Traditional Metal

I remember us getting into a pretty big argument where you were saying "goofy" is a term that can be applied to thrash metal. You even said it's one of the goofiest subgenres. It's like everyday i see you contradicting one of your previous statements. Why is your memory so shot? :erk:

I'm just saying that i find it funny that the same guy that would complain about thrash being goofy is saying Slough Feg isnt. :lol:
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Some thrash is goofy, most of it isn't. Mostly just some crossover/"pizza thrash" type stuff. Goofy bands:

Slough Feg (new to the list)
Gama Bomb
Municipal Waste
Devin Townsend
others i forget at the moment
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Doomsword- Never heard em and listened to them some today. Resound the Horn & Let Battle Commence. Resound definitely was better of the two. Overall they're a solid trad/doom/tinge of viking sound. Nothing particularly ambitious, but not an off note on either album either. Something any metalhead should be able to appreciate.

One of my favourite bands. I highly recommend My Name Will Live On.

Nothing goofy about Heavy Metal Monk tho.

Glad to know there's someone else in here that looks beyond the song title, haha.
That song is far from being goofy.

Where should I start with Slough Feg?

I've heard a couple tracks before and they were ok, but I feel like this is a band you listen to full albums of. Which album would I like?

Not sure why Traveller is considered their best by so many people, granted it's a fantastic album, but I'd go with Twilight Of The Idols or Atavism myself.

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I remember us getting into a pretty big argument where you were saying "goofy" is a term that can be applied to thrash metal. You even said it's one of the goofiest subgenres. It's like everyday i see you contradicting one of your previous statements. Why is your memory so shot? :erk:

I'm just saying that i find it funny that the same guy that would complain about thrash being goofy is saying Slough Feg isnt. :lol:

Yeah, I acknowledged it can be goofy already. If I did say that, and I probably did, I don't know why you'd bring it up in a discussion where I clearly say Slough Feg (a trad metal band) isn't that goofy. I'd probably rank the metal genres as such:

Most goofy
Folk metal
Power metal
Thrash metal
Death metal
Prog metal
Trad metal
Doom metal
Black metal
Least goofy

Note that goofy is not synonymous with silly, dumb, etc. Black metal is objectively a ridiculous joke, but the musicians take it seriously for the most part so it's still the least goofy.
This conversation is goofy lol
Black metal is definitely one of the goofiest subgenres, or at least it can be at times. I'd definitely put a lot of trad up there as well. I dont need to link any Dio music videos, do i?

And why did you feel the need to point out that Slough Feg are a trad band? Did anyone here mistake them for something else?

I thought i was clear on why i brought that up ...

"to say BBB or Megadeth where/are goofy when you think Slough Feg arent is beyond me."
The first five Megadeth albums are far goofier than the first four-five Slough Feg albums, this shouldn't even be debatable.

Whoever thought you’d be better at turning a screw than me, I do it for my life
Made my drive shaft crank ,made my pistons bulge
Made my ball bearing melt from the heat
Oh ye-yeah!

Driving fast makes me feel good
The speed of light trapped under my hood
Breaking laws, ‘cause there’s nothing to do
Driving the interstate, stopped for a 502

Got one chance (Infiltrate them)
Get it right (Terminate them)
Panzers will (Permeate them)
Break their pride (Denigrate them)


Immortal is goofy I'll admit, they're self-aware and can laugh at themselves. The rest of the big names, let alone all the pretentious prefixed black metal bands, nah, uptight and unaware as possible.
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Not sure why Traveller is considered their best by so many people, granted it's a fantastic album, but I'd go with Twilight Of The Idols or Atavism myself.

Agreed. I prefer Hardworlder by leagues and I'd rank Atavism, Down Among the Deadmen and the self-titled above it.

Anyway, this "goofy" discussion is fucking stupid. We're talking about heavy metal, it's all ludicrous and over the top in some way.
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The first five Megadeth albums are far goofier than the first four-five Slough Feg albums, this shouldn't even be debatable.

Whoever thought you’d be better at turning a screw than me, I do it for my life
Made my drive shaft crank ,made my pistons bulge
Made my ball bearing melt from the heat
Oh ye-yeah!

Driving fast makes me feel good
The speed of light trapped under my hood
Breaking laws, ‘cause there’s nothing to do
Driving the interstate, stopped for a 502

Got one chance (Infiltrate them)
Get it right (Terminate them)
Panzers will (Permeate them)
Break their pride (Denigrate them)

You're fucked in the head if you think singing about muscle cars and tramps is goofier than singing about goblins and trolls. Completely distorted.

it's all ludicrous and over the top in some way.


.... not denying this . But it just doesnt make sense whatsoever to think Slough Feg arent goofy, when you think thrash is. That opinion =/= reality
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Glad to see others rank Atavism so highly. Hardworlder and DAtD are also worthy

Never could get into Doomsword. Ereb Altor and Scald do it better
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I literally lol'd the first few times I heard Sweating Bullets. I still make fun of his voice on that "Hello ME, it's ME again!" it's a great song.

that track is a classic.

"Hello me, meet the real me
And my misfit way of life
A dark black past is my
Most valued possession..."

i love the lyrics to that song.
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Lyrical subject isn't the only thing that determines goofiness. A serious saga about eons of troll vs goblin strife is less goofy than Mustaine trying to write about contemporary sociopolitical issues.
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