

May 9, 2006
So, who here doesnt eat any type of meat and why you started that ? Well, I was that kind of guy who could go for a rodizio and eat for two hours straight. I was getting really fat and had all the kinds of health problems, so I tought ´I will try stop eating meat...´. Two years later, i cant barely stand meat, i´ve lost around 35 pounds, i got way less agressive, etc. I still eat some sea food, just because the place where i live is really difficult to be a vegetarian, but my body is starting to deny those kinds of food. And you ?

I'm actually vegan, been so for almost 9 years now.
For me the motivation is really easy: I don't see why animals should suffer to make my life more comfortable or easy when, for me, there are enough alternatives to get everything I need.
I'm not one of those vegans saying that everyone should become vegan, everybody should do what they feel good with. I just don't feel good supporting the way we (in most western countries) treat animals .
I totally understand that humans are omnivores and understand that a lot of people in the world are depending on what nature supplies them, and often animals are needed to supply food.
But we (more wealthy part of the world) have a choice and I think it's the most responsible thing to do.


I'm actually vegan, been so for almost 9 years now.
For me the motivation is really easy: I don't see why animals should suffer to make my life more comfortable or easy when, for me, there are enough alternatives to get everything I need.
I'm not one of those vegans saying that everyone should become vegan, everybody should do what they feel good with. I just don't feel good supporting the way we (in most western countries) treat animals .
I totally understand that humans are omnivores and understand that a lot of people in the world are depending on what nature supplies them, and often animals are needed to supply food.
But we (more wealthy part of the world) have a choice and I think it's the most responsible thing to do.



I don't have much to say as I eat a fair amount of meat but it's good to hear that your not all smug about it! ;) I think being a vegan/vegetarian is a good health choice that requires a lot of patience and eating sacrifices but I just HATE when vegans/vegetarians start attacking me for what eat! I ought to give it a shot for a month or so to see how it works out for me.
I 've done it before. I did it for about two and a half years and then one day started slowly eating meat. I couldn't be happier. Eating meat made me feel so much better so I guess I have the opposite thing you had.

Without meat I feel like shit and get really angry.

And I also hate when people push their shitty pro-vegan-agenda on me , so as long as you're cool I'm cool haha.
...I really couldn't be a Vegetarian, i'm from the north-west countryside in the UK, which is 70% rural, so I can't imagine not eating meats, hell, i have trouble drinking anything but full-milk...

...i agree however with the fact that animals should be treat properly, i always try to buy decent meat, from respectable shops and free range eggs and such...

i do have to thank vegetarians for veggie-burgers as i find they really do compliment a normal burger really well... I also have a strong liking for Cauliflower-Cheese-Grills!!
I'm not one of those vegans saying that everyone should become vegan, everybody should do what they feel good with. I just don't feel good supporting the way we (in most western countries) treat animals.

Not that i have anything against your beliefs in any way, but "we" at least don't slit the throats of the animals and let them bleed to death like some countries.

Any way, im not a vegetarian and wont ever be.
I have an eating disorder, and basically the only food i can stand to eat is junk food, which means allot of meat.
So if i gave up meat, i would starve my self(Id literally only eat bread.), and my condition is not treatable(Its neurological.). ;(
vegetarian here. i mean i eat fish rarely but no meat.

2 years now. started as health then lead into morality. have 0 craving and i have a very aggressive diet which replaces pretty much everything i would get from meat. tons of protein etc. i also eat dairy products but go out of my way to ensure i get from the right places. when i started on the change i lost about 65 lbs and like 150 points on my cholesterol. being 21 and having high cholesterol was scary and i was overweight as well so i decided to do something about it since there was a history of diabetes and heart/cholesterol problems in my family. so i slowly did a year year like diet detox and didn't just stop eating meat but changed my eating lifestyle night and day. i also did so with the consultation of my doctor who gave me some tips and hooked me up with a nutrition doctor who helped me stop meat over time so my body didn't go into shock and fuck itself up. but, to date, it's the best decision i made. couldn't be happier.
Yup im 20, so all my life in not so many words, been given the choice openly and have stuck with it.

Haha, ok, so it's not like you exactly made the decision yourself from the get-go then, but props to you for sticking with it! (I mean, not like I would want to, but I give you credit for it ;))
Haha, ok, so it's not like you exactly made the decision yourself from the get-go then, but props to you for sticking with it! (I mean, not like I would want to, but I give you credit for it ;))

Well once I was old enough to understand the facts (which was quite early on) I had no quarms with being veggie. Im cutting down on dairly aswell but not so much as to be a vegan.
Meat-eater here, but I have no problem with veggies :) But there is one thing they (especialy females) need to know: if you're ever getting babies, you NEED to eat meat, otherwise your baby will not receive all the proteins it needs to grow properly - that's even before birth - and s/he will end up being shorter than normal, and possibly even impaired in intelligence due to insufficient proteins for the brain. Yes you can get some of the protein types from other sources, but only meat will contain all proteins needed, unless you mix a whole bunch of different foods together. After the baby is born, you can do what you want with yourself.

That is, if you are one of those hardcore vegetarians who aren't allowed to use dairy products because they come from animals.
I'm actually vegan, been so for almost 9 years now.
For me the motivation is really easy: I don't see why animals should suffer to make my life more comfortable or easy when, for me, there are enough alternatives to get everything I need.
I'm not one of those vegans saying that everyone should become vegan, everybody should do what they feel good with. I just don't feel good supporting the way we (in most western countries) treat animals .
I totally understand that humans are omnivores and understand that a lot of people in the world are depending on what nature supplies them, and often animals are needed to supply food.
But we (more wealthy part of the world) have a choice and I think it's the most responsible thing to do.


Die-hard carnivore here!

Hell yes!! If people choose to eat only vegetables and such...that's's a personal choice. I have grown a fondness for vegetables as well...although...later in my life, and try to eat healthier these days. But, I MUST have meat.

As for how the animals are treated....pfff. I honestly can say I don't long as it's good quality, clean meat. I love animals and believe in protecting those in the wild and pets. But these animals...sorry, it's just their lot in feed me. I've had a veggie friend show me vegan pamphlets...trying to gross me out by showing large pigs tied down so they can't move and etc. Sorry...I just see bacon, ham, pork chops, sausage. If I go to a rodeo or some place where there's livestock (mainly cows)...I see walking t-bone steaks and hamburgers. Seriously. Veggetables are good...and healthy...and are a good side dish for the main course....meat. MEAT...FTW.
Hahaha, MEAT!! *grunt grunt* But the easy solution to not condoning animal cruelty and still eating meat is to just spend a little extra for the organic health-food crap that's guaranteed to come from animals that were like fed all-natural foods and played classical music and stuff :lol: That's what I do!
Hahaha, MEAT!! *grunt grunt* But the easy solution to not condoning animal cruelty and still eating meat is to just spend a little extra for the organic health-food crap that's guaranteed to come from animals that were like fed all-natural foods and played classical music and stuff :lol: That's what I do!

Thats what I used to do before I stopped eating meat altogether. Now I eat all organic still but with out the meat or milks.

It's probably self defeating because I've started smoking again. :erk:
13 years lacto-ovo.
Where do all of these super-agro vegetarians live? Earth crisis videos? All of the vegetarians I know feel a degree of awkwardness/embarrassment when people have to make special arrangements to accommodate them. Not to say they are embarrassed about their decision-- just that it sometimes makes others have to go out of their way.

I will admit that I am offended by the kind of person that has a baby animals calendar and eats veal. I don't think I've ever called anyone out though, b/c it would be totally pointless.