USA hockey out of contention

Krigloch the Furious said:
Russia is fucking nuts! awesome players and they play as a team. I heard that Bure only picked players that wanted to represent their country and play as a team.

That Ovechkin kid is a superstar in the making

Krigloch the Furious said:
as far as the USA, old and pathetic.

No question about it, but their defense was acutally solid (aside from a 44 year old, what the hell are you still doing here, Chelios). The goaltending and forwards were indeed pathetic.
M.Lehto said:
HAHAHAAAA...You do know, that the rules they use in Olympic-hockey are the ones they use in NHL these days?
but yeah, fighting has been reduced over the past decade or so. thats not what i was saying though. my point is that when a team has the presence of someone who can knock you flat, they might think twice about freewheeling all over the ice. they dont have to be big either. look at darius kaspairitus - not a big guy.
anyway, i cant stand euro style hockey. just an opinion.
fotmbm said:
If you want boxing, why watch hockey?
haha once again, i didnt say "fighting" i said "hitting". nothing is more boring than non-physical hockey.
Dark One said:
That Ovechkin kid is a superstar in the making

No question about it, but their defense was acutally solid (aside from a 44 year old, what the hell are you still doing here, Chelios). The goaltending and forwards were indeed pathetic.

Ovechkin is fucking insane! Russia has a 19 yr old that they say is just as good as Ovechkin, I dont remember his name but he was pretty damn good.

Why the fuck cant the U.S. have talent like that?
Chelios is an old hack, he should stick to making chili.
haha, actually chelios had one of the best performances on the team. haha, why do you hate him so, krigloch?
lets face it, the entire USA team sucks. did you hear some of modanos comments after the game? what a dumbass.
schnieder is probably the best USA player. who else do they have? keith tkachuk? scott gomez? haha
fwiw, no one ever said the US produces great hockey. why the media was touting us to begin with is beyond me.

now, canada, thats a different story. how fucking embarrasing. i think it boils down to the players just dont give a shit.
lizard said:
modano was right about one thing, they need a new approach at USA Hockey.
like maybe socring more than 2 goals? ahaha
thing is, hockey is not that important to young americans. we're never going to produce players like sweden, czech republic, and canada can. its just never going to happen. seriously, the team was seriously overhyped. mostly based on the silver medal winning team in salt lake.

now the women, thats a different story. they ARE the best in the world and they choked.
haha, i used that "now the ____, thats a different story" line in my previous post. im running out of material
probably never happen. hockeys pretty expensive compared to well, any other sport. soccer = cheap as fuck, football = pretty cheap, basketball = free, baseball = not too cheap but nowhere near hockey. we also dont have school programs like canada does. i grew up near dayton, ohio and there was ONE (public) hockey team in the entire metro area and of course, it was the "rich kids" school. yeah, you could play in rec leagues and stuff and we did, but it costs.
skates 200-300, shinpads (cheap as fuck), gloves 90, stick 90, helmet 40. Thats all I wore, sometimes I was forced to wear elbow pads but those are cheap as hell too.
If you get a good stick, and good skates they lost a long time. Gloves last forever if you get the right ones with decent palms