
I mean aren't these animals bred to be eaten. They get killed and we eat them. I'm not into harming animals and I like my dog more than I like my coworkers, but we eat other animals. Other animals eat other animals too. For fucks sake there;s a song in the Lion King about this whole thing called the circle of life or some shit where the Lion is LIVING INSIDE THE RIFFZ. Animals eat other animals, and If I want to eat other animals, why can't I??I'm an animal.
I mean aren't these animals bred to be eaten. They get killed and we eat them. I'm not into harming animals and I like my dog more than I like my coworkers, but we eat other animals. Other animals eat other animals too. For fucks sake there;s a song in the Lion King about this whole thing called the circle of life or some shit where the Lion is LIVING INSIDE THE RIFFZ. Animals eat other animals, and If I want to eat other animals, why can't I??I'm an animal.

then go to the jungle and kill a lion) then we'll see who's the real carnivore)))

im shutting up coz i know what it leads to) it leads to nothing) everyone who eats meat will say that they will - and everyone who not - not
btw what's not a joke is that there are a considerable amount of metal people that are vegetarians amongst tons of other notable people both in modern times and throughout history. andy is also IIRC.


Metal has its roots in "treehugging", and too me, thats what metal is about actually.
Metal is being pissed of at how fuckin' sick this world is, and how it could be a better place.
Slaughtering, pollution, war etc. are things that we could live without, but yet we don't.

That being said, i cant stop eating meat, but i wish that i could!
I am usually feel awkward when i got to parties or something. There's always a dialogue like this :

Person : wont you eat ?
Ivan : No thanks, i am fine... (that means i am hungry as a fuck, or that i filled my stomach before with whatever crap i had at home)
Person talking very loud : I know you dont eat meat! That's why we made chicken (or turkey, or whatever animal with white meat)
Ivan : That's meat...(feeling embarassed by the look of everyone in the room. They stare at me thinking "what a faggot")

That happens mostly when i go to my wife's family parties. They had a farm, so they ate whatever alive was there walking, so dealing with someone who doesnt eat meat is like a crime.

The only thing i miss from eating meat is eating junk food. Going out with friends and eating tons of junk food. Now i just go and order a juice or maybe some french fries.

Ive always hated those "veggies" that claim that they dont eat meat because of the animals, but they eat seafood!?
Holy fuckin' hell, i guess it isnt torture for a crab or fish to be fished out with millions of others to be stuck in a tanker, just so they can be gutted alive when they hit the shores.... :erk:
you said that this animals was bred for being eaten?

They are. Livestock...cows, pigs, chickens, etc...sorry...they're not family pets. They're only purpose in life is to provide food for us, be it eggs, milk, or meat. It is their place in life. Besides, by eating meat, I am directly supporting that farmer/rancher that raised these animals, thereby giving him money to be able to afford to put food on his table. Now, what kind of person would I be if I didn't eat meat, and made his poor family starve? :):heh: (lighten's joke)
This has actually been a touchy subject among my friends and I.

For the past few months a friend of mine has turned vegetarian (no meat or fish) because of his love for animals, and it has become more and more of an extremist situation than a personal thing. and I agree that the cruelty to animals during some of the slaughtering methods are quite extreme and I'm 100% against them! But nowhere do I believe the simple act in eating meat is incorrect.

Friend says: "eating animals is cruel because who says we can choose if they have to die?"
I say "life." Tell a Pig or skunk or bear to stop eating meat or any meat eating animal. If human should go vegetarian so should other omnivores? Humans are Omnivores hence the group of teeth evolution has given us."
- "yeah but the canine teeth are still present from the caveman days when they had to eat tough meat in order to survive and are fading out over time. Also Our intestines are too long to digest red meats etc."
Me: "So if evolution is being brought into this, then we should not be using out ring fingers because according to evolution we'll be losing it due to it being the most usless finger on the hand" (it's the theory at least) telling someone they shouldn't do/use something because it will be redundant in a couple million years wasn't a smart point."

Then I gave my opinion: "Being vegetarian has got more to do with emotion than it being a matter of right or wrong"
- How so?
well if I eat meat and someone says "thats wrong, the poor fishy" or "poor ducky" that's just the person feeling sorry for the animal and it's a personal thing not a matter of right or wrong. You say who are we to choose who we can kill? I say "we don't have any say but who are we to choose that it is wrong to eat meat? it comes down to personal opinions, unless a higher power of some sort comes down and hammers a sign into earth saying "STOP EATING MEAT"

I also think being a "vegetarian extremist" is as bad as being religion extremist and forcing beliefs down your throat. eg.
When I eat meat, they hit the stat charts:
"the same number of chickens were killed in one day in 2006 that in the whole of 1930" or something like that.

