Top 10 Video games.

How the fuck can you do that?

Anyway, the only games I really played and liked are:

Final Fantasy 8,
Donkey Kong Country,
Final Fantasy Tactics,
The Worms serie,

I've never been into game, but nowadays I'm playing Oblivion some times, it's cool - having a better video card and I'd probably play it 24/24.

I just went into edit and clicked advanced and edited the title :p

Now i got distant memory of me being like 5 years old and playing Wolfenstein 3D and Doom 1&2 at my cousins place:lol: oh the good times...also the first computer games i ever had were GTA 1 and Formula '96:notworthy(I was about 6-7 years old...)
Ive been playing VG's since I was I was a toddler buddy, and im not that young, 17. and I said At the moment fyi doesent mean they are the best ever just my favorite right now. get your facts straight or stick a gun in your mouth for real this time. And why dont you practice what you preach in your user title and fuck off.

weren't you 13 last year?
1.A Link to the Past-SNES
2.Chrono Trigger-SNES
3.Super Mario World-SNES
4.Street Fighter II-SNES
5.Ocarina of Time-N64/Gamecube
7.Super Smash Brothers Melee-Gamecube
8.Pokemon Yellow-Gameboy
9.Goldeneye 007-N64
10.Duck Hunt-NES

you cant go wrong with the almighty Street Fighter 2, I used to play that game 8 hours a day when it first came out on SNES, ive gotten pretty good at it by now. I see Lots of nintendo games on your list, its a good list though, many classics on there.