Top 5 Drummers of all time

Technical ability can actually be a liability if you don't have good feel, drummers play bad, but proficiently so.

I like these drummers...

Nicko (mainly for Piece through Seventh Son)
Chuck Bisquits (for the 1st 2 Danzig albums)
Danny Carey (technique AND feel, not too many drummers can convey as many emotions through percussion as he can)
Bill Bruford (accompanying Fripp can't be easy, and he can play polyrythms without sounding offbeat just for the sake of it)
Clive Burr( for the drumming on Killers alone...)
my personal favourite drummers are:
1. Martin Lopez
2. David Gray
3. Tryym
4. Vitek (i think that's him)
5. Mike Portnoy

I just like listening to them play. I find their style's interesting and fun to play.
Now I don't know a lot of drummers outside the metal genre, but if I had to pick the drummer that can unleash the most emotion in me by his drumming, then I'd actually have to pick Anders Nordin. The part from 08:40 to 09:25 in The Night And The Silent Water somehow feels as though the drums are speaking to me, and no other drumming has ever done that to me before.
this guy
No particular order, but some drummers that have impressed me:

Flo Mounier from Cryptopsy. He's incredibly fast with the double bass of course, but manages to actually do stuff at the same time. Crazy tempo changes and all that. (This impression is just based on None So Vile, the only Cryptopsy album I have, but it's awesome.)

Bill Ward from Black Sabbath. His fills are very creative, and all of his beats are non-generic and interesting. Part of what makes Black Sabbath worth listening to.

Martin Lopez, of course. No need to explain.

Ginger Baker from Cream. Listen to that cool solo in "Toad." I love drum solos.

Barriemore Barlowe of Jethro Tull. Simply a great drummer. Plenty of cool solos, and just good all around.
NineFeetUnderground said:
actually, the thread title is "top 5 drummers of all time". i feel you have quite a bit of explaining to do actually. go listening.
Well, I'm hardly familiar with every drummer of all time. In fact, I probably only know of a couple hundred, and most of those I don't bother remembering the names of. So, of those couple hundred, he's one I particularly like. I'm sure there are plenty here who share that opinion, so you've probably heard explanations many, many times.
Dalkaen said:
Flo Mounier from Cryptopsy. He's incredibly fast with the double bass of course, but manages to actually do stuff at the same time. Crazy tempo changes and all that. (This impression is just based on None So Vile, the only Cryptopsy album I have, but it's awesome.)

i haven't heard none so vile, but i have heard and then you'll beg...and it is amazing. that album contains some of my favorite drumming ever.