If I'm allowed to go on a tangent (if I haven't already) I'd say the not the people eating the meat, but the people killing for a profit. yes money.
why? people kill more animals because they sell more and get more money for it. simple.
If people just "took" what they needed there wouldn't be any problems with animal numbers.

Me: Also why should Humans be the only species to stop eating meat?
"Because we're the ones doing the cruel killing"
Me: Regarding animal Cruelty, that is down to the person doing the cruel act just like a raper or murderer...not the person eating the meat. I don't think me eating the meat encourages the killer/butcher to act any more violently than if I didn't eat it.

It is wrong to force someone into believe things only you believe in, just like it is insulting for some (me) when someone tries to preach to me and force me to do things because religion says it's the right thing to do.

Also to take the veggies side, animals were NOT put here for us to just "eat". They were put here for exactly the same reason we were. Life.
Eating another animal has just been apart of it. Never the reason for another's existence. Seeing that no high power has proven that, I wont be a hypocrit and say is the truth, but I do believe that it is the right reason, as most believe that killing is wrong.

(this post probably isn't "layed out" the best, but my mind is all over regarding this topic) :ill:
to live in Europe or USA and not to be a Vegan is like a crime, i think - coz its so easy - vegan food is really cheap and there are many choices - so you can easily go vegan. here in Russia vegan food has a twice price as the same food in Europe or US (i've been there and was really surprised). Many veg restaurants etc. why not? its your choice...

That's just not right. I was in an vegan restaurant in the middle of moscow and we payed as much for 9 persons as we would have for 2 in germany.

the next vegan restaurant is in hamburg. thats about 100km from here.

not as easy as you might think :)
Djiganath? as for veg restaurants i could be wrong coz i just heard about that)
but who can eat at restaurants daily? i can't.

guys. im not trying to prove something to someone - coz its useless - just my point of view. being vegan for years now - i see the same questions, argument of both sides. 100% the same) as they are here...

i was wathing some tv show last week - the guy on tv said that for the animal - death is so common - so its like sleeping.

did you saw how it going on? how this "pure farmer" kills his animal for meat? fur? leather?

this is cruelty - cruelty of the world. why vegan? "to change the world - start changing it by changing yorself"

Do you think its ok - that someone is living with no choice? living to be killed?

this are just questions. i think its oke to live somewhere in the woods and to kill wild animals for living. but there are more killings than the humanity needs - so many meat that's on dump - just rotting. think about it.
Djiganath? as for veg restaurants i could be wrong coz i just heard about that)
but who can eat at restaurants daily? i can't.

guys. im not trying to prove something to someone - coz its useless - just my point of view. being vegan for years now - i see the same questions, argument of both sides. 100% the same) as they are here...

i was wathing some tv show last week - the guy on tv said that for the animal - death is so common - so its like sleeping.

did you saw how it going on? how this "pure farmer" kills his animal for meat? fur? leather?

this is cruelty - cruelty of the world. why vegan? "to change the world - start changing it by changing yorself"

Do you think its ok - that someone is living with no choice? living to be killed?

this are just questions. i think its oke to live somewhere in the woods and to kill wild animals for living. but there are more killings than the humanity needs - so many meats that's on dump - just rotting. think about it.

Yeah, i heard a number that was something like 1/3 out of the meat that hits the grocerystores gets thrown away because its too old(Ie. no one buys it.), and then you take in mind how much of the meat that was thrown away for various reasons BEFORE it hit the grocerystores, and how much that gets thrown away in the households(Foodscraps etc.).
Seriously, it has to be somewhere around 1/10 of the produced meat that actually gets consumed?

And the reason is that we want cheap products, and cheap products leads to overconsumption, overconsumption leads to the stores buying more meat then they can sell, because they get insane pricedumps on the meat(So that they can afford to throw away allot of it.).

But as argued earlier, i don't think its wrong to eat meat, but i think its right to not eat meat, if you get what i mean.
I'm all for people making their own choices. That's fine...great. Not just in this debate...but in anything. But what I don't tolerate is anyone with a superior attitude (not pointing fingers at anyone here...just speaking in take no offense) thinking how they are better people because of their beliefs or choices. I never force my opinions on those who I know won't agree with me, and never tolerate anything less towards me.

