Velvet Cacoon - dead!

They were probably one of the most over-rated BM bands EVER, but they did make some good music. I've only heard two of their releases, but I'm willing to bet that all of their other obscure BM and ambient stuff is pretty decent as well- though I doubt that they could make something fantastic if they continued on.
Oh any by the way, I just heard from my drummer that there are rumours of At the Gates getting back together. Apparently their status is now "active" and the Bjorler brothers mentioned something in an interview. Sounds like total hogwash to me, but hey, it could happen...
These dudes, err dude & chick (Møøse & Squirrel) really had the Vanilla Ice factor.

They also had the stupidest interview in the history of language. Ugh.
I liked Genevieve a lot for about 2 listens, but I never bought it or had much of an urge to listen to it since. Some day, maybe... it sounded pretty different.
Black Winter Day said:
Do you remember praising the hell out of it? Ya know "Stop. The. Press." and all that? :tickled:

Jay and others on this forum have been known to remark upon how fast heavily hyped albums tend to be forgotten...this may be the quickest masterwork to absolute shit backlash I've seen, my skepticism about VC kept me from buying any of their stuff...
Hey, I never really payed attention to what other people said about them, I just read the interview and they came across a bit like hippies to me...