Video Game Thread (Officially Unofficial)

My money goes for Bioshock. Game was too damn great. Excellent story, solid game play mechanics, great graphics, etc. etc.

Granted, it could of used a Inventory system like its father and grandfather, but, "ya can't always get what ya want".

Episode 2 was good (Alot better than episode 1), but in the end, despite my words before playing it, portal was what made me happy to of purchased the orange box.

BTW, Guthrum... did you see yet? type Login, and then use any username, and the pass is portal, find the easter eggs on it, but, the timeline... so fucking hillarious:
* 1953 - Aperture Science begins operations as a manufacturer of shower curtains. Early product line provides a very low-tech portal between the inside and outside of your shower. Very little science is actually involved. The name is chosen to make the curtains appear more hygienic.

* 1956 - Eisenhower administration awards Aperture a contract to provide shower curtains to all branches of the military except the Navy.

* 1957 - 1975 - Mostly shower curtains.

* 1978 - Aperture Founder and CEO, Cave Johnson, is exposed to mercury while secretly developing a dangerous mercury-injected rubber sheeting from which he plans to manufacture seven deadly shower curtains to be given as gifts to each member of the House Naval Appropriations committee.

* 1979 - Both of Cave Johnson's kidneys fail. Brain damaged, dying, and incapable of being convinced that time is not flowing backwards, Johnson lays out a three tiered R&D program. The results, he says, will 'guarantee the continued success of Aperture Science far into the fast-approaching distant past.'

Tier 1: The Heimlich Counter-Maneuver - A reliable technique for interrupting the life-saving Heimlich Maneuver.

Tier 2: The Take-A-Wish Foundation - A charitable organization that will purchase wishes from the parents of terminally ill children and redistribute them to wish-deprived but otherwise healthy adults.

Tier 3: 'Some kind of rip in the fabric of space... That would... Well, it'd be like, I don't know, something that would help with the shower curtains I guess. I haven't worked this idea out as much as the wish-taking one.'

* 1981 - Diligent Aperture engineers complete the Heimlich Counter-Maneuver and Take-A-Wish Foundation initiatives. The company announces products related to the research in a lavish, televised ceremony. These products become immediately wildly unpopular. After a string of very public choking and despondent sick child disasters, senior company officials are summoned before a Senate investigative committee. During these proceedings, an engineer mentions that some progress has been made on Tier 3, the 'man-sized ad hoc quantum tunnel through physical space with possible applications as a shower curtain.' The committee quickly permanently recessed, and Aperture is granted an open-ended contract to secretly continue research on the 'Portal' and Heimlich Counter-Maneuver projects.

* 1981 - 1985 - Work progresses on the 'Portal' project. Several high ranking Fatah personnel choke to death on lamb chunks despite the intervention of their bodyguards.

* 1986 - Word reaches Aperture management that another defense contractor called Black Mesa is working on a similar portal technology. In response to this news, Aperture begins developing the Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System (GLaDOS), an artificially intelligent research assistant and disk operating system.

* 1996 - After a decade spent bringing the disk operating parts of GLaDOS to a state of more or less basic functionality, work begins on the Genetic Lifeform component.

* Several Years Later - The untested AI is activated for the first time as one of the planned activities of Aperture's first annual bring-your-daughter-to-work day.

just played the demo of virtua fighter 5 on xbox360, pretty cool party game, will probably buy it after the mid semester exams.
Bioshock is far too slow I thought (I played HLDM and Starcraft, I need "some" speed) My bro hates it so I knew about it since Day 1. I don't care if it's recent or not btw and it an be any type.
So I tried supreme commander, it seemed to much like a "churn out 10 billion units and swarm them without thinking" type game for me...

I switched to Medieval 2 total war and its rocking my socks. Whats really sexy is I can max the settings in these games without any problems.... :D
I'm gay for Bioshock and think it's one of the best games ever.

But you know what? The second I hooked up my 360 to Xbox Live and started playing Halo 3 MP I completely forgot about Bioshock (I'm currently about 3/4 done with it)

Not a fair comparison, but yeah.
I switched to Medieval 2 total war and its rocking my socks. Whats really sexy is I can max the settings in these games without any problems.... :D

I loved Rome: TW so would I like Medieval 2? The strategy map portion sounds awesome but I'm not too sure about the battle system. I played the demo a while back and wasn't too happy with it. Honestly, it seemed a bit more sloppy than that in Rome, plus I wasn't too fond of the idea of guns and cannons.
How do you like the battles? Was it my imagination that they felt a little sloppy when compared to Rome's in the demo? I loved the battles in Rome, and played almost every single one instead of having them auto-resolved.

Have you killed the Pope yet and put your own in power? Shit like that might just make me take the plunge and get the game, enjoyable battle system or not.
so far they're pretty good, but I've only had a few hours to play yet, so no on the pope. I think the big difference, is you have to remember we aren't the ultra trained Roman's anymore. We're in the middle ages. Peasants held em in place, while the rich guys with 6 tons of plate mail on smacked them from behind... unless you're england, in which case you shot arrows the size of your arm through their chest from hundreds of meters away.

So far I've conquered scotland as england (mailed knights > highlanders without pikes) and had my ass handed to me by a rebel castle as spain (crappy starting infantry, and cavalry sucks agianst castles). Not a whole lot else yet.
I'm gay for Bioshock and think it's one of the best games ever.

But you know what? The second I hooked up my 360 to Xbox Live and started playing Halo 3 MP I completely forgot about Bioshock (I'm currently about 3/4 done with it)

Not a fair comparison, but yeah.

i could and should make the 30ish minute drive to go buy Halo 3, but i'm way too lazy tonight. maybe i'll have a friend drive me there!