As for killing...I utterly oppose hunting for pure sport. If you use what you kill, fine. I have no problem with it. But as far as animals raised for food and other useful purposes...I will never feel an ounce of guilt. Not even for the poor little baby calves. Yes, they're cute. But veal is yummy. I'm at the top of the food chain. They are not. It may be cruel, it may make me a jerk, but sorry...I will never feel the slightest twinge of guilt. Now if you'll excuse, it's Sunday and I must go grocery shopping, and buy ground beef and pork for our stuffed cabbage rolls for our Christmas feast.
all of those points are great but a lion eats meat because he needs to and is not smart enough to figure out another source of the nutrition that replaces meat. we have been given the gift of intelligence and we use it to our advantage obviously. i can make a bean and lentil stew and as much protein as a porterhouse for two at peter lugers steakhouse in brooklyn. a lion can't harvest soy beans, lentils, beans, extract protein from mushrooms, and cook it with peppers and onions and rice etc. etc...

animals do what they do because they need to survive and there is no other way. the whole "canine" argument is also easily refutable. we also had tails once (feel the bottom of your spine) but we evolved out of it. humans are advanced enough, and with modern technology there are plenty of healthy substitutes to eat a meat free lifestyle, or at the least, an extremely low diet meat lifestyle and still be healthy and get the proper nutrition. there have have been many people who have had long lives being vegetarian (i can't say the same about vegan) without a hitch. so it's a bad argument saying we can so we must. i mean i could see it but it is making yourself a very primitive being by applying that logic to decisions in life. part of being human is improving and evolving. mind you if i lived 200 years ago i wouldn't have any choice but to hunt my own food and eat it but like i said, things have changed. vegetarianism hasn't picked up in popularity until more modern times when technology has allowed for more mainstream alternatives to meat. though plenty of people from the Mediterranean region have always had relatively meat free diets for centuries not to mention buddhists and shit. albert einstein said that the next logical step in human evolution is vegetarianism. it's a stretch but ages from now i could see it happening.

also to the person that said eating animals supports farmers??? what year do you live in??? the huge majority of all meat (at least in developed countries) comes from giant corporate slaughterhouses where people get paid minimum wage to run concentration camp style killing factories. these places accommodate tens of thousands of animals in cramped cages and these animals aren't even animals, they are like machines, they are born in captivity, drugged to all hell to grow 20x faster so they have to live less before they can be killed live in ZERO space never get a chance to leave their space or even move more than an inch and eventually are systematically slaughtered if they even live that far. that is NOT supporting local farmers.
there have have been many people who have had long lives being vegetarian (i can't say the same about vegan)
the vegan diet is more complex... if you can be a veggie and dont think about what youre eating (besides meat)) ) then being vegan you should know what yo;re eating - what you should eat. or it will be a serous damage to you... like a bald man with a thin bones... and many skin probems

but as i said being vegetarian is 100% harmless.
also to the person that said eating animals supports farmers??? what year do you live in??? the huge majority of all meat (at least in developed countries) comes from giant corporate slaughterhouses where people get paid minimum wage to run concentration camp style killing factories. these places accommodate tens of thousands of animals in cramped cages and these animals aren't even animals, they are like machines, they are born in captivity, drugged to all hell to grow 20x faster so they have to live less before they can be killed live in ZERO space never get a chance to leave their space or even move more than an inch and eventually are systematically slaughtered if they even live that far. that is NOT supporting local farmers.

Did you not see the part where I said it was a joke...and to lighten up? Touchy touchy. As I said...lighten up. But as to trying to make me feel guilty for the poor mistreated animals...I quote myself from earlier:

I've had a veggie friend show me vegan pamphlets...trying to gross me out by showing large pigs tied down so they can't move and etc. Sorry...I just see bacon, ham, pork chops, sausage. If I go to a rodeo or some place where there's livestock (mainly cows)...I see walking t-bone steaks and hamburgers. Seriously. Veggetables are good...and healthy...and are a good side dish for the main course....meat. MEAT...FTW.

So please people. I don't waste my breath telling others that I think they are strange for not eating meat. I don't try to make others feel guilty for not sharing my opinions. So save your breath and stop preaching...and just get over it.
yeah i'm way past guilt trip. i never attack people or feel superior or anything but when people use wrong facts to justify things i like to set the facts straight.

yeah i see now you did say you were joking, my apologies. however most people don't understand this enough, they think their meat DOES come from farmer john and farmer nancy and their farm with 2 cows and 3 pigs and the family dog.
yeah i'm way past guilt trip. i never attack people or feel superior or anything but when people use wrong facts to justify things i like to set the facts straight.

yeah i see now you did say you were joking, my apologies. however most people don't understand this enough, they think their meat DOES come from farmer john and farmer nancy and their farm with 2 cows and 3 pigs and the family dog.

It's all good, and no worries. I can take as much as I give out. I admit, I like stirring things up from time to time. I'm glad to take just as much as I give out. And I completely agree with you and your latter statement.

And now, to quote Rodney King (and without sounding like a hippie) "can't we all just get along?". Or at least agree to all go out and have a beer. :kickass: :)