USA vs Terrorists -

marduk1507 said:
If one doesnt do anything, one doesnt break anything, thats what we say here. And yes, USA are doers and thus they break stuff and therefore get a whole lot of criticism and even hatred. The other countries just watch.
So Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib and who knows how many prisons and torture-camps just "happen" the way plates "happen" to break when you wash them? What kind of fucked up reasoning is that?
The US have had their hand in interenational politics for decades now, what did they think was gonna happen?
One of the reasons the US were so sure about the WMD in Iraq is because they sold them the stuff. Tough luck for them it wasnt there anymore when they arrived.
Another great example is the way the US keep blocking the resolutions against Israel in the UN Security Council, so nothing ever happens, the conflict rages on.. and of course Israel keeps buying their weapons, missiles and helicopters in the US for hundreds of millions each year.

What surprises me is that everyone's like "Ohh terrorists, they're so evil!", no one stops to think what the Hell happened to make people so angry that they are willing to give their lives in order to do some people or some countries some harm
I absolutely understand your confusion, and I agree with you. YET Im not going to look for any justifications for terrorist attacks, may the situation in their homeland be fucked up as much as it gets. And its not even true! This is true, lets say for Chechnya, or Afghanistan. Why dont you mention Russia at all? All I say is "yes, fuck USA, but then fuck Russia, fuck China, fuck Cuba, fuck Iran, fuck Iraq, fuck every single country which kills its own people for their opinions and beliefs". I am only fed up with this stupid antiamericanism, like as if the US were the only country in the world that did something bad. NOONE ever goes out against any dictator, I havent seen any protests against the former Hussain regime, against China or Russia that could be compared with those against the US. Tal, your country owes USA a lot, my country was left to Soviet Union as a playground for its pervert ideas. USA basically ended most of the conflicts that were started in Europe. But people didnt protest in Brussels when Serbs were killing Croatians and vice versa, no, they started protesting when the US ended the war with their bombs and peace talks. This is what I have in mind.
I agree that doing nothing isnt exactly the way to go either, but I dare say it's a tad better than invading a random country, taking a few hundred prisoners and torturing them for information.
Also, there's a difference between the image those countries project. Cuba isnt trying to be the world's #1 democratic country, neither is China or Iran. The US have forced themselves in an exposed position and at that, they're doing a horrible job. Of course everyone is watching them, they are the selfdeclared World Policeman, a position that attracts criticism, quite a deal of which is unfounded, I'll agree with that. Still, no one forced them to take that position and I dare say, not many wanted them there on a long-term basis
Ok, this isnt going anywhere. Perhaps you lack the experience of US NOT being present in a country thats behind a serious crisis. Your huge luck is they were. We werent so lucky, first of all in 1938 in Munich, thanks to the old EUROPEAN glory and appeasement, and then in 1945, after WWII, and probably therefore I see things different way. My final point is that I understand you, eventhough I dont agree with some of your points. You may disagree with me, thats ok, but do you understand me?
marduk: I did read it, but i didn't know what to reply. I wish i knew more about good old Fidel, and i don't know shit about what's going on in some of those places you mentioned. And the term "terrorist prison" is almost foreign to me. Sorry. I'll let someone else answer that.

Tali: I'm not the kind of guy who completely hates terrorists. I agree that sometimes a country/leader needs to get its/his/her ass kicked. And the USA has deserved all or most of what's happened to them (i mean the negative stuff) because they've spent decades fucking the world up.

marduk1507 said:
fuck every single country which kills its own people for their opinions and beliefs
Well, yea, but then you fuck just about every single country there's ever been. Leaders get power-sick and use their power for stupid stuff like killing people with different beliefs just because of their different beliefs. I'm sure we've all got a lot of suggestions for fixing the world (i know i do), but just try to find someone who will do all that without getting power-sick. Sounds impossible, doesn't it? I think it's close to what it sounds like.

Antiamericanism isn't all that bad, as long as it's not alone (i.e. it's not just antiamericanism, but also anti-any-government-that's-fucked-up) and it's well justified. I know that every country has done fucked-up shit, and so you could say i'm somewhat of an anti-almost-every-government-in-current-existence. Now, if we're not protesting against dictators i guess it's because a) the USA good-or-bad? argument always tends to be very controversial and take much, most or all of people's attention and b) the fucking thread is about the USA and the terrorists and NOT about dictatorships. And if people protest about the USA ending conflicts it's because the USA has no fucking business in other countries (really, i'm fed up of hearing/reading that the USA gets its nose in every single other country in the world). And i back those complaints. The USA should worry about their own problems and not about other countries'. I'd even quote Tali's last post, but i think you get my point. (Sorry for the rant, but i'm honestly sick of the USA's attitude and actions. And of other countries' actions too, but the USA is just about the worst of them all.)

marduk: Sorry, but i don't understand you. Maybe if you could rephrase that last post of yours...?
La Rocque said:
Blowing up a building can change the world -

Less than you'd think, complacency and America go together quite well.

The terrorists don't have a clear objective and the US doesn't have a possible objective.

In other words, I win.
"What business do your governments have to ally themselves with the gang of criminality in the White House against Muslims?
Don't your governments know that the White House gang is biggest serial killers in this age?"
Osama bin Laden, Nov.02
rahvin said:
the above reasons about how it's screwing up this city would probably be enough. you have to add to this that i used to be a more misanthropic and negative individual than i am now, and i'm still instinctively annoyed by mass celebrations of any sort. you could say that i perceive an offense in their being the proverbial fig leaf covering the nasty bubbling cauldron of social issues, malcontent, and misery which is meant to be sedated and forgotten through the process of talking about something else for a whole month.
Even though that sounds exactly like something I would say, I still contend that you're just a party pooper. So there.
Lina said:
Even though that sounds exactly like something I would say, I still contend that you're just a party pooper. So there.

i think it's my right as a citizen to make feeble gurgling noises while pointing at my television screen and spitting small drops of drool from the corners of my mouth!
I'm an American , and I believe in my heart that we're fucked . Totally fucked .

I need to move .