Member of Dude Castle 69
Djiganath? as for veg restaurants i could be wrong coz i just heard about that)
but who can eat at restaurants daily? i can't.
guys. im not trying to prove something to someone - coz its useless - just my point of view. being vegan for years now - i see the same questions, argument of both sides. 100% the same) as they are here...
i was wathing some tv show last week - the guy on tv said that for the animal - death is so common - so its like sleeping.
did you saw how it going on? how this "pure farmer" kills his animal for meat? fur? leather?
this is cruelty - cruelty of the world. why vegan? "to change the world - start changing it by changing yorself"
Do you think its ok - that someone is living with no choice? living to be killed?
this are just questions. i think its oke to live somewhere in the woods and to kill wild animals for living. but there are more killings than the humanity needs - so many meat that's on dump - just rotting. think about it.
No one should eat in a restaurant every day

I guess that it was kinda "cheap" because we're used to german prices.