
13 years lacto-ovo.
Where do all of these super-agro vegetarians live? Earth crisis videos? All of the vegetarians I know feel a degree of awkwardness/embarrassment when people have to make special arrangements to accommodate them. Not to say they are embarrassed about their decision-- just that it sometimes makes others have to go out of their way.

I will admit that I am offended by the kind of person that has a baby animals calendar and eats veal. I don't think I've ever called anyone out though, b/c it would be totally pointless.

Exactly on both counts, Ive seen a fair few "fakers" who by say they are veggie just to get a bit of attention or act "cool" or something those are maybe the smug ones. But one of my pet hates is when people think straight away veggies/vegans are part of some brainwashed "cult" and/or terrorists :zombie:

...I really couldn't be a Vegetarian, i'm from the north-west countryside in the UK, which is 70% rural, so I can't imagine not eating meats.

Bening a veggie is so not metal!! Joke joke! Or not a joke if you're at wacken, the only thing you can eat is falafel or chips.
No matter how much meat I eat I still don't bulk up, probably because I have a fast metabolism and I'm 18.. apparently it all changes when you get older!
And that thing about how animals are treated badly in the western countries- bullshit, it's not just the fucking west! I swear peta are really militant about shit.. like I signed a petition to stop this facotry in Iowa which kicked the shit out of little piglets and stuff, and they sent me emails telling me to stop eating meat! I'm not well educated about this subject, but if all farmsers stopped raising animals and using them for food they'll all die in the wild, because there's no one to look after them. I always try to buy free range stuff though.
Torniojaws, you can get a protein-complete meal without meats, it's just not too easy. Lentils and rice will take care of you, just as one tasty example.

Hitler was a vegetarian, so by common logic this means all vegetarians are evil murderers and anti-semites. Think about it.
You are probably from Brazil, right? I think "rodizio" is typical from Brazil.
I am, by no means, vegetarian. Actually I´m pretty much the opposite of that, but I have some vegetarians friends and they´re a bitch to order pizza.

Yeah, a brazilian here. I am a bitch to order pizza too :lol: And on parties, i usually stay with an empty stomach ehhehe
13 years lacto-ovo.
Where do all of these super-agro vegetarians live? Earth crisis videos? All of the vegetarians I know feel a degree of awkwardness/embarrassment when people have to make special arrangements to accommodate them. Not to say they are embarrassed about their decision-- just that it sometimes makes others have to go out of their way.

I am usually feel awkward when i got to parties or something. There's always a dialogue like this :

Person : wont you eat ?
Ivan : No thanks, i am fine... (that means i am hungry as a fuck, or that i filled my stomach before with whatever crap i had at home)
Person talking very loud : I know you dont eat meat! That's why we made chicken (or turkey, or whatever animal with white meat)
Ivan : That's meat...(feeling embarassed by the look of everyone in the room. They stare at me thinking "what a faggot")

That happens mostly when i go to my wife's family parties. They had a farm, so they ate whatever alive was there walking, so dealing with someone who doesnt eat meat is like a crime.

The only thing i miss from eating meat is eating junk food. Going out with friends and eating tons of junk food. Now i just go and order a juice or maybe some french fries.
fuck up some flesh y'all!!!!

i'm not crazy about meat, but i like i like it in sandwiches (bacon, chicken, turkey, HAMBURGERZ ETC...)
I don't really buy meat to keep here at the house to eat because I really conserve and stretch the limits on how long things can last so i can save cash and i don't feel like messing with rotting meat and shit. and besides, you have to cook that shit right and i suck ass at cooking anything.
punkrockacademyfightsong made one of the best posts ever. my sentiments exactly. though i do eat dairy products and eggs but like i said from local farms and shit where i've personally gone to check things out. i just don't see a need to harm something if it is unnecessary for my survival. i am extremely healthy, happy, energetic, and get plenty (actually had a bit excess to overcompensation) of protein and all the stuff you get. so yes i'm a pescatarian as someone pointed out but essentially i have the "Mediterranean" diet. i cook a lot of the stuff i eat and when i'm out i eat as modest as possible instead of getting all this bullshit. i'm a firm believer that taste is relative to what you are used to. the same way i used to crave a bacon cheeseburger i crave a veggie burger with all types of good stuff on it. it's all the same shit, once my body adjusted it just craves what it's used to. it's all psychological.

i definitely can say it's hard sometimes in the presence of other people because so many people are totally ignorant to this way of thinking and some are just total dumbasses like the "well lettuce feel pain too" those people but for the most part i get by. i don't know too many other people who are veggies so when i do go out i'm usually surrounded by meat but i hold my own and i never get into any conflicts. most of my friends tell me they would love not to eat meat but they can't control the craving. which is why i think deep down most intelligent people will attest that it is unnecessary but because a) they have the ability to and b) they love it so much they cannot give up meat.

believe it or not the only time i ever get into arguments with people is either a) when they attack me or b) when they complain about people eating cats and dogs in like china or whatever. i was at a dinner with a bunch of people and some guy was like did you see that story about how they eat dogs in korea how terrible is that. and i was like, well what about that chicken you are eating. does your dog have more humane rights than a chicken. if you had a chicken as a pet and grew attached to it you would be saying the same thing about 99% of the world that eats chickens. i am a huge cat lover and like my cat almost as much as i like most members of my family but to me i can't be prejudiced. and the same way people were prejudiced against blacks or jews or whatever, is the same way i feel about cats and cows. i think if people weren't so far removed from their food sources they would have second thoughts about eating meat. if they lived at a slaughterhouse and had to see what goes on in front of them most people would be grossed out. there are plenty of people who wouldn't be and there are plenty of framers who raise their own chickens and cows to kill them but i mean whatever. most of the general public has a "see no evil hear no evil" policy towards it. and what pisses me off the most is when i tell people i don't feel i should kill something if it is no absolutely necessary they tell me "oh well you don't think a tomato hurts when you pull it off the vine???" and once again, i don't really care about what other people do, i never start arguments with people. i keep a pretty low profile about not eating meat, i don't announce it at dinners, i just quietly order something without meat or not made with animal stock or whatever and just go about my business and save the good meal when i get to make it on my own. also i guess i am lucky i live in a city that has SOOOOOO many fucking delicious veg restaurants. i don't know how some of you do it in other parts of the world, it must be very very difficult, i commend you.
to live in Europe or USA and not to be a Vegan is like a crime, i think - coz its so easy - vegan food is really cheap and there are many choices - so you can easily go vegan. here in Russia vegan food has a twice price as the same food in Europe or US (i've been there and was really surprised). Many veg restaurants etc. why not? its your choice...
to live in Europe or USA and not to be a Vegan is like a crime, i think - coz its so easy - vegan food is really cheap and there are many choices - so you can easily go vegan. here in Russia vegan food has a twice price as the same food in Europe or US (i've been there and was really surprised). Many veg restaurants etc. why not? its your choice...

Hey, the cow I just took a bite of had a much better shot at survival than the oats your granola just got made of. Fuckers can't run, but if they fall on you...

ok man) - you're that kinda guy who says: "mmmmm that beefsteak i ate last night, yammy...."
I do love my steaks... I cook a lot of things that don't have meat in them, but nothing seems as filling as red meat. Considering the animals we're eating pretty much just sat around eating for most of their lives, it could be a whole lot worse.

I´m a cannibal..I hope that´s okay for you, guys :D Now would be difficult for me, to live without a good steak or burger. But I could live with cheese Pizza or something..that´s okay, but "tofu" or, no :)