Video Game Thread (Officially Unofficial)

Yeah, Team Fortress 2 is great. Though, I'm still not sure if it is worth several year wait.

It might not be the exact same game as what everyone wanted, but I still think they did an amazing job. I hope its longevity will be about the same as Counter-Strike for me. Scout ftw.
I was mainly pissed I had to buy the orange box so I could play the beta.

Total bullshit.

I had plans of pirating HL2 ep2 before buying, because honestly, I was extremely disappointed in HL2 EP1. ANd portal, as cool as the concept is, doesn't seem like something I really wanna play much.
Yeah, I didn't really want to buy the Orange Box, but I guess it's not that bad. I hadn't played EP1 yet, and I am looking forward to Portal, even though it's just puzzle solving. Hopefully EP2 won't be as bland as the first.
All hail the Wii, seriously. I wonder how PS3 is... has anyone tried one out? I feel that the 360 is way more badass in every way than the PS3, so there is no real reason for me to want one (except maybe for Metal Gear Solid games). I guess if GTA4 was a PS3 exclusive then I would probably have to get one, but such is not the case! Haven't touched the Xbox since I beat Bioshock a while ago, plus I've been totally busy with the Wii. Looks like I need to buy Halo!
I'll be buying a PS3 whenever Silent Hill 5 and MGS4 are out next year. Until then I stick with my PC.

I have a Wii, just haven't used it much since I beat Zelda. And the X360's been collecting dust lately, with the exception of Space Giraffe.
The Wii is really just a novelty. I don't think it is that great. Sure they have a few great games, but that about it. The motion control shit just get annoying after a while. A friend of mine bought a Wii and for the first few weeks we thought it was amazing, but once the gimmick wore off, we were left with very little actual gaming substance. The Wii is the casual gamers console. It is the console to whip out when you have people and/or non-gaming friends over. It is Nintendo reaching the largest possible market while neglecting the die-hard gamer. The system itself is actually very weak. I have seen articles by game developers voicing their frustration at the extreme limitations of the Wii.

The PS3 has amazing capabilities that are in no way being utilized at the moment. The PS3 game library is laughable at the moment.

As of now, the 360 is the best console choice.

Of course, PC still wins.
is it better than the first? i really have no fucking idea about any games other than sports im lost.

and i bought the ps2 a couple months ago ....prior to that I hadnt owned any gaming systems for shit....10 years ?
I haven't tried the games, but my bro has a PS3 and bought them. They're both similar, in that they both rule, he said.

Although, that shows the sad aspect of the PS3, you need to buy PS2 games if you want to use the damn thing.
there isn't enough GOOD games. Come on, the only interesting game that was released on the ps3 was lair, and it got a good 4/10 on gamespot. PS3 owners will have to wait a few months before they get their own Gears of War or Halo.
The next gen games blow cock. Played Ghost Recon II, All Pro 2K8, and Guitar Heroes II on the 360 the other day. Gay Recon may be the shittiest military sim/shooter of all time. I can't stand games which require patience in order to kill someone. What the fuck? I'm playing a video game to escape the real world, not emulate it. All Pro 2K8 seemed rushed. It's a real rough adaptation of the 2k5 engine. And Guitar Heroes Star Power button on the 360 guitar controller was designed in the most idiotic fashion.

PS2> 360.
Gay Recon may be the shittiest military sim/shooter of all time. I can't stand games which require patience in order to kill someone. What the fuck? I'm playing a video game to escape the real world, not emulate it.

Okay so first you say Ghost Recon is the worst military simulation of all time, then you complain by saying it's too realistic.

Here's some Seroquel for you, schizo.

I do now :p

Xbox 360 is almost exclusively for Gears of War, Mercenaries and Burnout... at least in my book. Wish there was a good emulator for the xbox so I could play those... that said... GoW and Mercs is coming to PC.