Underrated bands

k wat fucking point u trying to make? we live in different areas so its un-comparable anyways.

my point is simply that they are internationally recognised as a great band.

I'm sorry if your friends suck, but that says nothing of the band's status.

clam down bro. (that's my new favourite phrase :lol:)
I don't REALLY want to leave this open, since it's a big reiteration of multiple old threads, but I'll find the other one if I can, then close it and link it here (as opposed to merging them, because things get messy with big, multiple-page mergers like that).
Psst, you should move the Rate What The Person Above You Is Listening To thread to the game threads forum.
Children of Bodom, while they have received some recognition by the mainstream (which really doesn't mean anything), are pretty underrated by underground metalheads. Their first three albums are great examples of the Finnish "melodeath" style (i.e. Kalmah, Norther, etc.) and are pretty accomplished as musicians.