This has actually been a touchy subject among my friends and I.
For the past few months a friend of mine has turned vegetarian (no meat or fish) because of his love for animals, and it has become more and more of an extremist situation than a personal thing. and I agree that the cruelty to animals during some of the slaughtering methods are quite extreme and I'm 100% against them! But nowhere do I believe the simple act in eating meat is incorrect.
Friend says: "eating animals is cruel because who says we can choose if they have to die?"
I say "life." Tell a Pig or skunk or bear to stop eating meat or any meat eating animal. If human should go vegetarian so should other omnivores? Humans are Omnivores hence the group of teeth evolution has given us."
- "yeah but the canine teeth are still present from the caveman days when they had to eat tough meat in order to survive and are fading out over time. Also Our intestines are too long to digest red meats etc."
Me: "So if evolution is being brought into this, then we should not be using out ring fingers because according to evolution we'll be losing it due to it being the most usless finger on the hand" (it's the theory at least) telling someone they shouldn't do/use something because it will be redundant in a couple million years wasn't a smart point."
Then I gave my opinion: "Being vegetarian has got more to do with emotion than it being a matter of right or wrong"
- How so?
well if I eat meat and someone says "thats wrong, the poor fishy" or "poor ducky" that's just the person feeling sorry for the animal and it's a personal thing not a matter of right or wrong. You say who are we to choose who we can kill? I say "we don't have any say but who are we to choose that it is wrong to eat meat? it comes down to personal opinions, unless a higher power of some sort comes down and hammers a sign into earth saying "STOP EATING MEAT"
I also think being a "vegetarian extremist" is as bad as being religion extremist and forcing beliefs down your throat. eg.
When I eat meat, they hit the stat charts:
"the same number of chickens were killed in one day in 2006 that in the whole of 1930" or something like that.
If I'm allowed to go on a tangent (if I haven't already) I'd say the not the people eating the meat, but the people killing for a profit. yes money.
why? people kill more animals because they sell more and get more money for it. simple.
If people just "took" what they needed there wouldn't be any problems with animal numbers.
Me: Also why should Humans be the only species to stop eating meat?
"Because we're the ones doing the cruel killing"
Me: Regarding animal Cruelty, that is down to the person doing the cruel act just like a raper or murderer...not the person eating the meat. I don't think me eating the meat encourages the killer/butcher to act any more violently than if I didn't eat it.
It is wrong to force someone into believe things only you believe in, just like it is insulting for some (me) when someone tries to preach to me and force me to do things because religion says it's the right thing to do.
Also to take the veggies side, animals were NOT put here for us to just "eat". They were put here for exactly the same reason we were. Life.
Eating another animal has just been apart of it. Never the reason for another's existence. Seeing that no high power has proven that, I wont be a hypocrit and say is the truth, but I do believe that it is the right reason, as most believe that killing is wrong.
(this post probably isn't "layed out" the best, but my mind is all over regarding this topic)