying. The fact of the matter is this, everyone here who is drawn to Pagan music, be it through some connection to their ancestry, or through an appreciation of history itself, is drawn to a music that is based on cultural raping. Whether it be viking hymns of the Christian invaders attempting to proselytize them out of their customs, or NSBM which cries for the complete segregation in which you propose. Obviously there is something inate working here that not only draws us towards the music, but empowers us while listening to it. That pride comes from the eternal chemistry that wills us to keep the fabric of our racial cloth intact. Do you see German Shephards hopping on every St. Bernard that walks their path? There's a reason why blacks are attracted to blacks, and it has absolutely nothing to do with individual preference.

There's also a reason why Oceans exist! :p
i work in retail, so i see a lot of illegals. face it, even illegals need appliances. it's quite amazing how our society panders to these people who should not be here in the first place. i always have illegal mexicans coming in wanting the CHEAPEST (um, cin you gimme, um how do you say, total with tax?) appliances we have. then they want to make payments, so i say ok, lets open up a credit card. there eyes widen "no, no, no, me no have credit". Oh because you're fucking illegal??? you have no idea how many times ive wanted to call La Migra. but then i see they've been OK'd for a driver's license, bank cards, etc. WHY???? then they have these damn anchor babies, so they try to use the babies social security number. it really is sickening.

it just upsets me how texas will be overrun by illegal spics in a very short amount of time. and then when La Migra does do raids of illegal spic hotbeds, the mexican politicians get all riled up like these people should have rights here. it just makes no sense and i dont understand why politicians just dont export these people. even mexico does not want these fucking people.

so before anyone calls me a nazi, i do not wish us to kill any of these illegals. just drop em off in their own country and build a wall separating the countries.
dude, just this last week in Beardstown (hour away) a company was raided by ICE. They got a couple dozen illegals AND arrested the bigwigs of the company.
Of course people got all bitchy because its "holy week" and they should be nice to the illegals.
They even let a couple people go because they had kids. Fuck these people! It makes me so damn mad. GTFOOMC!!!
White Euros conquered this land and now its being taken away from us.
And the Liberals are loving every minute of it. "They're people too... be nice to them" blah blah fucking blah!
Again, the USA is a melting pot. It's SUPPOSED to be of mixed cultures, even amongst white people.

What some of you are talking about is illegal immigration -- of course that needs to be controlled. What folks like Jerry are talking about is making America all white. Entirely different. In Europe, maybe there's a case to be made if you're a segregationist, but you have to be kidding if you're trying to equate Europe to the USA. 99% of folks in the USA are already mixed nationals, white or otherwise.

It's like going to China and complaining about all the Chinese that live there. You go to the USA and EXPECT for it to be mixed, nothing new. This isn't an overnight occurrence, it's written on the goddamn statue of liberty!
I remember (no I don't) back in the day when the Irish were shunned when they were first arriving here. It's just a matter of the old not accepting the new. If cows were moving into the country at uncontrolled rates, they'd all be against that as well.
dude, just this last week in Beardstown (hour away) a company was raided by ICE. They got a couple dozen illegals AND arrested the bigwigs of the company.
Of course people got all bitchy because its "holy week" and they should be nice to the illegals.
They even let a couple people go because they had kids. Fuck these people! It makes me so damn mad. GTFOOMC!!!
White Euros conquered this land and now its being taken away from us.
And the Liberals are loving every minute of it. "They're people too... be nice to them" blah blah fucking blah!

alright chief, let's get rid of the illegals and see how many fucked up, shitty jobs that the proud white man will have to fill in.