Top 5 Drummers of all time

Black Rain said:
A list I came up with, I think it's pretty accurate.
The (is their main stand out in my opinion)
1.Martin Lopez - Opeth (Groove)
2.Nick Barker - Dimmu borgir Cradle of filth Etc Attribute (Fucking Speed)
3.Kai kahto - WinterSun (Speed, tempo changes)
4.Chris adler - Lamb of God (Tightness, most unqie drum arrangements and fill ins.
5.Gene Hoglan - SYL death testament(Legend, Speed)

what the heell has top 5 drummers got to do with peth?
Man, I dunno, there are so many great drummers out there, especially in the jazz/fusion genre. I'm just gonna do five stupid picks here.

Billy Cobham
Gavin Harrison
Neil Peart
Martin Lopez
Bill Bruford
i can't say the best drummers of all time because i haven't heard every single drummer in the world... duh...

but my favs are in no particular order:
1.Dave Haley (Psycro), if u havent heard him or them go to and dl some shit niga.
2.Virgil Donati (various bands but i especially like his shit with On the Virg)
3.Martin Lopez just cos he has an awesome feel about his drumming
4.Mike Portnoy (Dream Theater, Liquid Tension, Transatlantic, probly others that i dont know bout)
5. Lots tied for awesome-but-not-as-awesome-as-the-others: amon amarth dude, symphony x dude, Vinnie Paul (Pantera), porcupine tree dude, soilwork dude.
Sean Reinert (Cynic, Death, Aeon Spoke)
Danny Carey (Tool, Pigmy Love Circus)
Johan Langell (Pain Of Salvation)
Dave Suzuki (Vital Remains, listen to Dechristianize, pretty impressive drumming)
Hellhammer (Arcturus, Winds, Mayhem, Age Of Silence etc.)

I just concentrated on metal drummers.
Then you truely havn't heard any good drummer. It was a bit lame at the later CD's due his alcoholism, but on the first 3-4 CD's it's superb!

And how I love your critique, a "no" says so damn much - it really legitimates your opinion.
1.Frost-(satyricon, 1349, keep of kalessin, gorgoroth, zyklon b,)
2.Proscriptor-(Absu, Melechesh, Judas Iscariot etc.)
3.Dave Lombardo-(Slayer/fantomas/testament/grip inc.
4.Tony Laureno-(Angel corpse, Dimmu Burger, Nile, Malevolent Creation, Acheron)
5.Hellhammer-(Arcturus, Mayhem, Winds, Shining, Mezzerschmidt, the kovenant)
1. Sean O'Laoghaire (Primordial)
2. Hellhammer (Arcturus, Mayhem, Winds, ...)
3. Avi Daimond (Ophaned Land)
4. Trym (Emperor, Enslaved)
5. Inferno (Behemoth)
I'm stunned that it took until post #74 for someone to mention the might Jan Axel Von Bloomberg. He (Listen to Mayhem's Grand Declaration of War if you have doubts), Trym, and Tino LoSicco (Epoch of Unlight) are definitely the three best metal drummers I've ever heard.
Marco Minneman

Docent (R.I.P- Your Blastbeats were a real overkill!)

Martin Lopez (He plays with such a great passion... great musician! Mhh... my name's Martin and I play drums, too... :Smug: maybe one day a part of his musical genius will be a part of me...? Mhh... guess not... :confused: )

the drummer of nile (forgot his name... To me, his Blastbeats are nothing else but insane... :rock: )
1. Chris Adler - Lamb of God (for his awesome double-bass blasts)
2. Lars Ulrich (Metallica - One, Blackened, Justice)
3. MLopez - sweet mix of jazz and metal drumming
4. Drummer from Tool (is it Danny?) (complicated shit)
5. Jimmy Chamberlain - Smashing Pumpkins (awesome stuff).

All you guys seem to just go for metal drummers... there's other drummers out there!!! :D
Mike Portnoy.. end of list. The original 5 that were posted must be a joke. Might as well put Meg White on there..
* Gene Hoglan (SYL)
* Igor cavalera (Sepultura)
* Mike Portnoy (Dream Theater)
* Danny Carey (TOOL)
* Bill Ward (Black Sabbath)

Almost in:
* Joey Jordison (Slipknot)
* Raymond Herrera (Fear factory)