Traditional Metal

Sweating Bullets is literally one of the worst songs ever written by a major label metal band btw. Total crap. I'd take almost anything on Load/ReLoad over it.
Dude that song is goofy AF. the delivery, the lyrics, the video, yeah. Once again it's a great song though, it's brilliantly creative and catchy

That track basically catches the essence of being schizophrenic like no other track in existence. I'm not even going to bother quoting other parts of that song, and even some comments from Dave himself. Its actually a pretty dark track. But regardless, maybe his delivery and the video made you think it is.

Ill give you this, the video is indeed goofy ... and parts of the songs can be too. But i wouldn call it "goofy as fuck".

edit: goofy this goofy that, fuck man if i type that word one more time im going to smash my keyboard, lol.
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Yeah, the occult, schizophrenia, Dave's experienced it all. Little known fact: A Secret Place is actually about xis experience with gender dysphoria.
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Nah I know it has a dark message about inner turmoil and all that. I still laugh almost every time I hear it, goofy or not!

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The fuck did I miss in this argument? Are you two neckbeards discussing that constitutes "goofiness" in heavy metal?

It's fucking heavy metal. It's all goofy as fuck. A bunch of pretentious outcasts and anti-social asperger-lords writing music. Do I need to remind you of the interview with the guy from Xasthur who is literally too shy to acknowledge the camera?
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Did someone actually just defend "Sweating Bullets" in here?

Glad to see others rank Atavism so highly. Hardworlder and DAtD are also worthy

Never could get into Doomsword. Ereb Altor and Scald do it better

Scald do it better but unfortunately only did it once, but Ereb Altor aren't even in the same league. Majority of their songs don't even have clean vocals.

DoomSword crush Ereb Altor all day. By Honour is the closest they even come to being in the same realm.