Quick update on the opening tour gig 2 days away!
(just got off the phone with a guy at the venue)
1. Schedule:
Restaurant at venue opens at 5:00 pm (they don't take reservations btw, but the guy said there's never a problem with getting seated)
Doors strictly for gig open at 7:00 pm
Show starts at 8:00 pm
2. 3 Floyds "special beer" for the event: the guy told me it will only be available that night to be consumed at the venue (sorry gnoff - looks like I won't be able to getcha a bottle

3. After-party for Amon Amarth in the venue's "Volcano Room": I asked again if there was going to be an invitee guest list (and told him again about our mini 70K reunion/how we are BIG fans/many of us have seen them several times/met them yadda, yadda)...he said it will be open to anyone who stays on after the show! Woohoo!