Video Game Thread (Officially Unofficial)

Got a 360 yesterday; havent even opened it yet :lol:
I almost got NCAA football but opted for Call of Duty 3. War games are awesome and any sports game I woulda bought will just get shoved aside when NHL 2008 comes out.
Hmm, maybe I should open it now.
I dug this up just to see what people say about Bioshock...

I got it for xbox360, and I have most of the achievements.. beat it twice in like 2-3 days(NERD) Its pretty awesome indeed!
Medal of Honor and Call of Duty games are great. Working on Call of Duty 3 right now on 360. Recommended.
I dug this up just to see what people say about Bioshock...

I got it for xbox360, and I have most of the achievements.. beat it twice in like 2-3 days(NERD) Its pretty awesome indeed!

Bioshock is brilliant. I am really taking my time with this one and trying to see everything. i normally buy a game and finish it super quick and am left without anything to play again, so I am trying to make this one last.
I've had Bioshock since Friday and I still haven't beaten that game.... you guys got too much free time on your hands...
All this Bioshock talk really makes me want to install System Shock 2 because that game had some of the most effectively creepy atmosphere and storytelling in a PC game that I'm ever likely to see.
Bioshock is fucking incredible. I'm amazed by how deep the game is, how actually spooky it is, the graphics are amazing, and everything just looks and is totally nuts. Game of the year.